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Article about 3D credit card security

This article is interesting and sheds some light on why people run into trouble using credit cards in other countries or making a purchase on a website not based in the US:

It also demonstrates one more reason traveling w/ a cell phone is practically essential these days - some card issuers require a code to be texted or emailed to you, or pushed into the card's app.

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15185 posts

Thank you Kayla, that is an interesting article, particularly the section down in the article where they tried a bunch of different cards for online purchases from international companies. I've just about defaulted to using my American Express card for everything international online, it's just so easy. Of course one of the companies they tried in the article did not accept AMEX so that is a negative.

Anyway, thank you for helping me learn something today, lol!!

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2267 posts

A good share, thank you!

I had an issue with using a Citi Mastercard online purchases while I was in Itlay a few weeks ago. The weird thing is, the same card had no issues with Italian payments—including some of the same merchants—from the US, before I left.

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15185 posts

That is weird, Scudder. If it's not too personal/nosy were you trying to buy something like museum or venue tickets?

The more fully-formed thought I was having is...I wonder if there is a difference in purchases for, say, museums or churches vs purchases thru Amazon or another vendor of that ilk.

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2267 posts

Pam- They were, indeed, all tickets for churches. One I wanted to go back to after using the ticket I'd bought from the states. The other wasn't a church repeat but used the same ticketing platform.

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274 posts

Very interesting. Thanks for this. I wonder how you are ever supposed to "verify" by entering a code sent by text to your North American phone, when your North American SIM card has been replaced by the European one you are using on holidays?

Different story on the same theme: I had a card refused, and in fact, cancelled by my bank (suspicious activity, unbeknownst to me), while I was on holidays (within Canada). I was just lucky I had a friend living nearby who came and paid for my hotel room!

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15185 posts

@Scudder…that is even stranger isn’t it? It doesn’t seem like a church entry ticket would be flagged as a potential fraudulent purchase. An Amazon purchase maybe but…a church (or museum)? Plus they would have been minor amounts as well.

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9175 posts

Interesting article, but without any sign that CC providers are addressing the actual issues people are having.

Just because a vendor has "church" in the name, doesnt mean that a computer algorithm will judge it to be safe.

@phoffen2001, that's a great point to make for people considering getting a local SIM for travel.

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4128 posts

My American Express has provided the most seamless experience using 3D technology over the last 5 or 6 years. My Visa cards have had a bit more trouble, but this has improved over the last year of two; best Visa experience with Capital One.