We recently took a tour in Argentina and Chile. There was some extended bus time and I noticed some people charged their phones by plugging them into a receptacle in the bus ceiling. We are doing a RS tour this year and it might be handy to have this type of charger. I should have been more observant but the “block” was smaller than the ones I normally use, maybe only 3/4 to 1 inch square. I searched online but I’m not 100% sure what I’m looking for. Any help? Thank you!
I have no idea how it works in South America, but in Europe USB-outlets are the most common in buses (in my experience) so no adapters needed. Although a data blocker (USB-condom) is not a bad idea.
Rick Steve's buses vary--they use local companies, and they don't always have USB ports. i always bring a portable charger (power bank).
Thanks Badger & Liz. I have a power bank so I’ll just bring that. Appreciate your responses.
The smallest charger blocks I’ve come across recently are the new USB C ones. I’ve provided a link below. Just a bit over an inch per side. You’ll need a cable with USB C on one end and the correct connection to your phone.
Thanks Rocket!