I tried asking the internet but decided asking all of you would be less annoying. If the question seems dumb, feel free to ignore.
Have- iPhone with esim capability, unlocked, and ATT
Need- lots of data. This is for two weeks of both driving in less city-fied areas and to keep location services on while hiking. Nothing too crazy and shouldn’t get lost, but want to make it easier on rescuers in case I do something stupid. Plus I want to track hikes on a hiking app.
Also- hotels wanted a phone number to reach me and I may need to call them.
Question- if I get a data-only esim, does this mean hotels can call me on my existing US phone number but only using WhatsApp or similar? And I call them the same way? But if need to call someone without WhatsApp, etc., I’d have to turn on cell data and get charged the $10 per day by ATT. Is that right? Debating whether having to think about this is worth the savings.