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AT&T Int’l iPhone plans

We’ll be in Italy for 10 days and need to decide what data plan to get. Unfortunately, we are grandfathered into an old plan and can’t get the $10/day pass. I guess the big question is how much data do you really need outside of WiFi?
We’ll be in a small town in B&B w WiFi and take day trips to major cities. There is a 30-day int’l plan - $60 / 1 GB or 3GB for double the cost.

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5982 posts

I've done trips with both AT&T plans. On my last trip to Italy this past April, I was surprised how available free wi-fi was: almost every restaurant, town square, and coffee shop- and the connections were really good. My husband had the 30-day $60 plan and I had the $10 day plan. My husband was happy with his plan, and I only used my plan when we needed access to connect meeting up with relatives.

We found no free wi-fi available on the trains- do you need access then?

And another question- will you need to make any phone calls- another feature to consider?

I think the $60 / 30-day plan with be fine for you, [unless you need continual work access,] and just monitor your data use, and of course, turn off all the roaming features when you're not using your phone.
Safe travels!

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301 posts

I've used this plan several times. I've found that my most frequent data uses are for directions (I have an appalling sense of direction and sometimes need more than the offline versions) and for posting pictures, email, or checking in with friends on social media when I'm too impatient to wait. Are these likely to be big concerns of yours? Or are you able to disconnect almost entirely during the day?

If you're unsure, I'd say get the $60/30 day plan. AT&T does give you a heads up when you're nearing approaching the limit, along with a warning of overage fees and the option to upgrade.

Hope this helps,

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1049 posts

I have AT&T and used several of the International plans on my last three trips. I settled on the $10/day plan mainly because my husband cannot stay off his phone and when we did the 30 day international plan, we blew through the data in less than a week (and that trip, we weren’t even driving).

If you can’t get the $10 plan, then get the lower rate plan. You can monitor your data usage on your phone and then using the AT&T app, just upgrade to the 3GB plan. I did this the first time I used the plan for my October 2017 and it worked fine when we were in Spain. If you plan to drive and use WAZE or Google Maps, then spring for the 3GB plan (and you still might be over on data).

A few tips to avoid data charges, make sure you have turned roaming off, agree who is going to be the primary phone used for navigation (walking and/or driving) and use only that phone for the data, plan any app downloads or streaming of content when you have wi-fi.

Hope this helps,

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3326 posts

If your phone is unlocked, consider either the TIM Tourist card (15 gigs of data) or Vodafone Holiday (2gigs of data). Easy to purchase in italy for €30 for a month. Both companies have stores throughout the country and TIM even has a store in the arrivals area of Terminal 3 at FCO. Both plans include telephone minutes for local or international calls.

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8321 posts

I guess first you need to assess how you use data. If only for email, Skype, VOIP calls, some browsing, the WIFI may work for you, but you have to make an effort to get the WIFI.

All WIFI that I found in Italy (though I will grant that it has been a few years) required a password to access as part of anti-terrorism measures, so while it may be everywhere, you need access. Not usually a problem, stop someplace for a coffee or a glass of wine...WIFI, Lunch...WIFI, etc. If you store the password, just walk by the place...WIFI.

If you need data for maps and searches on the go, then some type of service would be best.