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Clothing for trip to Spain

Would definitely appreciate clothing and packing tips for a 2-week trip to Spain (both northern and southern) in late September, 2020. There are wonderful "where-to-go and what-to-do" tips on this forum and I'm reading them all. I'll be going with my two, adult children so we'll be needing clothes for all kinds of weather and, good shoes for weather, walking and hiking.

BUT, packing lightly is a strong preference for all of us. Will appreciate any and all suggestions as to how we accomplish such a goal while packing lightly!

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6921 posts

On the main Travel Forum page, under Tips & Trip Reports, click the menu in the center column (labeled "Select Your Category"). Select "Packing" on that menu. That takes you to the Packing forum. You will find more suggestions there than you can ever read.

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2815 posts

Welcome to the forum!
Yes, lots of info in the packing section, and you will find they nearly all mention layering. As would I.

Enjoy planning!

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4 posts

Thank you for telling me about the packing information on Rick Steves' site. That's where I'll be heading next!

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7495 posts

Last September in the area between Lugo, Sarria, and Santiago de Compostela, the daily highs were in the low to mid-50s. It will be cooler in the mountains. We didn’t need anything more than a light jacket. We did get some light rain and on only one day was there a downpour.

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4 posts

Thank you very much for your response. We aren't sure where all we'll go in the North, it just looked really pretty. One thing we'll definitely do is go to the Guggenheim Museum.

Appreciate your help!

Posted by
851 posts

The north of Spain is very rainy, although September is normally nice and not too wet. It rains any month, more in winter, but no rainy season, all months have their days of rain, so I´ll make sure to bring raincoats, even if light ones, as temperatures will be nice.

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4 posts

Boy! Is that helpful. Calls for boots too. Thank you so much for sharing that info.

Posted by
111 posts

I was in central and southern Spain at the end of October. I used a packable raincoat and packable thin puffer jacket, a jean shirt, cardigan sweater, tee shirts, blouse, pants, lightweight tennis shoes such as Nike’s, and slip on weather proof rubber soled leather loafers. Check the average temperatures for the areas and adjust accordingly. It may be hotter weather for you in September.

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5611 posts

Spain in late September? Shorts and t-shirts for me, nothing more, nothing less.

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297 posts

I love the 3/4 length sleeve shirts for traveling. They seem to suit me fine in both warm and cooler temperatures. I buy several colors. They are light and pack well and I can dress them up for dinner with a necklace or scarf. A neutral color sweater, a light jacket/raincoat and small travel umbrella that I store in a quart size zip lock bag was all I took to Spain last November. The weather was lovely and I don’t think I even used the umbrella. Enjoy your trip!

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3150 posts

I am afraid your question is as vague as it comes, with the necessary differences, is like if I was asking what to pack to go to the US, north and south. The orography of the Iberian peninsula makes for great weather differences depending on where you visit. Not necessarily temperature-wise, south in Sept can have a pleasant 25ºC and 18ºC in the north... but, if you go, to a more mountainous area (say for example Vall d'Aran, by the Pyrenees in Catalonia), the average temp will be around 15ºC and so on. However, couple that with humidity and also chill factor, and here you have "large" differences. It doesn't certainly feel the same 18ºC with a 75%+ of humidity -typical on certain days in many coastal cities- than the same temperature in a more dry area (ie. Castille). Another factor is rain, April-May and Sept-Oct are "wet" months and rain is present in many areas, especially on the northern coast (Basque Country, Cantabria, etc). And again, if you come from a cold zone, under 20ºC can feel summer to you, but if you come from a warm one, you'll probably need a light jacket in the evening!

Posted by
270 posts

my packing list for summer in Spain is this: 4 solid dark color t-shirts, 2 tank tops, 1 polo shirt, 3 shorts, bathing suit. I might wear jeans, but I find that it's usually too warm to wear them once I'm in Spain. I would wear some long pants (maybe sweatpants, trainers, light khakis) in case the airplane is cold. We don't go anywhere formal. Every top matches the pants/shorts. If you feel you need something you didn't bring, you can buy clothes there . For shoes, I bring a dark sneaker for walking and the plane, and flip flops for the beach and for the hotel rooms. I bet women need to have more clothes, but this list works for me. Oh, and I only pack a carry-on (Rick's rolling backpack holds everything I need).