@Jane, you are surely a fan of the French product, Hippocket. Have you had no issues with your US carrier upon return with ridiculous charges? I have ATT and they are unscrupulous for charging even when the winds change (joke of course). I chatted with ATT and told them my plans. Here's what ATT instructed and sharing with the rest (for iPhone):
1. Go to settings and turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Yes, turn off and continue reading....
2. Turn off phone
3. Restart phone
4. Go to settings, and turn off cellular and make sure radio icon is off (grayed out)
5. Turn on wifi and bluetooth
6. Connect to wi-fi unit as instructed from the company
7. ATT agent said to test, turn off phone again and restart and setting should remain in state.
And there should be no charges.
I exported the chat transcript for posterity should there be an issue.
So checking in with you and others on experience and is there a preferred similar for ITALY? I should have asked this earlier but I think I will also start a new thread with this content and see what comes back.
Thank you