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Is it possible to download CityMaps2Go on my phone and then sync it to my laptop for trip planning? I want to create a personalized map with pins but find it difficult using my mini android phone.

So, what devise do you use for trip planning on CityMaps2Go app?

Posted by
105 posts

I use the app on my iPhone and iPad. My husband also has it on his iPad under my username so that he can add pins and they are all in one place. I realy thought this app helped our trip planning for Paris, as we could plan the day based around the areas of our pins.

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2768 posts

iPhone and IPad here.

I find it amazingly helpful. I download my location to offline storage and add pins for all sorts if places - restaurants one color, sights another and so on. No data plan required!

Then I can look while I'm out to see what is nearby. Example, if I am done touring the Louvre I can see what cafes I marked as recommended nearby and follow my "dot" on the map to get there instead of randomly stumbling into a possibly terrible tourist trap. I can even read the note I made that cafe X is famous for its lamb so I have my research where I need it.

Or I can see that there is a mildly interesting church just two blocks over, so I will go and possibly find something I will like but would miss otherwise.

Posted by
244 posts

I have the CityMaps2Go app on my iPhone but had not thought about using it on a computer. Doing a Google search for 'will an app work on a computer' I got the following links to recent articles that may be of interest to you. I did not look at each one so some of the information may be duplicated.

Posted by
68 posts

Thank you for the information. My google search found little because I asked the wrong question.

So, if I understand this, developers are publishing universal apps across pcs, phones, etc. If I had kept Windows 10 on my laptop, then android apps would have worked on my pc. From reading, I can still use Google’s ARC Welder Chrome extension as long as I have Chrome on my pc. Although it’s a somewhat complicated procedure.

Android users, how are you creating your CityMaps2Go? Has anyone used a pc for planning and were able to sync it to your android phone? I guess the same question applies to IPhone users. Are you developing maps on that devise?

CityMap2Go has all the features I want, including offline navigation and creating personalized maps with pins. I have used Google’s My Map and the app is great for domestic travels. Where it fails is offline, thereby it becomes a static map that is useless without a data plan. If I am wrong, please tell me.

Posted by
68 posts

Thanks MrsEB. Yes, of course. If it is cloud based, then I could access CityMaps2Go from any devise. I'll download the app to my android phone, create an account and see if I can sign-in through my PC. Seems too simple...

I'll report back.

Posted by
79 posts

So, I have a Samsung Galaxy. I used to use the Trip Advisor City Guides. If I was in a city in Europe I could look up a sight or an address, click on it, and arrows would appear on the map leading me directly to the location (my daughter used to love to lead us in a parade!). Apparently, they don't have that capability any more. Does Citymaps2go do the same or similar?