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Fun for Kids-Sweden and Denmark

I am planning two weeks in Sweden and Denmark with my 7yr old daughter in June. I am interested in the Pippi Longstocking exhibit in Stockholm and the Lego House in Billund. What are fun activities for kids in these two countries. Right now planning to stay a few nights in Kalmar and potentially one other city in Denmark. Hans Christen Anderson in Odense? Is that something a child would like? Any other fun shops, stores, restaurants, or sites that perfect for a little girl?

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6905 posts

Children are different individuals that like different things, what are your daughter interested in? And what parts of Sweden are you visiting?

Not sure what the Pippi exhibit is, but if she likes Astrid Lindgren's books a visit to Astrid Lindgren's world in Vimmerby is probably a must. Gränna, a town famous for its candy might also be popular. And if you replace Kalmar with Karlskrona you can visit the Naval museum, which might be interesting to a 7 year old.

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485 posts

My experience is with a slightly older child.

I took my 11 year old son to Skansen and he is in his 20s now but still remembers learning to throw a lasso, and buying a Dala Horse Christmas ornament. We also toured the Vasa and had a lunch that included lingonberry jam in their café.

In Copenhagen, we visited Tivoli and went to Billund, so we had a lot of fun park fun! Don't miss having your daughter get a "drivers license" and competing in the fire brigade race if at Legoland. We enjoyed eating at Wagamama while at Tivoli. I think we both enjoyed Rosenborg as the tour was very engaging for a young boy.

We actually took the train from Stockholm to Oslo and had a fantastic 2 days there before taking an overnight ferry (complete with onboard pool) to Copenhagen. We loved the Kontiki Museum, the Viking ship musuem and the open air museum we visited. It was a fun itinerary.

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45 posts

Thank you--and thank you of reminding me of that past post. I think these are great suggestions!

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2949 posts

Like to add the viking museum in Roskilde, Tivoli in Copenhagen and the Safari parks in Denmark.

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401 posts

Have to say my 7 year old didn't enjoy the Naval museum at all. It started badly with a rather gory video about the history of Swedish naval history which included someone being stabbed by a Dane IIRR and got worse when he thought we were about to enter world war three when we went through the Cold War exhibits! For him the highlights were exploring the uninhabited Islands around the archipelago and the white sandy beaches. The natural history museum and aquarium in Malmo was also a big hit.