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Best translators Internet included

I've been looking at some translators online that include lifetime internet. Has anyone used a translator, and are they useful, any recommendations? What to look for, what is important?

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16020 posts

In Japan, I saw lots of them. But I realized, I could do just about everything they do with Google Translate on my phone.

And one less thing to pack and carry.

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32318 posts

I also use Google Translate on my phone and although it's not perfect, it works reasonably well. I've had occasion to use it with native Italian speakers and sometimes the translation was reasonably close, and other times it was completely wrong. Some of the languages can be downloaded to the phone so that internet access is not required. It also has a feature to translate written material such as menus, signs or whatever. Google continues to improve the product on a regular basis.

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7895 posts

I guess I'll third just using Google translate, works well for me, though I rarely use it to translate spoken word, just not a big need for that. The one time we did use the spoken translation feature was at a hotel, we were about the only guests due to some reconstruction, and the person who let us in had to explain how to get in and out once she had left. It got the message through.