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Cell Phone Security Suggestion

What would happen, while traveling anywhere, you lost your cell phone and the screen was locked as it should be? If found by a good Samaritan, they could do nothing to get your phone back to you. Here is a suggestion I recently ran across.
Be sure that your cell phone is set to automatically lock after a certain amount of time.
Then - Create a word document with the following information:
*This phone belongs to:
John/Jane Doe
If found, please call:
Insert your home number or your partner's cell phone number here, or more than one number.
[Not your own cell phone number]
Or please email:
johnDoe@youremail address

Then - take a picture of this word document with your cell phone and save it as your "Locked Screen Wallpaper."
Then - hopefully, should someone find your phone and they press the "Home" key, the Lock Screen Wallpaper will appear with the above information.
Then, hopefully, you can get your phone back if you are in the area, Or, hopefully, you can convince the finder to mail it to your home along with your assurance that you will reimburse them for the mailing plus a reward.
Joe Figueiredo

Posted by
630 posts

I did this on my husband's phone and it has worked twice for us. Thank goodness there are still honest people in this world.

Posted by
812 posts

That's a great idea!

I have heard of a similar idea for those who carry cameras. As soon as you format a new memory card, take a picture of your business card. If a good Samaritan finds your lost camera, the first picture will have your contact information.

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20 posts

Every phone I've had for the last 5 or 6 years allows you to input this info your lock screen so it always displays

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25 posts

I did this to my iPod Touch last week, and today it came back to me after I left it on my car at the gym.

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9110 posts

If one finds an iphone all you have to do is say "who's iphone is this" via Siri (it will work even if it's locked), and the owners email will pop up on the lock screen. There will also be options to call the owner via an alternate number, text, or FaceTime. If you already own an iPhone be sure to enter yourself into your contacts so this feature will work

Posted by
739 posts

Great suggestion, thank you. I also recall a suggestion to add basic emergency medical information to that word document for your lock screen (allergies, doctors name and phone, health care proxy).

Posted by
16787 posts

On my Android, I can enter a lock screen message that scrolls across the screen.