I've been interested in the several threads on credit card use, loss, compromise, and Apple/Google Pay as a back-up. I do use ApplePay, but I hadn't realized all the features for updating cards in case of compromise until reading some the posts here. Thanks!
However, I'm curious - does anyone worry about losing their phone and therefore their Apple Wallet access?
I ask because - to my horror - I realized on a recent trip that I had gone off to serve myself from a buffet while I left my phone, connected to a battery charger, unattended at the table where I'd been sitting and working. I was in an Exec Lounge, not a cafe on the street or full public access restaurant. I don't expect that phone theft would be as much a risk there as some other places, but I still didn't intend to be so careless. The incident makes me worry that I could have another unmindful moment.
I've also left the phone to charge in a hotel room to which cleaning staff, etc have access. How much of a risk am I taking - any opinions??
Maybe I'm missing something basic! I'm wondering, if I lose a phone with all my cards on ApplePay how do I recover in the short term before I can obtain another phone? (generally I'm a solo traveler)