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Capital One no longer requires travel notification

If you have a Capital One credit card or debit card, you no longer need to worry about notifying them of your travel plans. Just make sure they have your up-to-date contact information, and they'll notify you of any suspicious activity.

One less thing on my pre-trip to-do list!

Posted by
1678 posts

Our bank (not Capital One) told us the same several years ago. In fact refuses to note it. No problems in Europe or Caribbean since.

Posted by
1962 posts

Andrea, you Canadians are so far ahead of the curve. We who are south of the border are always playing catch-up on such things...

Posted by
3522 posts

Yet in the Capital One web site there is still a place to enter travel info.

I will keep entering my travel info until I can no longer enter it.

Posted by
5687 posts

My credit union for my ATM card (not a debit card) has told me they have no way even to record a travel advisory for it. Because it's not a debit card (no Visa logo), I guess there's no one to notify.

I won't be getting a Capital One card, but it would be nice to see the other big banks follow their lead, if the technology is there for proper monitoring...

Posted by
4100 posts

Since November of last year, CapitalOne has not required travel notifications for cards that use chip technology. American Express also does not require them and the same is true for the Chase Sapphire card.

Posted by
9110 posts

We who are south of the border are always playing catch-up on such

Chase and Citibank in the US of A has had this same policy for several years now.

Posted by
3943 posts

Scotiabank up here in Canada doesn't require notification anymore as it sends an email EVERY TIME our debit or credit card is used. Then I guess if we see something wonky, it's up to us to contact them.

I think our Bank of Montreal MC we can notify on their website, and just checked my Amex and it says we don't need to notify because " You do not need to notify us before you travel as we monitor all activities on your account"

Posted by
1962 posts

Yet in the Capital One web site there is still a place to enter travel info.

I will keep entering my travel info until I can no longer enter it.

I just tried to do it and when I clicked the link a message popped up saying it's not necessary. There was no form available.

This is on their newly redesigned website. It's possible they are rolling it out gradually and you're still seeing the old website.

Posted by
2929 posts

I've only notified CapOne for our ATM cards the last couple of years, which are not chipped nor are they debit cards and DO require it. We've not notified them for our Mastercard, and have had no issues. Smae for our Amazon Visa through Chase, which is a chip card, also now no foreign transaction fee, and an even bigger money-back -2% - for restaurants.

Posted by
11814 posts

Capital One notified us about this change. I was happy to learn about it because last year I notified them of our trip to Italy and Spain. A fraud charge from the Middle East for over $10000 for first class flights and hotels slipped through and we had to go through the process of canceling and getting a replacement card. I questioned how this large charge had slipped past their fraud department . The answer was that we had told them we were traveling! But we had not told CapitalOne we were going to to Abu Dhabi! Everything in this fraud charge was booked through a travel agency there. I am glad we don't have to tell them anymore.

Posted by
8337 posts

I have a local credit union ATM card, Schwab ATM, IHG Mastercard, Delta American Express, and a UNFCU Chip and pin card. For the last 5 years I have traveled without any notifications and had no issues. The exception is the UNFCU card, I have it new, so I did place a travel notification, but most cards tell me there is no need to call.

Most cards preference though is to have a cell phone number to call if they wish, and a few cards will specifically let you travel, decline a purchase, and want to have you verify the transaction by text to allow it to go through.

Posted by
349 posts

I currently receive a push notification on my phone for every single charge on any of our 4 cards on my cap one account. I love it, my wife hates it... LOL many times the notification comes through before i even get my card handed back to me by a vendor.

I get an occasional notification if they suspect simply takes a click to say "everything is ok". So simple.

Posted by
15233 posts

Good to know...thanks. In the past ten years or so, I brought the Capital One credit card on the trips, sometimes used it too. Only once did I notify them of the travel plans.

On all the other trips I didn't bother to inform them, still, the Capital One credit card transactions always went through, be it paying for a train ticket at the counter, or dinner at a Chinese restaurant in Paris, or using it for the Oyster Card in London, etc, ie, Capital One never denied any transaction in Europe.

Posted by
5837 posts

Cap One's explanation is their confidence in the EMV chip technology's ability to minimize fraudulent transactions.

Another plus of Cap One cards is his and her cards have different card numbers even if they are the same account. If Cap One has to freeze one card, the other card is not affected.

Posted by
281 posts

I have a Chase Visa, and last month, when I used it on the Opera Bastille site to purchase tickets, the transaction was denied. I got onto the site and confirmed the purchase, but it failed to go through again. So I had to call to talk to someone, which did work, but meantime the clock for how long I had to purchase my tickets was ticking, and I was afraid I'd loose them--fortunately, that didn't happen. I guess a transaction at 3am my time for a lot of money in France was suspicious, but I don't know why my first effort at fixing it didn't work, and neither did the customer rep who helped me. But having had that experience, I told her I'd be buying another set of tickets there in October. She said she noted it, but I'm going to call Chase the day before to make sure so I don't have delays again in getting my tickets. This was an inconvenience but given the recent issues with credit information being stolen and the prevalence of fraud, probably all for the best. I know that CapOne doesn't require travel notifications, but I will check with Chase before I travel again, as well as BOA, since I use my ATM to get local money.