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Am I doing something wrong, or did CityMaps2Go just change their policy and now you can only download one free offline map? I thought it was unlimited when I've used it before. I downloaded my first city that I'm visiting and now it wants me to pay for all the others.

Posted by
3943 posts

I haven't run across that, but I have the paid version (which I got free one time). I have a half dozen maps downloaded for my upcoming trip. I'll try downloading a few more and let you know how it goes...

Posted by
1081 posts

The App access all wifi signals whether they are locked or not. Even a locked Wifi signal allows the app to locate you on the map.

Posted by
1058 posts

There is CityMaps2Go and CityMaps2Go Pro. The first is free but allows only one map download. If you pay for the second you can download as many maps as you want. I'm guessing you got the first, not the second.

Posted by
417 posts

I used this app last summer with multiple city map downloads. Now there's only one for free. Maybe they changed their policies. I've never paid for downloading offline maps with this app.

Posted by
3943 posts

MrsEB. I use it offline all the time when we are travelling. For us, I have to hook up once to wifi when arriving so it can pinpoint us, then it works fine offline. I believe it uses GPS satellites when offline.

I 'pin' a lot of things on my map...especially places I want to eat, shop at or hidden photographic saw a lovely door photo taken in Paris...I found the address of the building with said door and pinned it on my Paris map. (It is a very distinctive Art Deco door, so easy to find whilst googling). So when we are in Paris, if we are nearby, I can go check it out. (Paris is a great map because it even has down to the building numbers when you are zoomed in). I can plan out sightseeing day around areas since I can see how many things are pinned there that I want to see.

I also pinned former places we enjoyed so we can return...we found a hole in the wall place with delicious burgers last time in Paris so I pinned it (I never would have rem where it was) so when we go back, we can find this place again.

Posted by
3943 posts

For the record, I just downloaded three more maps with no issues...again, I have the Pro/paid version. It pops up free every once in awhile. I usually try to give a heads up on the forum here. It was free for a weekend back in December, so it'll be awhile before it's free again.

There is another app called Pocket Earth. Again, I got the pro version free one time. I find it busier than city maps in looks, and I think because I used city maps first, I just got used to that. Not sure how many free maps you can download with their free version, but you may want to check it out. Same in principle...can use offline, you can pin places on the map. It shows a lot more stuff...parking, atm's, laundromats...a LOT of stuff (which is why I find it busy...)

Posted by
813 posts

I installed the Pro version a few weeks ago when it was being offered for free, after learning about it via posts on this forum. I downloaded maps for my home state of Illinois, then city maps for Venice, Florence and Rome, all for free. Seeing this post, I downloaded another state map as a test. Download speed happened to be pretty slow tonight, but the app never asked me to pay for anything.

Posted by
1081 posts

CityMaps2Go indentifies your location on the map with a dot. As you move, the dot moves on the map. Any place that you have "pinned" has a star on the map. If you want to get to the "pinned" location, just start walking and watch where the dot on the map moves. Your goal is to make the dot move to the "pinned" location by making the correct turns based on your location on the map.
I suggest that you download a map of where you live and give it a try.

Posted by
5697 posts

I have used CityMaps2Go (free version) for several years -- checked it today, and was able to download another city map wirh no request for payment.

Posted by
15806 posts

It would seem that this app is good for "okay, here I am, is anything interesting nearby?" but not very helpful when "I'm here, how do I get to there?" It works if you're close to "there" but otherwise, you have to enlarge the map and then "there" or "here" disappears.

Help!! What am I doing wrong?

Posted by
5697 posts

For MrsEB's question about "following the dot" -- I have used the app for that purpose to determine whether I was walking towards or away from my destination (knew I was on the right street, but not which way to go.)

But I get my public transit directions from the train station or airport ahead of time, usually from the hotel website or, and only use the app for walking between the final transit stop and destination.

Posted by
813 posts

The app does not give turn-by-turn directions. What it does is show where you are, even if you're phone is in airplane mode, and what direction you're moving. For someone like me -- who has absolutely no innate sense of direction and constantly gets turned around and ends up going the exact opposite way required -- this function could be a godsend. Once I get oriented, I can navigate pretty well with a paper map. But it's that initial orientation that always trips me up.

Many years ago, a buddy and I made our first trip to San Francisco. Leaving the hotel one morning, I confidently turned left, certain I knew where I was going. My buddy immediately told me I was wrong, that we needed to turn right. He couldn't understand my utter lack of direction. Unfortunately, 40 years later, it hasn't improved. And so, I'm very much looking forward to putting this app to the test on our trip to Italy in May.

Posted by
3943 posts

Well, I do find it better on an iPad mini or reg size one...or maybe the bigger phone. I don't find enough screen on a phone. Lots more room for detail. Actually, if you are driving in a city, you can use it there.

The 'dawning' for me was when we were in San Diego at the tail end of the first trip I used it on in 2013. We are driving around downtown and I look at the map and I'm like...the dot is moving! We did have our own gps. After using it in San Fran and Los Angeles I didn't realize about that feature...that it would track you. I don't think I'd try it if driving long distances. If could work on a bus, but if you go down into the subway/metro/tube, it will lose you since you it can't get a satellite signal. It can take a minute or more to pinpoint you when you come back out as well, especially if there are tall buildings or you have traveled longer distances. A few times in London it took awhile to pinpoint us after tube rides.

I will do an experiment when we are in the Netherlands in April...IF we rent a car upon leaving Amsterdam (not certain of that), I'll have the map of NL open and see how well it keeps track of where we are going. Maybe even use if we train just to see how fast/accurate. We don't have a cell plan for our iPad, so it'd be strictly offline. Hopefully I remember to do this and report back.

This certainly does not take the place of paper or transportation maps (eg...bus lines or subway maps) for us. Im not comfortable having my iPad out on display while walking around, so I'll keep it in the bag and just check it to see how we are doing. A few times it has saved us walking in the wrong direction. Both times in London where hubby was so sure we were going the right way, so I'm watching the dot and like...nope.

Im not always the first to embrace new tech (we still own a rarely used flip phone), but once I realized the ins and outs and subtleties of this app, I really enjoy using it.

Posted by
28860 posts

I don't drive in Europe so don't know how useful Maps2Go would be in a car. It did a fine job of tracking me when I was bouncing around Spain on buses last summer. The only difficulty I've had is in the tight quarters of historic districts, where it seems that hitting the satellite is challenging. I find the app especially helpful when I first exit the train station in a new city. So often there are no street signs immediately visible and I'm not sure which direction I'm facing. Now I just whip out the smartphone, walk a short distance and have my answer.

Posted by
5697 posts

MrsEB, that's the beauty of the app -- when you walk, the dot shows which way you are going so you know in a short distance whether you picked the right direction rather than walking many blocks the wrong way. But before you start moving, it just tells you "you are here"

Posted by
813 posts

Mrs. EB: Just put your phone in airplane mode while you're trying out the app. You'll see that it does what it's designed to do when you have no data or wifi connection. You do need to download the maps you want to use beforehand over a connection.

Posted by
28860 posts

This is what I do (I have the Android version):

  • Open the CityMaps2GoPro app.
  • Touch the 3-bar icon near the upper left and a list of the maps you've loaded should appear.
  • Touch the one you want.
  • When the map opens, touch the icon in the lower right corner that looks like a gun sight. That--as I understand it--tells the app, "Find me on the map."
  • The app will use GPS satellite(s) to figure out where you are, place a marker on the map and zoom in to that neighborhood.

I'm not sure this app will give you directions. I've never explored that. People have said the offline Google maps will give directions.

Posted by
813 posts

As far as I can tell, after playing with a few times, it does not give you directions. It locates you via GPS satellites, shows where you are on the map and shows what direction you're heading. That's it, but I think it's a useful function for not using data or wifi when you're totally disoriented and wondering which way to walk. I have not tried offline Google maps, so I can't speak for whether that will give you specific directions without a connection.

Posted by
28860 posts

If you have only one map on your phone, perhaps it opens to that automatically. Or, come to think of it, perhaps it defaults to the map of the location you're currently in, if you have it loaded. I don't have the local map on my phone, just a bunch of European maps.

Even with a map on the screen, though, I have a white band near the top with a 3-red-bar icon on the left and a magnifying glass, star, and globe on the right.

Yes, it does seem to have all the streets, and if you zoom in enough I think they all have names. You'll see a lot of sights marked, plus some hotels and restaurants, but if I touch one of those icons I'd don't get any additional information, the app just marks the location with a star.

Posted by
28860 posts

Sounds like you have a new, improved version. Or perhaps I have that info and just haven't found it yet. Oh for the old days, when software came with a hardcopy user's guide.

Posted by
813 posts

I don't know what you're seeing on your screen. On my iPhone 6s, there is an icon in the lower left part of the map -- a blue box with a white triangle. Hitting that button locates me in the form of a blue dot on the map. The blue dot is surrounded by another, rotating triangle that moves to indicate what direction you are moving.

It doesn't matter what map I have open. I can have the Venice map open, but hitting the blue "locate" button described above brings up the map where I'm at -- East Peoria, IL, and finds me.

Posted by
28860 posts

It's interesting how much the user interface varies between the iPhone and Android phones, but I never met a map I didn't like.

Posted by
1 posts

I recently ask CityMaps2Go a question on use their app for navigation.

------ Question --
I am traveling the UK in May. Mainly London but other major cities. I like to explore on my own but need transit to return to my cruise port location or hotel.
Can I way-point my start location and navigate back with transit with this app? Free or Pro version without cell access?

----- Here is there answer. ---

Thank you for using our app.

CityMaps2Go is a travel guide that combines a very detailed and clear map (incl. thousands of POIs) with correspondingly matched informative articles, pictures and user generated content. It also allows for planning and list generation. The main use case is planning a trip/vacation (the “must-sees”), identifying places of interest and helping with orientation (mainly on foot or with public transport). A hotel booking functionality (in cooperation with and access to getyourguide directly from within the app further helps with planning trips. It is not intended for and currently does not support navigation.

Google maps has its focus on navigation with (currently still) a strong focus on online and with car. It has considerably less points of interests and a less detailed map(both of which are not imperative for the navigation functionality). It will hardly help you identifying shops/restaurants/etc. nearby or in the vicinity of attractions. But it will really shine when you need good old navigation guidance.

So if navigation and especially with car is the main use case, CityMaps2Go is not a very good fit. For tourist, vacation or business travel, CityMaps2Go adds a lot of value.

Best Regards

Sebastian Salmhofer

support manager

[email protected]

Ulmon GmbH | Kuvertfabrik Loft 2.1
Davidgasse 85-89 | 1100 Wien | Austria
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--- Regarding maps
I was able to down load the UK maps with no problems.

If your looking of an offline navigation map take a look at HERE WEGO app. It a map not a planning guide but a navigation tool. Google maps will let you work offline but navigation is for vehicles not transit or walking.