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You know you've started packing too early when.... wash and IRON the reusable Chico bag that you have attached to your purse when you travel because it looks "too wrinkly" for Paris, hahahaha! I know that sucker is going to get really wrinkled again when I stuff it back in it's little pouch, sigh.

And in a burst of I-don't-know-what I Marie Kondo'd my underwear drawer when all I actually wanted was to pull out my travel unders to stage in my packing area.

A bit less than 3 weeks to travel time and apparently I've watched too much Netflix lately.

Now off to compare the 2015 RS tour of Pere Lachaise Cemetery with the 2019 version to see if I can use the one I've already pulled out of the book.

Anyone else pack too early?

Posted by
9436 posts

Boy do i hear you Pam... my trip is 6 mos away and i’ve already asked friends “is it too early to pack???”

Posted by
28566 posts

At six weeks out I had already counted out a 4-month supply of six different vitamins and supplements. I can't do the prescription meds in advance because of insurance-company procedures, but I felt good when I finished dealing with all those large pills. Right up until I weighed them (close to 4 lb.).

Posted by
1655 posts

I fly on the 28th and was thinking I'd start packing my toiletries this weekend. I've been sorting clothes in my mind for months!

Posted by
4140 posts

Five months ahead of our upcoming trip with granddaughters I’ve started a secondary “staging area”. I’ve begun to pull things out of the travel drawer and drop them in a plastic bin in the closet so I can be more ready with these trip specific things.

I saw KIND bars on sale last month and bought 10 for $10 and dropped them in the bin. At the store I had to check their expiration dates to make sure they’d be good for a July/August trip. When you have to check the expiration dates months out from a trip...

Posted by
6713 posts

I used to start a few days before and keep the list in my head. Now I start up to a week before and work with a written list. My wife, who hates surprises, starts weeks ahead and works from a master list she developed long ago and adapts for each trip. Slowly but surely I'm catching up with her.

Posted by
1057 posts

Funny that you should post this today. I don’t leave for two months but woke at 3 a.m. this morning from a dream about trying to pack for a two-climate trip all in one carryon. I know I can do it but it will take some planning. Off to REI today to look for good layering pieces.

Posted by
15021 posts

My people!! hahaha!

I do pack from a list as well but I haven't started checking things off. I did fill my shampoo and conditioner a few months ago, lol.

I also had a "bad" dream the other night where I dreamed I got to my tour and Rick was leading it. He was walking faster than the usual guides and then I realized I was wearing flip-flops (doubtless related to the thread on flip-flops in Cinque Terre) so that was why I was having a tough time keeping up!

Acraven, laughing! At least you'll offload some of that weight as you go!

Posted by
1961 posts

How about you start packing for Trip #2 before you've left on Trip #1?

Posted by
17602 posts

We are two months away from a trip to England and Spain, but I did a “test packing” yesterday to make sure I can fit all I need for everything from hiking in Spain to London dress-up occasions in my carry-on. I had to try on some things to make sure they still fit, and work a bit on co-ordinating colors. And because it has been so cold here in Seattle, I probably overdid the warm clothes. I will rethink those items later when there is a reliable weather forecast.

Then I decided to put everything that was approved, clean and ready to go in a separate drawer (too early for the staging area) but somehow misplaced one essential item in the process. So now I have to go back through the other drawers, the closet, and the laundry to find it.

But I had fun doing it.

Posted by
37 posts

I hate to admit it, but I started packing (not just mentally but physically) the day I made our plane reservations for our trip to Scandinavia and Europe. The reservations were made in October for our trip this August!! I rationalized this by wanting to see if I could fit everything in my carry-on backpack and what (if anything) I might need to purchase for the trip. The carry-on is still packed, by the way! Did I pack too early?? LOL!

Posted by
22 posts

I always make a packing list. My wife and I are going on the Rick Steves Scotland tour in April and I started my packing list last November. I've already started a packing list for a cruise we're taking eight months from now. Before taking Rick's 21-Day BOE last year I did a test pack about three months ahead of time.

Posted by
4700 posts

You need to start packing far enough in advance to have time to buy/order things you need but don't have.

Posted by
4364 posts

I am mentally packing for a trip I don’t even have booked yet. We are retiring in January 2020 and are trying to decide on our first retirement trip, but I am already mentally packing for the different possibilities. By the, I look great, in my mind.

Posted by
847 posts

I keep a packing list on my computer and just change it for each trip (the non clothes things - toiletries, electronics, etc. - don't change much from trip to trip) and the approximate number of tops, pants, undies, etc. are similar so I just change the specifics. I actually now only start the actual packing two or three weeks ahead. That amount of time does let you go buy anything you need - and you can put things in, take them out and 'think about it' for a few days. I've already changed the bag (personal item) I'm taking three times and might go buy (another) new one tomorrow. I leave one week from today.

Posted by
1225 posts

Methinks I'm packing too early for Europe when I have to unpack a few things from my Europe bag (United Airlines carryon dimensions) in order to pack another bag (looser Southwest carryon dimensions) for a quick trip to Denver to see my daughter. I have certain favorite "packing cubes" that go with me on EVERY trip. Perhaps I should "Marie Kondo" (love that it's now a verb, Pam!) my packing drawer to get rid of the cubes that never get chosen.

Posted by
11858 posts

Hahaha! My people indeed!

We are 6 1/2 weeks from departure. I pulled most of the clothes I plan to pack into a grouping in my wardrobe just a few days ago. I have purchased everything I need, shortened a pair of jeans yesterday. I am trying not to wear that travel stuff as I need it to be good for 5 weeks of travel. I will practice pack later this month, trying on everything one more time, then pack for real a week out, giving me time to find/order/buy anything missing.

I bought some healthy snack bars that arrived on Tuesday so I have to sequester those and not munch. Also, I already updated the medical bag, tossing expired Tylenol, adding in extra this-and-that.

I make a rough packing list as the itinerary comes together in Excel, so that has been in process for months. I make a column each for bottoms, tops, layers, accessories, shoes, and other. I can cut-and-paste many items from the prior trip and adjust based on changing needs.

We have a small getaway next week to help get through this boring pre-trip period. So I suppose I should contemplate that, but as we will drive, limiting choices is not a problem!

Be prepared!

Posted by
2056 posts

I don't leave for 6 months, but I started updating my excel packing list this week. I know I will revise it over the summer, but I enjoy thinking about and planning for my European trips. I will probably lay out my clothes two weeks before I leave and pack a week before departure. I do it in stages and I rarely arrive realizing I left something critical at home. Plus as a retired project manager, working on my trip project plan naturally.

Posted by
6113 posts

I have never packed earlier than the day prior to travel. Why get clothes more creased than they need to be?

Unless doing a short week long city break, I always travel with one 20kg checked bag between the two of us plus a smaller case with wheels each.

Posted by
478 posts

My trip isn't until October so it is a bit early to start packing though I do think about it a lot so I know what you are talking about. I am trying the MyWay Italy tour this year so I am struggling with not buying every ticket to everything I might possibly want to see or do this early. Today I got an email that WalksofItaly is having a sale until the 12th of March and I may have to make the decision on a couple of their tours. I don't even have my plane tickets yet.

Posted by
4074 posts

Well.......I'm leaving in under 2 weeks and haven't started doing ANYTHING remotely close to packing with the exception of making sure I have enough meds (like acraven). i'm very impressed Pam!

Posted by
15021 posts

You all are making me laugh!

Lola....the weather is messing with my mind, too. February was brutal as far as snow for N. Idaho and March is starting out the same way with single digit to negative temps - coldest of the season + snow + ice. Paris temps have been in the 50's so it LOOKS warm comparatively but then I go out and shovel or chip at some ice on the patio, get cold and decide well...maybe I'll need my inexpensive cashmere Lands' End cardie instead of the cotton one. I think I'll wash both and be ready. I'm not sure I remember how Marie Kondo folded sweaters but I'll have to fold them to fit my packing cubes anyway!

@jmauldinuu, I'm not a fan of "verbifying" nouns or proper names but yes, in my mind it's a verb now, hahaha! And a good idea to Marie Kondo my packing cube bin. Maybe I'll take the extras to the next RS Meetup!

Laurel and Mona...recently Lo was talking about dried cherries as a travel snack so I found some chocolate covered ones to "try" the other day. They were delicious so I will pick some up and pack them so I don't get in to them. Also picked up the foil packets of Justin's Chocolate Hazelnut butter for the plane and will get cinnamon raisin bagels the day before so I can be covered for food if the airline selection is awful.

I'm so enjoying reading everyone's additions!

Posted by
2901 posts

I went to Greece last year and forgot Tums. I meant to buy another pack but forgot. Sounds like nothing except that I seem to get indigestion when I travel but not at home (I think it is the eating late). So it was bothersome.

Anyway, I vowed to not do that again so have a box now that I am putting things in anticipating going to England this year.

I also bought some clothes for my trip last fall (rain coat, pants and new hiking boots) but still will need to figure out exactly what I am taking. I am used to traveling to warm climates and live in one so this is harder for me. But I found out that the rain coat I bought for England breathes well enough to use in Florida!!

Posted by
11728 posts

I make sure I have replaced or bought new whatever I will need, have prescriptions refilled, etc in advance. I pack the day before I leave, never earlier.
Sometimes I take a trip to Europe from a place I am staying for the summer. I have to ship Europe travel accessories, guide books, as well as appropriate clothes in a separate box to be packed in my suitcase when I leave from the summer location.

Posted by
11858 posts

Big Mike LOL! My hubby was close to that on our first trip many years ago, but he's busy refining his travel wardrobe now. He has learned! As the laundress, I get to pass judgment on his clothes since one trip he packed pants and shirts that looked like crap after hanging to try.

Posted by
6614 posts

Pam, we finally diverge on our opinions. I generally pack the day before we leave. Now, I always take exactly the same items, with some variation allowed for climate/weather. I do count out our supplements and vitamins about three days ahead, in case I need to go to Tulsa to replenish our stock (Sapulpa is seriously health-food store deprived.)

I do have a problem this year, in that one of my trusty pairs of pants fell apart last year half way through the 21 Day Best of Europe tour! I have no idea why - they couldn't have been more than 20 years old!

So I have to replace them. I hate shopping for clothes, especially when I know exactly what I want. Grrrr.

Posted by
2252 posts

Well, Pam....I haven't packed anything yet for the July RS Paris tour with my two oldest granddaughters but I do have lists (and lists and lists) made-and I am formulating some thoughts of what clothes I might want to take. I do have lunch planned with the girls for the end of this month and those lists are for things they SHOULD bring, things it would be NICE to bring and things they HAVE to bring-like their RS tour books and money belts. One of the girls has been on 4 RS tours so already knows the drill but the other hasn't traveled out of the US much. I have allocated a box for "stuff" I'm going to gift them: a multiple adapter to share since they will be roomies for the tour, adaptor plugs, tiny ziplocks for earrings, pills, etc., and I'm lending them my spare packing cubes. These are all currently in my, as you say, staging area. So I suppose that qualifies as early packing? Didn't know there was an updated version of the Cemetery tour so will have to check that out for myself. Thanks for the heads' up! Not sure they know who Jim Morrison is but bet they would recognize the names of some of the other luminaries buried there. Who knows? Maybe they will want to come with me! OK, I dislike advertising my ignorance but who is Marie Kondo?

Posted by
60 posts

Leslie - Thanks, I just used the Walks of Italy Promo code for a tour we were wanting to do in Oct.

Posted by
5697 posts

Leaving in 27 days -- have started to ruthlessly purge my packing list. Getting prescriptions, reviewing weather forecasts for April in France, hemming pants that have been awaiting work for six months. Found a sale at Ex-Officio and bought three pair more quick-dry underpants. I have an enormous collection of potential travel clothes and suitcases in what used to be my daughter's bedroom (my permanent staging area)... And yet I persist in shopping.
Actual test-it-in-the-bags won't be for about three weeks. And then a week of pull-it-out-I-don't-need-it revisions.

Posted by
3160 posts

Leaving in 53 days and 9 hours for Italy and the South of Italy tour. Test pack #1 was two weeks ago and told me to re-evaluate a few things, cut some bulk. I even took pictures of how I packed so I can remember what I did. Test pack #2 is planned for a rainy day next week. Lists were made months ago. Clothes are sorted, drugs are packed, 311 bag is packed, toiletries are packed. I got my IDP today. I’m almost ready to go. Just a couple small things to check off my to do list. And no, I’m not packing too early. Am I?

Sister-in-law is struggling a bit with packing light/carryon only, but she’s getting the idea. It’s been fun to see her expand her horizons and to share the journey.

Patricia, we’ll meet you in Rome!

Andi, Jim Morrison played with the Doors in the ‘60’s. Remember Light My Fire?

Posted by
8049 posts

Mentally I’m always packed! Where should we go? Ha!

I had some friends over to my home a few years ago who were going on their first European trip and showed them that I literally could be packed in five minutes because I have an Excel packing list that stays fairly consistent depending on the weather or formality of the country. (Helped them to pack light, too.) Two years ago I purchased the LLBean hanging toiletry kit, and I just refill it when I return from a trip (other than add my medicine), so it’s always ready to go. My husband balances out my early packing by thinking about it the week before we leave. ; )

This year will be three weeks in France after a couple of US trips.

Posted by
2252 posts

Horsewoofie, of course I know who Jim Morrison is-not sure they do!! They will by the time we leave Paris, though😉

Posted by
232 posts

55 days to go and I’m pretty much packed. Sad but true.

Since the clothes are for May I started putting them aside in my suitcase as they cycled through the wash. Nothing worse than the night before realized that one shirt you want to wear is somewhere is in the twighlight zone between the hamper and the washer. I still need to pack my shoes.

This is the first trip I’ve done a real capsule wardrobe: Black white grey and pink. 4 bottoms 8 tops 2 sweaters Proud to say the weight is 13 lbs for 15 days on the road. More room for buying clothes in Paris!

No doubt I’ll panic the night before and start throwing in ball gowns and scuba gear on the off chance we run into royalty or pirates.

Posted by
17602 posts

Great topic- - - so much fun.

And I love Gretchen's comment on last-minute additions like ball gowns and scuba gear, "just in case".

I am so guilty.

Posted by
10434 posts

So far I think Connie, who started packing in October for anAugust trip, wins!!

Do love the idea of packing in case one runs into pirates!

Posted by
232 posts

Hey. You can either be prepared or be a statistic.

Pirates and Ballgowns 2019

Posted by
3146 posts

Laurel I didn't mean to be snarky, but the packing thing always causes us some slight friction. I tell Mary we'll do fine with just two carry-ons but she's not having it. Heck she could use one third of my bag.

Now I do obsess a bit over trip details but that's mostly fun for me and practically a hobby.

Posted by
16792 posts

Mike, you're killin' me.
Yep, I'm as guilty as the rest of you. The minute we book the tickets, the "gather box" lands into a corner of the bedroom closet.

Now off to compare the 2015 RS tour of Pere Lachaise Cemetery with the
2019 version to see if I can use the one I've already pulled out of
the book.

Lordy, I spent at least 5 hours cruising around P.L. with the camera (my DH finally wandered off in search of a beer) and could have spent more! This might be a helpful aid to add to whatever you already have?

Heloise and Abelard: Interesting story why they're there...IF they're there at all. :O)

Posted by
1082 posts

I try to pack everything about 6 weeks before we actually leave, that way if somethings not right I have plenty of time to fix it. I always check out passports and make sure they are current and in the proper place at the same time. When you save all year to go for these trips it pays to take some time 6-8 weeks ahead of departure to make sure everything is in order. I also use a printed packing list, there is a reason pilots use a checklist before every flight, I was an eagle scout so I guess that motto of "be prepared" never left me!

I also go to my local bank and get ~$250 in the currency of the country we're going to so when we come off the plane all we need to do is find our taxi, bus or train to take us to our hotel. Another thing is I spend time before we leave for a place we have never been before learning how to travel from the airport/train station to the hotel/bed and breakfast, I learn the street names and have a nice off line map on my iphone so I feel really confident about getting where we need to be after an overnight flight and dealing with jet lag.

Posted by
4657 posts

andi, you have time to send a little music history lesson to your GD's or to put together a song list of those Cemetery occupants to listen to on the plane over.
Also, you asked about Marie Kondo. She wrote some purging/organizing books a few years ago, and then moved to the US and is now on Netflix 'Tidying Up with Marie Kondo'. She has a folding method that is unique - thus the ''Marie Kondo'd my underwear drawer' comment.
BTW, her initial books sited the KonMari method of I am thinking Pam should be KonMari-ing her drawers ;-) still verbalizing a concept, but at least it isn't a person.

Posted by
985 posts

For me there is no such thing as packing too early. Really.

Like you and many others, I make a check list of what is in my bag and I do practice pack for every trip. I start gathering things weeks ahead of travel and laying clothes/items out on the guest bed. I usually do the final pack at least a week ahead of travel.

You and others sharing your packing lists and critiquing my own taught me how to travel more easily, how to have a color coordinated theme in the clothing I take, and that has worked so well for me. My back pack is always packed so nicely but then there is the personal item, my Laurel Burch tote which always turns into a hodge-podge of heavy electronics, meds, etc. I do oversee what hubby packs and often pack his bag for him. If I didn't, he would arrive at destination with a bag full of crap clothing suitable for yard work - insert big eye roll here.

Since we tend to travel when temps are normally lukewarm to cold (but not hot, never that!) I have bought clothing that works for those temps and rarely actually wear them while home in Fl. My weirdo thyroid has kept me somewhat of a yo-yo the last few years, so much of the guest room closet and a few drawers is stocked with travel clothes/thermals in different sizes lol. I daresay I could supply multiple travelers at the same time between the sizes of M-2x. Add another big eye roll and little frown here.

Honestly though, back before our 2015 tour I read hundreds of posts on this forum. The ONE best thing I came away with that I took to heart (and still practice) was to get things packed and all outside people notified/ ready to pet sit, etc., so on the last day before flying I have absolutely nothing to do other than go have a pedicure or whatever my pleasure is. I don't remember who advised it, but bless him/her for making all of my trips much more enjoyable and less stressful.

Pam - have a fabulous trip this spring. I'll be envying your stay in Paris and travels through Belgium and the Netherlands. I'll be looking for posts and hope for a detailed trip report here. And yeah - your packing list - don't forget that!

Posted by
4657 posts

In November, I had 3 suitcases and 3 sets of staging for 3 different trips. When I bought my short snorkel fins in June, they went into my Feb 2019 suitcase for a beach week vacation. When I bought my fancy top for a Christmas Cunard cruise, it went into that section of the spare closet before ending up in one of the other two suitcases.

I plan travel sometimes a year in advance and have to consider temperature and weather, so when that weather hits my home town, I consider what clothing in my closet will work for that trip and start a list. When that season moves on, I'll launder and store the clothing in the staging area rather than my 'active' closet. Also, as I sew some clothes or need to look for specific clothing (like plus size cargo pants), I need to have these on my mind when they are either going to be available in the shops, or when I have time to sew things. I think my ADHD keeps things on my mind a lot sooner that some folks....or else it is just because it can be fun.

Posted by
15021 posts

Just catching up with posts...Gosh, I love hearing everyone's tales! I love Pirates and Ballgowns! This would be especially important if you are traveling Sept 19. I do like to stay at the Lime Tree Hotel in London IN CASE I get invited to a "do" at Buckingham Palace. It's close and I could walk. I don't pack a fascinator, pearls or heels though, hahaha!

Nance, my goal is still to get everything in the suitcase at least the day before if not 2 days before. I do check off my list as I pack because I'll forget, wonder if I packed "such and such" and wind up unpacking again. I don't usually pack clothing that wrinkles much so it doesn't matter if they go in ahead.

Andi - sent you info about Pere Lachaise that included the link Kathy gave upthread to the Mayor's office's official map of Pere Lachaise. Kathy - I've looked for that link for a week, lol. Why did you not read my mind? Thanks for putting it down here. It's much better than Rick's Map. I'm not sure why his tour doesn't mention the Memorials to the Deportees to the various concentration camps, but I guess I realize he can't mention everything or the walk WOULD be like Kathy's 5 hour ramble, lol!!

Thanks Marie for mentioning that Marie Kondo's method is actually called Kon-Mari. Digressing here, but I don't like her method of decluttering - putting everything of one category in a pile would just overwhelm me. I like FlyLady's 15 minutes at a time method better. That's doable for me.

Donald, I just counted my stash of Euro yesterday. I try to bring back 200E but a friend paid me for a purchase in Euro so I'm starting with more than I usually do! Passport is good until next year so I've added the "Renew Passport" to my calendar for late Fall.

Posted by
16792 posts

Kathy - I've looked for that link for a week, lol.

Gosh, I'm tickled that you actually wanted that map, Pam! 🙂
Took a little digging but I KNEW that silly thing was out there somewhere.

Editing to add:
Marcel Marceau is in section 21. I see he's not marked on the map.
I was beckoned that direction by a very earnest little man who was feeding cats in the cemetery. He didn't speak a word of English and my French is limited to "croissant" but the famous mime was without a doubt very dear to his heart. We had ourselves a nice moment.

Posted by
15021 posts

Oh Kathy, that is SO cool! And yes, my French is thusly limited as well!

Posted by
3522 posts

... you look in your closet and there is nothing for you to wear because everything you would normally wear is already in your suitcase. And your trip isn't for another 3 months.

Posted by
810 posts

The time I started packing too early was for a walking trip with an alumni group in Newfoundland a couple of years ago - and I only started about a month ahead of time. I thought carefully about what to pack, specifically which of my multi-pocket long-sleeved travel shirts would go best with the pants I was bringing. I figured it out and carefully hung them together at the front of the shirt section in my travel wardrobe area. Then it took several weeks before I started seriously packing: looking at my list, checking things off as I laid them on the bed. It all fit nicely into my carryon, and things seemed great until a day or two into the trip - when I realized that my carefully curated shirt collection was still hanging peacefully back home in the closet!!! Not sure how they got checked off the list when they were NOT laid out on the bed; I can only figure that when I got to that point on the list I just thought "oh yeah, I'm bringing these shirts..." I had the one that I wore on the plane and that was it. I looked for long-sleeved shirts at the various places we visited, but it was July so everyone had moved into short sleeves! Not good for a fair-skinned Virginian who needed protection from sun and wind... Fortunately my sister, who was also on the trip, is about the same size and had a spare I could borrow.

Posted by
2252 posts

Maria: Thank you for the idea of giving the girls a little musical education via a playlist! There are so many composers from different eras buried there! I love that idea. The girls are both musical (one sings in her school choir and the other participates in Indoor Percussion Performance) so I know they will enjoy this list. Also, thank you and Pam for the Marie Kondo/KonMari packing method information. Makes my head spin! I also have already gifted the girls with some "start up" euros so they will have some cash when we get to Paris-fortunately there have been 2 birthdays and a Christmas before our trip. All this early prep is kinda like beginning packing, right? Pam, thank you for the map, links and other support stuff! All this is very much appreciated! Now, to go get started on that Cemetery Music Playlist. .......4.5 months and counting. Pam, this is a wonderful and informative thread! Thank you for starting it and also to all who are participating. It's FUN!

Posted by
4183 posts

What a timely topic! I'm just on the verge of test packing for my trip to Portugal and Spain this coming June.

One of the major reasons for packing early this year is to weigh the packed new 20" 36L international bag and the packed new 16L, 2.2oz empty cross-body tote I'll be taking. I have a luggage scale that can weigh in pounds and kilos. I've paid the price for the big bag on my intra-European flights, and depending on the airline I can check it or carry it on. I definitely prefer to carry on. With my bag sizes, weight will be the major issue.

I start thinking about what I'll take as soon as I decide where I'm going. And I can totally relate to the person who said she has lots of travel clothes but still buys more. In fact, anything I buy has to do double duty for traveling in some way.

My typical spring activity is to: 1. solidify what to take on my European trip; 2. pull together the clothes I'll use in WA for my husband's racing; and 3. purge my closet of anything else that I can offer to the 4 daughters and 4 grand daughters who are about my size. This year is a little different because my old Rick Steves convertible carry-on, filled with my NW and racing clothes was stolen from the back seat of our pickup in Salt Lake City on the way home from WA last October. So, I have to replace the clothes I normally used up there. Due to the application and the weather, packing for WA is much "heavier" than packing for Europe, but I'll do most of the shopping for WA in my closet.

Too bad. Combining that with the usual purge items is already meaning that some shopping is required to get as close to the perfect less-is-more carry-on. I'm expecting it to be hot in Portugal and Spain and finding light weight garments that cover my easily sunburned skin is always a challenge.

I'm tempted to just wing it, especially now that I use the Stylicious app to manage the clothing part. But checking off my spreadsheet list is the best for me. Luckily, we have a guest bedroom closet that has nothing in it but the linens for that bedroom. I can hang stage my clothes there and spread out the other stuff on the bed.

I found some KonMari folding references online which I'm going to try. I have to fold my too-big-to-roll clothes to pack them in my compression cubes. What I've seen so far is not too different from what I already do, just better.

Posted by
4657 posts

Glad to be able to give you an idea, Andi. I wish I could see their faces when 'Light My Fire' pops up after a little Chopin or Edith Piaf.😊 Have fun with it.

Posted by
15021 posts

Mark! Funny!

Kathleen, my word, you know I am going to have bad dreams about that now.

Lo, I know you'll let us know how your new luggage does. I'm so sorry your got stolen last Fall. Ugh...

Maria, I was just watching one of the A French Frye in Paris video walks and at one point he jumped into a pedicab that was playing Edith I've got that earworm in my brain!

Posted by
1542 posts

Nance, perhaps your husband has a plan, to casually Appear to be doing yard work while keeping an eye out for pirates or well dressed courtiers. We could owe our very safety to him!

Posted by
3160 posts

I had a nightmare last night: I tripped over my maxi dress while climbing stairs and fell on my face. The packing/travel gods are trying to tell me something—-leave the dress home and go to Dillard’s to buy another pair of Spanx leggings, the black ones with stars on the legs.

Posted by
83 posts

Two months before Villages of Italy. While I haven't started packing yet, I have been trying to shrink my travel wardrobe with merino wool shirts, technical material pants and light "hiking" shoes. I have been perusing all the offerings at Wool & Prince, Outlier, Unbound Merino, Arc'teryk, etc. and made several purchases to that end.
Recently I have been wondering if I've shed enough clothing weight to replace my Tom Bihn 45 liter Aeronaut bag with a 35 liter travel knapsack and still fit everything in.
Someday soon I might even crack open that RS Italy guidebook and find out where we're going :-)

Posted by
15021 posts

doric - oh yes, Mr. Nance is surely thinking along those lines!

Horsewoofie - oh definitely go with star spangled leggings! But it might be hot?? luggage for sure!

Posted by
511 posts

I start my packing list about a year and a half before I travel. I have a Google Sheets spreadsheet that I've been using since 2014 to plan trips and it has everything I packed in the past in it. That way, it's easy to just browse the sheet and know what I've packed before.

As for the actual act of packing, I do that about a week before the trip. That way, I still have enough time to fill in any gaps.

Planning for trips is almost as much fun as going on them for me.

Posted by
10784 posts

I'm a guy so maybe 20 min day before.

You plan ahead Big Mike. My husband packed for a six-month sabbatical the day-of. In fact, we first had to dash out to buy a new suitcase for him at the mall at 10 a.m. before the limo arrived at 11:30.

But I just learned that when Batista fled Cuba as the Revolutionary Army was approaching Havana, he took million$ but no underwear. Typical guy.

Posted by
1542 posts

Ok, Batista has reminded of my friend's story of traveling with her husband for his grandfather's funeral, he had packed 6 ties, 3 dress belts but no dress shirts. And we can't say it was just the speed of the departure or the fresh grief, this was 6 months after the grandfather's death. Plus, he was active duty military at the time, so had demonstrated skills in packing clothing into a bag.

Posted by
15021 posts

Bets, that is so interesting!

Posted by
1026 posts

Too funny .... yes I try to test pack on my trips. We are exactly two months out from our two RS tours. We will be gone for 23 days. Trips that are 20-25 days I tend to have clothes for every five days. Jane has brought her packing demo to our monthly meeting twice. She gets all her clothes in the RS appenzal back pack. I am so amazed on how she does it. I pack light but use RS rolling suitcase since 2015 (gone every year to Europe since then) but I purchased his convertible backpack/suite case last year(I think). Told my husband I was thinking about using it this year. So I got out my clothes about month or so ago that I am considering taking. Clothes are subject to change depending on weather as we get closer to departure date (for London and France). I put items in zip lock bags which I have never packed that way. Bag weighted 11 lb. and everything I got in the bag with plenty of room left. The appenzal bag will have my electronics cords, 311 bag, jacket, phone, tour info and books and sub as bus day bag and mont st Michel one night stay. Needless to say , my clothes are still in my backpack in the chair in the bedroom.

Posted by
4183 posts

I tried the KonMari folding method on my bed and on a table and I just couldn't make it work. Fumble fingers? Clothes too large?

I watched an Eagle Creek video on similar packing using a garment folder, but I wanted to fit the items in my medium compression cubes and not have to buy a folder.

So I went on a hunt for a folding board close to 14x10. There are tons of options, most of which are not the right size or shape. The best I could do is this 14x9.5. Note that the price on Amazon is substantially lower for Prime members

Even the lightest weight and correct size garment EC folders are heavier than I wanted. If the board I ordered is equally heavy, I'll be disappointed. Hmmm? I wonder if one of those thin plastic cutting boards would work and be lighter?

I guess this counts as preparing to pack early. Film at 11.

Posted by
6614 posts

Lo, Kim mentioned my demo at our travel group meeting. This year she brought her folding system, which I found fascinating. It would work especially well, I think, for people who use packing cubes and/or roller bags.

Posted by
16643 posts

Instead of looking for a plastic folding board, go to the dry cleaners and get a few carboard sheets that they use to pack folded shirts. Then cut them to size.

Or buy a large cardboard sheet at the dollar store and cut them to size. These are usually in the arts & crafts area.

Posted by
15021 posts

Frank’s suggestion is good. When I was using an Eagle Creek cube I just cut one of the cheap plastic cutting boards down to size. Since it was cheap it was pretty light. Well, actually it was free at the Farmer’s Market!

Posted by
5697 posts

T-minus-14 and I have given up on hemming the pants, just going to pack others that are almost as good. Test packed and got to 18 pounds without shoes, toiletries, laundry supplies, travel books....

DH plans to set aside an hour or two next weekend to pack.(!)

Posted by
4657 posts

My packing cube is smaller than 10×14. I have used an appropriate sized painting canvas from the dollar well as a cheap pliable cutting board. These days, I don't use a folding board, but that is after some years of practice. What works best for me for limited wrinkles is to ensure all buttons are done and clothing are prepared like when using the board.

Posted by
47 posts

We leave in two weeks and my dining room table is home to everything we've been laying out for the last month (first aid, toiletries, etc.) and I know in my mind what clothes we'll need, so those will be grab-and-pack about a week from now!

Posted by
2056 posts

Regina, that is my method also. I lay things out on my dining room table and then about a week before start packing. That gives me a week to think about what is missing and "do I really need that."

Posted by
15021 posts

OK...down to 3 days before departure day!

I've got a card table set up that has WAY too much stuff on it! I've got my last week checklist done including counseling the Edward Jones phone representative on solo travel and that she should just plan to GO even though her husband doesn't like to travel. We decided she should travel within the next year before she turns 45, hahaha! Yes, she marked my debit card as open for use in France, Belgium and Netherlands, lol! And no...the counseling session on solo travel was not on my list!

I'm on my last few loads of wash. Have gone back and forth on outer layers and weather looks good on the 10 day forecast (kind of warmer here) so dropping the heavier coat....trying to decide on the down vest (probably not).

Weather here has finally been good but I'm not up to my usual walking distance but I'll just have to deal with that and edge up day by day.

Currently obsessing over where the cherry blossoms might be, lol!!

I've truly enjoyed everyone's posts!

Posted by
6614 posts

Pam, once again you made me laugh. The last time our Edward Jones rep called, we ended up spending at least 30 minutes talking about travel! He and his wife are visiting Normandy this month, and we're going there later this year.

You have a debit card through Edward Jones? Hmmm....

Have a wonderful trip, and be sure to post some tidbits for us to enjoy. We'll be looking forward to your trip report when you get back. Oh, who's your guide? We had Hans for that tour, and he was great. One of my DH's favorite tours.

Posted by
15021 posts

Jane, that's so funny. This was just the person on the phone at the toll-free number. My "regular" guy is a traveler but also a fabulous photographer so we spend 5 minutes on financial stuff and 25 on looking at his travel photos. He's doing an EJ cruise in the Mediterranean but it will be in July which sounds awful.

Oh yes...EJ debit card is wonderful. Pulls out of a money market account. 1% fee on foreign ATM withdrawals, none for US withdrawals. I only use it on trips but will use it a few times before travel to make sure there are no issues with it. It's my back up debit card to my regular credit union debit card.

Posted by
6614 posts

Our EJ guy had never traveled before he earned one of their European trips. I think they chose Rome for their first one, and were hooked!

As soon as he heard he was eligible for a trip, he called us to get our advice. That was five years ago. His wife is now a super-planner, with books, maps, spreadsheets - you know the drill.

I'm actually a bit envious, because they are getting an early start - they're both in their thirties. By the time they are our age they will have been everywhere! We didn't get to start traveling for fun until about 10 years ago.

Posted by
2252 posts

Have a wonderful trip, Pam. I know you will!!

Posted by
15021 posts

Thanks Andi!

Oh Jane. Forgot to mention. My guide is Ellen Janzing.

Posted by
59 posts

Love this topic! Planners and packers unite!

I can definitely identify, having gone through my wardrobe went over DH needs at Christmas for my September GAS tour since it will be end of summer when I leave, I wanted to catch items for he and I on sale...It is exhausting! Though he is so much easier than I am. I have to arrange everything or he will take 2 pair of socks and 3 underwear for the trip and will want to wear shorts in the Alps. LOL I am always cold, so I worry I will overdo cool vs warm.

Now that I have my RS suitcases (they are on sale right now) and most all the items, planning is moving to the what to pack and fit. Need to weigh them all out too... so many things to do I hope I have time! LOL

We are new to RS tours, but have cruised extensively for many years, and I have pack lists I am going to adapt. This does really remind me of Cruise Critic and its boards on packing, It is always slightly amusing to me how fearful/compulsive/precise we are all about travel and not forgetting anything. Like there are no shops on a tour to major European cities or on a cruise ship or port.

So do any of you plan on buying liquid travel items after you arrive into your pre-tour or starting city? I am considering this might be an easy way to save a good pound or so....Do our RS hotels have limited use products (shampoo, conditioner, lotion) like hotels? I am just guessing not but thought I would ask.

Following along!

Posted by
6614 posts

Nancy, RS hotels are actual hotels, and almost always have limited use products. I don't pack shampoo or body wash, confident it will be supplied. I do usually bring a tiny container of lotion or hand cream.

Welcome to the RS family, by the way. You're in for a great time. Do check out the Packing section on this forum for lots of tips for packing light. And Happy Travels!

Posted by
15021 posts

As usual, I agree with Jane. I'm not sure I've ever had a RS hotel that didn't have shampoo as well as liquid soap. I am sensitive to products so I always pack my own shampoo and conditioner but I know others either buy there or use the hotel supplied stuff. I usually use the hotel shampoo for sink washing my clothing. I also pack hand lotion but will buy that locally if I run out.

Since you've got time, can run a trial to see how much shampoo you use over the number of days you'll be traveling. I first did this when I was doing several back to back tours and was gone for 8 weeks. I filled up my travel size shampoo bottle and tried to see how many days it would last. I have short hair and one 3-oz travel container lasted for more than 8 weeks.

BTW, I see you will be on the GAS tour in Sept. It MIGHT be really hot. I did this one in 2016 starting the 27 or so of August and it was 95!!! in Trier. So...your DH ~might~ need a pr of shorts. Here's a link to my Trip Report for that trip. It was awesome.

Posted by
8049 posts

Nancy, Jane & Pam,

Yes, I'm a crazy early packer & mentally I'm always packing - ha! Per your shampoo, etc. conversation, I always bring some conditioner because many hotels will supply shampoo & a tiny bar of soap; conditioner supplied is hit & miss. I found a wonderful option for conditioner by accident. I usually have my hair dyed at a salon, but I keep a box of hair color (L'Oreal Excellence Crème ) at home in case I have to cancel an appointment because of the flu. Last year I had to use a box and when it was time to use the supplied conditioner tube, I only used half of the tube because my "travel radar" was on alert. This stuff is very concentrated! Just half of the 1.86 oz. "toothpaste" tube worked perfectly throughout two trips last Fall which were 5 weeks total. Bonus - it smells good, too.

Posted by
10434 posts

I’m supposed to be going to London a week from Friday (depending on how much difficulty the French customs officers are creating with their zealous strike that they assert is because of impending Brexit, and effects of said strike on the Eurostar).

Normally i’d have my suitcase out by now on the sofa in our extra room — but my husband is leaving for Bologna on Thursday, so he’ll need the packing space before me.

Has he even gotten out his suitcase?? Nooooo!! And here I am losing precious packing days. 😂

Posted by
15021 posts

but my husband is leaving for Bologna on Thursday, so he’ll need the packing space before me.
Has he even gotten out his suitcase?? Nooooo!! And here I am losing precious packing days.

Of course he hasn’t! Nor has he even thought about it!

At least London and Paris temperatures have been fairly similar!

Fingers crossed the French security officials stop their strike and you have clear sailing thru GdN!

Posted by
4700 posts

My husband is the exception to the late-packing gender. When he gets home from a trip, he starts packing for the next one, which is sometimes only 2 days later. If we ever have overnight company, I don't know where they'll sleep because he often uses the guest bed for his staging area.

Posted by
10434 posts

@Pam, thanks! I hope things will work out. They’re looking better recently at Gare du Nord but can always change. Of course I am in a little better position than many people, because if I have to cancel this trip, I can go back another time. But of course I would be disappointed, as i’ve been looking forward to this since I booked in January!!

Hubby left today and i’m On the metro home reveling in the fact that I will now be able to pull out my suitcase and backpack! Yay!!

@Cala — I can’t even imagine!!! My husband is known to stay up all night before departure packing. The first time he did this, one of my friends incredulously marveled: “Does he build the suitcase from scratch??!!”

Posted by
17 posts

I feel like I have found my people! We are 94 days out from departure on our Girl Scout #Switzaly2019 trip in which I lead myself, co-leader and six teens to Italy and Switzerland for 15 days. I have sketched and laid out what I'll pack. I have packed it all to show the girls at a meeting and unpacked it. I have started giving them things to pack and implored them to get a container for their closet for their travel items: travel aid kits we assembled, travel sized bottles recycled from lip balm and floss boxes, etc., travel pillow... I can't understand why only a couple of them are as excited about the process as I am! (And, I still HAVE NOT convinced my co-leader she can do this in her eBags TLS MotherLode Conv. Backpack. Resistance is futile, my sweet.)

Posted by
15021 posts

Hahaha Beth!! Welcome! Well my opinion is you can rarely convince others (especially adults) that packing early or with a list is wise. Some have to learn by mistakes.

I hope you’ll pop back in to the forum with a Trip Report. Over the years we’ve had a number of Girl Scout leaders ask questions about their trips so it’s always helpful to be able to point them to someone who’s done it!

I don’t know how your meetings go, but could you have everyone bring their packed bag to a meeting about 2 weeks out from travel?

Have a wonderful time!

Posted by
3374 posts

You know you've started packing too early when....

It's NEVER too early to pack. If I can not be on a trip, I can at least be packing for the next one. And now, thanks to TSA, I get to help my husband pack his case! He forgot to take his iPad out of his suitcase on a connection flight last year and all his belongings were unceremoniously dumped out of his suitcase. His stuff was everywhere and he was slightly embarrassed about his lack of organization. He now appreciates packing cubes and is amazed how much more he can fit in his suitcase (presently an Eagle Creek Expanse tote underseat bag). That's been all he's needed for his wheelie these days. That being said, we also purchased Global Entry as a result. Anything that makes travel easier I'm good with!

Posted by
6614 posts

Pam, your idea of the Girl Scouts and leaders bringing their packed bags to a meeting is brilliant. Our travel group members have learned a lot from each other when we demonstrate our packing methods. In fact, Kim has been inspired to cut down the size of her bag, and to use a backpack instead of a roller bag, after seeing how I pack, and I am seriously rethinking how to fold and what clothing items to take after her demonstration.

My sister-in-law took a couple of groups of Girl Scouts to Europe some years ago, and could not convince them to pack light. She described the tearful girls looking for some gallant Prince Charming to come help them carry their bags!

I will say that on my first European trip as a student, I took a big Samsonite bag with far too many items in it. Lugging that thing around was miserable. Now I use a backpack, 13 or 14 pounds fully loaded, and feel liberated.

But sorry, I don't pack until the day before the trip. :-)

Posted by
2332 posts

And it’s never too early to test the shoes you’re taking. I thought I was squared away on sandals for our upcoming trip to Southern Italy (horsewoofie - if you wear the star spangled leggings it will be easy to say “hi” at the first meeting) but took a less-then-2 mile walk in the heat last weekend and got horrible blisters. I’m counting on Amazon to get me 2 new pair to try this week. I’m still mourning the fact that Merrell doesn’t make my favorite sandals anymore.

Posted by
3160 posts

Hi Patty! Looking forward to meeting you on the tour. Thanks for reminding me to break in my sandals. Body Glide is great to help prevent blisters as are Bandaids’ Blister Bandages. I had to laugh at your heat comment. I’ll wear the star spangled leggings on the 6th. See you then.

Posted by
5003 posts

Haha @Beth! I have to teach a group to pack this month also - but I get to make the rules, so I tell them their size limit. Now I am thinking I should bring my packed suitcase to show them - mainly just for fun, since we don’t leave till June!

Posted by
139 posts

There should be a Girl Scout “Pack-Light” badge! (I remember making sit-upons from newspaper and oilcloth.)

Is it too early to pack when no trip is planned yet? I’m inspired by others’ pack lists — especially Pam and her Lands End cotton-modal tops/coordinates. I collect more modal T’s on sale; they’ve become staples for everyday.

I use a Costco spinner with a handy zip pocket along the inside lining. Found some small ziplock-type bags at IKEA that fit perfectly. Assembled “kits” to fit in that narrow space: first aid, “kitchen” (2 tea bags, teeny salt/pepper packet, spork), laundry (dry items like Seventh Generation clothes washer pack or Shout wipe), etc. They line up in a slim line along the side of the case. Now they just need somewhere to go.

Posted by
15021 posts

I love the idea of a “packing light” badge!

I’ll have to say I’ve misjudged the weather this trip. It’s 43F this AM in Bruges but the sun is supposed to appear! I brought 2 LS Lands End tees and 4 SS tees. It was warm for a few days in Paris but I’ve just had to mostly wear the LS tees. Should have had 3/3 for variety altho I’ve had the LS dri-fit shirts on over so no one but me really knows what’s underneath! Unless it’s terribly hot I’ll wear a tee for 3 days anyway so plenty of time to wash the other one!

Posted by
4700 posts

@Pam Except for trips to Spain, Greece, Italy during the summer, I always pack silk long underwear-just in case!
They meet Sarah's requirements of weighing almost nothing and taking up almost no space.

I just reread Pam's original post and 3 weeks is too short of a time for me-I'm packing now for a trip to Greece in 2 months. Granted, it is not my usual comfort zone-flying in coach(and the trip to Greece is long), which requires additional comfort measures, and staying in a college dorm where i won't be able to sink wash-horrors, I have to pack enough clothes to last the entire trip!

Posted by
139 posts

@Pam. 43 degrees? That’s just another opportunity to buy a scarf!

I’m sure the women in the cute shop in Avignon still talk about the day the Big American Woman bought a teal and rust jacquard scarf to wear with her loud lilac print top. In the mistral.

Posted by
5697 posts

@Pam -- In Bayeaux "48°, feels like 38°", really glad I threw in my down jacket and cashmere pullover! Guess I did not need those tank tops, either.

Posted by
3146 posts

Can I ask you folks about something? It's relevant to this thread but I apologize if it comes across as hijacking it.

Mary and me are taking a two-night excursion outside of London. Our plan is to take just a day bag with a change of socks and under clothes, toiletries, snacks and water. Do you think that will work? Before leaving we will see how much we can fit in one day bag, and if it doesn't work we'll take two of them.

We'll be walking and touring, thus luggage or a big backpack won't really work if we can help it.

Posted by
4657 posts

@BMWBGV, If you have adequate outer layer 'for the 4 seasons in one day' sort of weather, then your idea is fine. People travel like this for longer than 2 nights. It may feel like a leap of faith, but it will also feel empowering when you succeed. If nervous, toss in a spare shirt.

Posted by
4700 posts

@BMWBGV I don't see any reason it wouldn't work. The place where you're going does have stores, right ?, so you can buy your way out of any unforeseen needs. Have you seen how little the locals carry on trains?

Posted by
3146 posts

Maria and cala, thank you. Stores? They have stores in England?

I'm pretty good at packing light but the wife... needs more stuff, but she's coming around to my way of thinking, (which may be a big mistake now that I consider the possibility).

Posted by
15021 posts

Mike, I agreed with the others. It can be done. Take your rain jacket even if it looks like it will be sunny! You may be able to get stuff in a packing cube each. Start out with clean pants that day. One shirt, unders. Toiletries which your hotel might supply amyway!

Well it was 36F this AM. Pretty windy today as the tour spent time on the storm surge barriers and levees.

Laughing at the Bayeux temp! Understand!

Posted by
123 posts

I often fall asleep at night mentally packing for trips that may not even be booked yet! It’s a form of meditation for me. I’m a committed carry-on packer even for trips up to a month in duration - either using a R.S. rolling carryon, or a Briggs and Riley duffle/backpack. I love both bags depending on the type of travelling I’m doing.

Posted by
295 posts

You know you've started packing too early when....
You are all packed up for your Spring trip but haven't yet left and start gathering things to pack for your Fall trip.

Posted by
15021 posts

Ruth and MA both made me laugh!

Posted by
4700 posts

I'm doing the same thing as MA Traveler-packing for one trip reminds me of what I need on the next one.

Posted by
5697 posts

@Pam -- nine days after Bayeux, I'm using those tank tops in Sarlat and Paris. Sweater and down jacket are back in the suitcase (but I may need them for December trip ... Or the plane ride home.)

Posted by
15021 posts

Laura! I've decided traveling in a transitional season is difficult and you've proved it! I'm glad it is warm enough for tank tops and you are able to put the winter layers away. Yes, I needed the puffy vest after I landed back in Idaho Tuesday night, lol....

Posted by
10784 posts

@Laura- In Normandy you could have needed the sweater and jacket in July. No predictions hour to hour.

Posted by
5697 posts

Bets, Pam -- isn't packing fun!!
My guess is that all the ladies in summer dresses in Paris today are locals (who can pick something appropriate out of their closets) rather than wardrobe-restricted tourists.
Saw a lot of people wearing puffy jackets/vests on this trip.

Posted by
15021 posts

Laura...I'll agree. Starting at the end of March when I arrived in Paris I saw most of the population with puffy jackets or vests over the next 3 weeks!

One of the tour members on the Belgium and Holland tour had, for some reason, packed only sundresses and crop pants. She had to go shop the first day in Ghent to get some warmer clothes. Not sure what weather she looked at when she was gathering things to go!

Posted by
492 posts

I can't ever pack that far ahead of time! My dogs have long since learned what pulling out the suitcase means, and they get antsy and stressed. So I have to stealthily pack the night before a trip and spring it on them at the last minute. :P

Posted by
8 posts

Two thoughts:

Girl Scout trip, love the "packing light" badge. You could have a field trip to the local mall and/or downtown area and start out 3 blocks or so from a favorite ice cream shop - have everyone bring and carry their bags, up and down some stairs... I am a lifelong light packer, but the first time I went to Europe I overpacked...I think you may have to feel the pain at least once before you catch the pack-light bug.

Toiletries, I too am sensitive to almost anything you would put on your skin, but over the last 10 years have transitioned from "have to bring special shampoo, conditioner, soap & moisturizers" to "if you just rinse with water and bring a tiny bit of soap and a tiny bit of coconut oil, you will be fine" - ok, I also bring everclear in a spay bottle as sanitizer, and a bit of coconut-oil-with-baking-soda for tooth polish, but that's it. And a scrub brush for my feet & nails (one brush). I have the roomiest 3-1-1 bag of anyone I know lol. I do this at home, too (it's not a slim-down-for-travel thing). Imo, if I don't strip my skin and hair with soap/shampoo, I barely have to re-seal it with moisturizer. I realize this won't work for everyone, but works great for my skin & my packing!

Posted by
766 posts

@1885BD: when my dog sees my suitcase come out, he takes a nap because he thinks I’m just test packing again.

When the suitcase actually goes into the car, he turns into a basket case.

Yes, I too am a member of the early packing club.....

Posted by
755 posts

Actually advance packing can be very useful...several years ago, I did a practice pack to see if everything fit a few days before leaving. Went to sleep and was awakened by a fire in a garage across the alley. 30 foot high flames. Fire department pounded on the door, “pack what you need and be ready to evacuate in 10 minutes”. I was out the door in two minutes.

The fire did not bridge the alley, and no one was hurt. But all my neighbors and the fireman were really amazed at how quickly I packed :)

Posted by
15021 posts

"This post continues to make me smile ! We all need that."

Me too!

Barbara! What a scary experience!

Now trying to decide if I should listen to my lazy self and just leave everything out for a June trip I'm taking to Yellowstone. Mostly the suitcase, toiletries (refilled) and extras, lol!!

Posted by
10434 posts

I got back from my back-to-back trips a couple of nights ago and last night before putting toiletries back was refilling my bottles — for both my “one-to-three day” toiletries pack and my “up to 10 day” toiletry bag.


I like the idea of having the Girl Scouts haul their tear bags a few blocks and around a few stairs to get a real feel — as long as there is ice cream at the end!!

Posted by
8049 posts

Here’s a laugh for the day:

You know you've started packing too early when....
You can’t actually fit into the clothes you’re packing! Time for me to drop the winter weight! ; )

Posted by
15021 posts

Kim, great idea to have different toiletries for length of trip!


Jamesandyme - I hope you have a spare room for your packing!

Posted by
5697 posts

Jean -- I just have multiple iterations of travel clothes in different sizes ... OK, my regular wardrobe too.

Posted by
1 posts

I am so happy to be reading this post. I’m not obsessed (as some of my family is calling me lol). My husband and I are leaving mid August on our first European tour. And yes, I’ve been packing for weeks. At night while trying to sleep I’m repacking. Just trying to find all of the right, lightweight pieces that coordinate. It’s so fun.
Thanks again for helping me feel Normal :).
Oh and I might add that I have an excel spreadsheet on my computer at work that I tweak daily with any new thoughts or updates. Lol

Posted by
15021 posts

Sandykep34 - welcome to the, I mean the forum, lolol!! OK, this is going to sound nutty but if you do start a spreadsheet it might help you sleep. If I'm having dreams about forgetting things I also sleep with a notepad and pen on my bedside table for middle of the night notes.

I think this might have been mentioned upthread (and no I didn't go back and look, lol!) but Janice at blog has wonderful ideas on how to make capsule wardrobes work together. Another way to obsess about your clothing choices!

Posted by
38 posts

I wish I was that organized! I’m always starting a few days before and finishing the night before! My husband jokes are you going to be up all night packing! I have. Never mastered the carry on only. Always check a bag. Sure wish I could change.