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SIM Card questions

Hello all! We are travelling to Spain in October and are considering purchasing a SIM card for my iPhone. I have never used a replacement SIM card for my current phone. I get that I would remove my current SIM card and replace it with one I buy in Spain, but my question is with the new replacement Spain SIM card will it remove access to any apps I already have downloaded?
It’s a silly question but I have travel/airline apps that I would like to use whilst in Spain if I have access to them. Help! Or am I overthinking this??

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7580 posts

If you use a SIM card, you will not have access to the apps on your "home" SIM unless you keep switching them out every day, which can a pain.

Have you considered an eSIM plan? These have the advantage of being embedded in your phone rather than being a physical SIM, which means you can use them along with the apps on your phone. To get one, your phone must be unlocked and must be a newer (2018 on) phone. You can find a lot more information on the Technology Tips forum about them.

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2267 posts

I disagree with Mardee’s statement. If you switch out SIMs you won’t have access to phone or SMS for your home number—at least it’s never been any problem for me.

Apps like airline, Facebook, Mail, Instagram, maps, banking, games, etc should all be have as normal. (Unless you have two-factor ID enabled, and linked to your home cell #)

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7580 posts

branbran79, sorry, my brain must be skipped around lately. That's the second dumb mistake I've made in 2 days. :) I was incorrect in saying you would lose your apps. But everyone about the eSIM is correct. :) Scudder, thanks for the correction!

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2 posts

Thank your replies! My provider is Telus (Canada) and I think my phone is from 2017 so I assume an eSIM wouldn’t work.

Posted by
136 posts

Here is a list of phones that support e-SIMs:

Your other option is to buy a physical SIM card that you would swap out with the one in your phone. As with e-SIMs, you will need to make sure your mobile phone is unlocked by your carrier. You can contact your wireless carrier and request to have your phone unlocked.

Switching your SIM card doesn’t affect your apps, as others have mentioned.