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Woman's Travel Vest

I am sorry that I couldn't find it, but once upon a time someone spoke of a travel vest, complete with brand. I'll be holding some little hands, so I think it will be just the thing this summer. If you have a travel vest, please let me know how it's worked out for you. Thanks!

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10853 posts

Probably Scottevest. I don't have one but they've been mentioned here and a traveler raved to me about hers just last week.

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32419 posts


You might have a look either at the Tilley website or Magellans. The Tilley Vests are likely unisex, but I believe Magellan's has a model specifically designed for women. I wouldn't recommend ScottEVest as I've found them to be somewhat heavy (not good for summer wear).

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223 posts

Thank you both. I think the recommended one was the Scottevest, but, lovely as they are, they are more about concealing things than having access to them. Tilley's prices should keep me from buying more than I need!

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1006 posts

I have a Scottevest and I enjoy using it. It does have many more concealed pockets, but it also has several pockets with fairly easy access. I also like that the one I have has a more fitted design so it doesn't look bulky and sloppy (until I load it up!) I would not recommend it for summer wear, though. It's great in fall, spring and winter, but too heavy and warm for summer. For summer, I usually go with a backpack so I can still be hands free.

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9175 posts

Sarah. We both have a Scottevest and are very pleased with convenience and appearance. while they are mostly marketed for concealment in transit, we had no complaints with daily touring use carrying only daily necessities. You might still need a daypack for bigger things (water, snacks, etc). The new model has more external pockets if that's what you need. Note the women's sizes seem to run small.