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calling an emergency services (911 equivalent) in Europe from a Canadian cell phone

Just a quick question:

I have had problems dialling European numbers on my Canadian cell phone in the past ( had to figure out the + sign by pushing zero etc..) Just wondering what is required if you need EMS? Do you still have to put the + and country code before the 112 ( We are going to Portugal).

Thank you so much!

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9436 posts

I don’t know the answer but since you havent gotten any replies, i would Google for the answer.

Posted by
148 posts

112 works across Europe for both police and medical emergency, and it handles either English or local language.

If one calls 112 from Canada or US your call will be automatically forwarded to 911 (on GSM carriers); by the same token calling 911 in Europe will forward your call to 112. For this reason I believe just need to dial 112 in any European country when calling from your mobile phone; no need to dial '+ country code'. Hope never have to call this number.

If you want to know also the local emergency number; you can look it up here:

Posted by
9110 posts

If you have an Iphone you can simply say "Hey Siri call the Police" and it will do all the hard work and make the call for you automatically based on your location.

Posted by
1072 posts

If one calls 112 from Canada or US your call will be automatically forwarded to 911 (on GSM carriers); by the same token calling 911 in Europe will forward your call to 112.

It also works if you call '000' (Australian emergency number) or '999' (UK emergency number).

I used to work in the telecommunications industry and there are international agreements for call forwarding that cover all of this.

Posted by
9436 posts

Now i know the answer! Thanks everyone.

Posted by
32417 posts

Calling "112" is the preferred number in Portugal for all the emergency services. Hopefully you'll get an English-speaking operator right away.

Posted by
1072 posts

Calling "112" is the preferred number in Portugal for all the emergency services.

Preferred by whom. Any emergency number will be redirected to 112 and it takes nanoseconds and all happens at the network level so you don't even know it's happening. If you dial 911 in Portugal, it goes to 112 automatically.

In an emergency the last thing anyone wants to be doing is fumbling around trying to remember the local emergency number.

Posted by
60 posts

Many thanks to everyone for your responses!!!!
It is very much appreciated!


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34572 posts

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