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Sintra—Pena Palace Park Only Ticket

There seems to be considerable confusion about the Pena Palace Park Only ticket. I’ve seen forum entries on Trip Advisor flat out stating that the Park Only ticket will NOT get you entry onto the multiple terraces surrounding the Pena Palace. I’ve seen entries on this forum stating that the Park Only ticket WILL get a visitor access to almost every terrace area surrounding the Palace. Perhaps the terraces were open to Park Only ticket holders in the past and there has since been a change in policy requiring the full Palace interior and Park ticket. If you have been to the Pena Palace in the last several months and purchased a Park Only pass, please post your experience with gaining access to the terrace areas around the Palace. Based on videos I have seen and articles I have read, I have no interest in visiting the Palace interior. Thanks!

Posted by
134 posts

Usually, this forum is lot more reliable than TA. (IMHO)

But in this particular case, one cannot blame anyone as policy has been changed a few times.

As of this spring, (2024), park only ticket was perfect.
(No time slot, no lines and you can visit almost all terraces including outdoor cafeteria - you can even do famous wall walk)

But that doesn't mean that policy will not change.
(Capacity remain same, crowd keep increasing exponentially)

Suggestion above to get email directly from them closer to your trip is a good one

Social media has indeed ruined old fashioned traveling charm - you need to find alternatives all the time

Regaleria is great and much less crowded (except for the well part).

Monserrate palace is still not that widely known.

Tip: take uber/bolt from your hotel directly to pena palace entrance - will save you lots of time, energy and hassels

Posted by
4427 posts

This was also discussed on the Forum in June and I ended up emailing Pena Palace. Here's the response from June 16th.

[email protected] [email protected] 8:31 AM (13 minutes
ago) to me

Good afternoon,

Thank you for your contact.

We would like to inform you that you may purchase tickets just for the
Pena Park at:
Doesn't require a selection of a date/hour.

Please be advised that tickets to Pena Park include a visit to the 85
hectares of gardens, entry to the Condessa D'Edla's Chalet and a visit
to the Terraces of the Pena Palace.

We would like to inform you that road traffic in Sintra has changed,
with access to the perimeter of Serra de Sintra (namely Parque da
Pena) conditioned for private vehicles and circulation in the historic
center limited to residents.

You could leave your car in one of the available parks
( and use a taxi, Uber or other vehicles used
for tourism such as the Scotturb bus 434 ( at
the train station in Sintra, which connect Sintra to Pena Palace and

You can check the access conditions, prices and schedule at:

For any other questions, please contact us again.

Kind regards,

Miguel Pereira

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