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Cell phone plan

I have read over and over all the info on the plans. I will be cruising and touring. The Verizon international plan is the one I will have BUT….. where should I have my settings? Data and roaming on? Airplane mode off?
While on ship, is this plan viable? If so why does Verizon sell a cruise plan. I get different answers from different folks at Verizon.
Is GPS data? If so is this covered in plan? What exactly is data?
So confused. Much thanks!

Posted by
693 posts

Can't help you with Verizon specifically, but - roaming allows you to access a network other than your home network. It must be activated to use your phone for calls or data unless you are using WiFi. If you have flight mode on, you will not be able to access mobile networks. So if you want to use your phone overseas other than on wifi, roaming on, airplane mode off.

With data, you can access the Internet, and make calls using apps like WhatsApp etc. You cannot make or receive phone calls to phone numbers unless you have Voice Over IP, something like Skype. You can make calls using roaming on the phone network, but they tend to be expensive, so people typically stick to a data roaming plan, and contact people using WhatsApp and similar apps.

GPS does not require data, but the map itself typically does. You can download maps in advance of your trip and use an app like Google maps without data.

Posted by
662 posts

While cruising I put my phone in airplane mode and then turn wifi on. This keeps the phone from constantly searching for a cell tower when there are none to be found and I incur no roaming charges. I didn't know Verizon had a cruising plan, will have to investigate that.

Posted by
201 posts

I also have the Verizon travel plan that charges $10 per 24 hours in Europe and $5 in Canada & Mexico. But the last 2 times to Europe in 2023 and Mexico in February 2024, I kept my phone in airplane mode the entire time. So I was never charged for roaming (using data). The availability of wifi when on my European river cruise was available when docked in a city but often not available while the ship was moving. Because I knew this ahead of my tour, I knew to text and email family and friends while docked when wifi was available. In Paris & Barcelona last fall I used the hotels' wifi. I never needed roaming so my phone stayed on airplane mode throughout the 3 vacations. I also use What's App. But the people you want to call/text must also have What's App. I did not know that Verizon has a cruise plan. Before leaving the US I download maps of the locations I will visit as well as Rick Steves' museum guides. No, I admit, I did not have live navigation to guide me. But before the existence of smart phones I found my way using paper maps. I still prefer a paper map to my little phone screen that is difficult to read outside in daylight.

Posted by
738 posts

A bit late to the party, but, here is what I believe is the story:

Verizon offers a cruise data plan that uses the same satellite service that the ship has to
offer wi-fi on board. No surprise that they cost about the same amount.

It does appear that the Verizon cruise plan is an add-on from the regular
international plan. So if you are signed up for the cruise plan but leave your phone
off on certain days, you don't pay. I suspect it varies by cruise line as to how they
charge for wi-fi data access onboard.

If you don't sign up for the Verizon cruise plan, then it doesn't matter what your
phone settings are at sea. But when you hit land and can get a signal via roaming,
the $10/day charge from the regular international plan will hit unless you have the
phone in airplane mode. Similarly, if you sign up for the cruise plan, the $30/day
charge will hit when you turn the phone on (I think) unless you're in airplane mode.
So I might make sure the phone is in airplane mode as the default during the trip,
so if you turn the phone on to look at pictures, it doesn't cost $.

GPS is as noted previously. That should work even if your phone has no data connection.
As already noted, you can download maps ahead of time and be able to see where you
are (within the level of detail on the download).

Posted by
6 posts

Sue, I totally get your confusion. I too have Verizon and talked to them today. We'll be in Amsterdam, Belgium, France and UK for 19 days and Verizon's international plan would be $100 for unlimited data, 200 telephone minutes, unlimited text. I am a Realtor so I'll need to keep in touch with clients/office. ("If you want to get busy, go on vacation") Otherwise, I'm looking at a data only plan with MobiMatter that is 12 GB data and $12.00 for the entire time. I may not need the telephone feature but my husband gets nervous about not having it in case of an emergency. We're not cruising except under the Chunnel on a train. ;-)
Anyone have other recommendations?

Posted by
738 posts

@dmharris - given your choice of occupation, I'd be a bit concerned that 200 mins on
the Verizon plan will be gone in the first week (or, 200 mins/19 days is 10.5 mins per day).

Internet or wi-fi calling would improve things, but calling on Skype, for instance, carries
its own additional charges. Whatsapp could be an option.

If you don't expect people to need to call you, but you want to originate calls, you might
consider getting a voice & data plan from a company that covers all the countries you are
going to be in (Orange???), and just ditch Verizon for the trip. Or at least be sure you know
how much each minute of voice over 200 costs you.

Posted by
1476 posts

I'm looking at a data only plan with MobiMatter that is 12 GB data and $12.00 for the entire time. I may not need the telephone feature but my husband gets nervous about not having it in case of an emergency.

Having a data-only SIM doesn't prevent you from making calls on your US SIM, unless you remove the US SIM. Your phone app will allow you to use the secondary (US) SIM.