A few things may prevent the SIM from working automatically. First, many prepaid SIM cards use "SIM lock" with a code printed on the package - you have to type in the PIN each time you turn the phone on to use it. There's a way to remove that SIM lock in settings - depends on the phone. Unless you usually use a SIM lock (I doubt most people do), I'd want to remove that immediately. You can probably figure that out - just one thing to be aware of.
Also, occasionally mobile data won't work on a new SIM card until you set the APN in settings. I haven't had to do that with my Dutch Vodafone SIM used in several Android phones now, but occasionally we still hear about phones that need to have the APN set manually. It's not really hard to do once you figure out HOW - just a setting buried in your phone's settings (depends on make/model of your phone). And you need specific details for the SIM card's manufacturer of what settings to enter for the APN.
So...a clerk would know how to do that, presumably. Some people would be able to figure it out by themselves. Sometimes the SIM just works pretty easily without doing anything such as with my Vodafone SIM. It just varies.