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Swiss itinerary with kids

Hello all,

I’m grateful to all the advice on this forum and have learned so much here so far!

We’re going on our first trip to Switzerland in August with 7 year old and 5 year old. We’re staying two weeks so have chosen three different “hubs” to limit hotel transfers with the kids. I planned no activities on transfer days to allow time for slower travel with the kids and rest. I already purchased a Swiss travel pass. We are most excited about seeing the mountains, nature, cogwheels, hiking, and trains, but I also want to be sensitive to the physical limitations of a 5 year old. Given these preferences, please let me know what you think of the following itinerary or how you would change it:

Day 1: Arrive in ZRH. Straight to Luzern to rest.

Day 2 in Lucerne:
-Checkout Swiss museum of transport
-Kappelbrucke bridge

Day 3: Lucerne “golden round trip”

Day 4: To Wengen for 2nd hub of trip. Rest.

Day 5: Männlichen to Kleine Scheidegg hike.

Day 6: Grindelwald cable car to Pfingstegg then Bort playground, first summit grindelwald?

Day 7: To Jungfraujoch Peak.

Day 8: Allmendhubel Flower Park in Murren /Murren Mountain View trail.

Day 9: To Lausanne for last hub of trip. Rest.

Day 10: montreaux and chillon castle

Day 11: chocolate factory/cheese factory/chocolate train?

Day 12: vineyards at Lavaux/TBD?

Day 13: Fly out GVA

I appreciate any input you have. We’re so excited! Thank you.

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17168 posts

That looks very nice. Be sure and allow time for the Playground at Männlichen before you start the hike to Kleine Scheidegg. It was my grandkids’ favorite when they were 6, and again when they were 11.

The playground at Bort is small, but it makes for a nice stop on your way up the First lift. The Bergha;us Bort restaurant has a nice terrace if you want lunch with a view.

I personally would not recommend spending time or money on the Jungfraujoch trip; the children are not likely to enjoy the 45 minutes of the ride in a dark tunnel, nor be impressed with the views from the top. The activities outside are more geared for older children. Also the train can be extremely crowded, as can the building itself, and food options up there are limited and expensive.

One change I would suggest is on Day 3. By “Golden Round Trip” I believe you mean Pilatus. I find Rigi has more to offer young children on the mountain itself, and you still get a boat ride (2 actually), a cogwheel train, and a cablecar. There are several playgrounds suitable for young children at various playgrounds on the route. The Adventure Park at Fräkmüntegg on the way down Pilatus is more appropriate for older children. There is a Rodelbahn, but they will have that at Pfingstegg. Have a look at Rigi options:

Another benefit of Rigi is that the whole loop—-Boat from Luzern to Vitznau, cogwheel train to the top and back to Rigi Kaltbad, Cablecar down to Weggis, and boat back to Luzern—-is fully covered on the Swiss Travel Pass, which you as parents will likely want (you get a free Family card to fully cover all travel by the 7-year-old on lifts as well as boats and trains). Pilatus is only partially covered with a Swiss Travel Pass.

Your 5-year-=old travels free everywhere they go with you, no need for a pass.

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1122 posts

My kids went gaga over the Allmendhubel Flower Park when they were 8 and 11. (The funicular getting to it is really cool, too.) We ended up staying there much longer than anticipated. The hike back down to Murren is spectacular too and a good moderate challenge for that age. Have fun!!!

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5349 posts

I hope the above Search has some helpful info. A mom wrote a great Swiss Trip Report last year, focusing on activities for children, and I'll try to find it for you, as the specifics were so great. The Search function here is so awkward.

I think your pace is good, and agree with Lola that Mt Rigi would be better than Pilatus. And- skip the Jungfraujoch, for the reasons Lola mentioned. The Transportation Museum in Lucerne should be a hit!

Have a great trip!

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2 posts

Thank you all so much for this wonderful feedback! I will take your advice and do Mt. Rigi instead of the “golden round trip.” We will also consider removing the Jungfraujoch Peak depending on how the kids feel, and may consider another hike or playground instead. Thanks again! We can’t wait!