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Grindelwald hotel recommendations

Need help choosing a hotel in Grindelwald. Anyone stay there and loved their hotel. Would like a nice hotel with a view. We will be there in September. RS does not cover Grindelwald in his travel guide. TIA

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114 posts

Yes I did check it out and only one reply. Thought I might get more suggestions than one.
Thank you

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31 posts

I stayed at the Hotel Kreuz und Post. It is right by the train station, with views of the mountains if you get a front room.
I found it simple and comfortable, and it was nice being so close to the train at that time of year.
There were much nicer rooms than mine that overlooked the mountains, although I liked my room just fine!

Grindelwald is not as cute and quaint as other places, but it is convenient, and that sometimes matters a lot.

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17168 posts

Bonnie, sometimes when a post does not get many responses, it helps for you to reply to the existing ones and explain why you would like other suggestions, rather than start a whole new thread. That way, you can explain why the suggestions you did get do not work for you—-maybe the hotel is sold out, or is too expensive, or is lacking in some amenity you require. Whatever the reason, it helps the person who made the suggestion(s) understand, and maybe come up with others.

Hotel Cabana, the one I suggested, gets a “wonderful” rating of 9.1 on, is full of Swiss chalet-style charm, and has rooms with balconies with Eiger view. As I stated on your other thread, it is the place I would choose IF I wanted to be close to the train station in Grindelwald. But maybe it is sold out on your dates, or is too expensive, or something else doesn’t suit you. It would be helpful to know which.

In this new thread you seem to have dropped that “close to the train station” requirement in order to draw more responses—-is that the case? And do you have a specific budget in mind?