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Genealogy or Emigration Info Centers in Skane or Smailand areas

Does anyone know of information centers in the areas of Skane or Smailand where we could find out a bit about the time period and people that included our ancestors who emigrated from Sweden?

We would like to know what towns they are in, and how helpful they are in learning about this.

Posted by
21028 posts

I saw a thread on this a few years ago, so try using the search box above.

My mother's parents emigrated from Smaland. I remarked to a Swede that so many Smalannigar emigrated that I imagine it must be a depopulated wilderness now.

PS Haven't figured out how (or too lazy to learn) how to type the proper accent marks.

PPS You might contact the Smaland Tourist office.

PPPS Here is the thread I was thinking of.

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53 posts

I am stopping in Stockholm in early Feb. My cousin found Swedish genealogy person on FB to help her search records. It can but like 20euro every 20 min for help at the office I was previously told.


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3319 posts

I have an acquaintance in Sweden, Småland, who has a genealogy search and tour business. She lives in Nässjö. She'd try to find your relatives, also, if you wanted. I think she does as little or as much as you want. If you are interested in getting in touch with her for more information, please IM me and include your email address and a description of what you know about their origin location, etc. I'll then send the information to Irene to contact you? Or vice versa. She's charming and fun. She started this business after I was there in 2015. I had a great time seeking out my ancestors in Sweden.

In Eksj⍥, there is a genealogy segment of the museum that looked items up for me. The TI put me in touch with them, which led to citizens just helping to show me around and locate family homes. Sweden loves their cousins to return and is very helpful. Do you know from what area in Småland your ancestors emigrated?

I thought Skansen in Stockholm was quite informative as an outdoor museum. There is a search museum, but I can't remember off hand where it is...began with a V... With a little luck I'll wake up in the middle of the night with the city's name. I did not need to go there. I think it was listed in Lonely Planet if you want to take a look there.

Posted by
493 posts

Thanks for all the replies.
Our ancestors are from Vena (or Bredvik, or Brevik?), and Odeshog. I think they are both in Smailand. Also from Osby, which I think is in Skane.
Anyone know anything about these areas? We will be visiting for the first time this summer.

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21028 posts

Brevik is outside of Stockholm, so probably not. Bredvik is just outside of Vaxjo, so probably it.