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What do you add to yr bag in the last day at home?

Ok, I know there are serious minimalists who will roll their eyes at this post or really won't understand it. But, I'm betting the other 80 percent are like me wandering around in the last few hours adding snacks, reading material for the plane, etc. This trip it was hair barrettes and a second sleep shirt. How about the rest of you? What are the last minute, additional "just in case " items?

Posted by
337 posts

Over the counter meds for anything I might encounter!
By the way… I usually bring most of them home. When I’m traveling solo I try to be super prepared. But most you can buy overseas, unless it’s the middle of the night and you don’t feel well.
This last trip I added some useless plane relaxation stuff I purchased on line at the last minute. A “turtle” neck pillow that I should have tried out before leaving home- it was really uncomfortable.
I also added a “bargain” hard backed large travel journal from TJ Maxx that I never used .
Live and learn… ; )
Depending on where you travel to- most things can be purchased there. Especially if you are visiting a larger city among the journey.

Posted by
9348 posts

Peanut M & M’s, ear plugs, packet of chewing gum, a pen and a crossword puzzle booklet purchased at the 99cent store.

Posted by
337 posts

Laughing about peanut M&M’s! 😃
So as far as a last minute snack goes- I do like to bring a granola bar, some tic-tacs.
Also if I happen to get a United club pass from my United chase credit card… I like to get something yummy and durable from the buffet. Perhaps a banana or some crackers. (From experience- don’t bring fruit into another country mistakenly!)

A giant bottle of water for the middle of night when you wake up dehydrated is helpful when everyone is sleeping!

Posted by
8371 posts

The last thing I do is take out about 25% of what I have packed. And I weigh the 21" rolling bag to be sure it's under 22 lbs.

I get tired of coming home and finding clothes I never even wore. We can pack indefinitely in our 21" rolling carry on bags--including going on a cruise.

Posted by
8515 posts

I agree with David in that I'm more inclined to remove stuff at that point than add it. On my last trip, I wound up with a lot of "just in case" items that I never used; for example, I only used 25% of my toiletries. So now I'm religious about removing all of that before I leave.

My criteria is this: if it's a "just in case" item but I can buy it in Europe, I leave it behind.

Posted by
4364 posts

I’m leaning towards David and Mardee’s answer. I try not to add any last minute items. I start packing at least a month out from our trip. So items are discarded when the actual packing happens.
I used to carry snacks, crosswords, just in case items, but not anymore. If my husband wants his M&M peanuts he can buy them at the terminal - who knew M&M peanuts were so popular.

Posted by
8045 posts

As we’re getting into the car, “I need to stop at the grocery store on the way.”


“I suddenly have a craving for peanut M&M’s!”

Posted by
76 posts

A vegetarian sandwich (can't always find one, believe it or not. Don't do egg salad....) to eat at the airport, make-up, phone. Everything else has been packed. Interesting question. I'll have to try the peanut M&Ms.....

Posted by
5905 posts

M&M peanuts cost a fortune at the airport. For my last trip, I had a sweet tooth when I got to the airport, but the prices!😱
I always pack early, and I'm in the "removing camp" the morning of! Except adding the electric toothbrush, of course!
Safe travels to all!

Posted by
1542 posts

Yes, Pat, frugality drives some of my last minute packing. This is a domestic trip to New Orleans, but I'm not renting a car so picking something up at Cvs/walgreens would be an effort. Was glad for the barrettes, I had not consciously thought about humidity. My last minute snack packing was chocolate covered espresso beans and a chocolate cliff bar in case I couldn't snag coffee at the hotel before my 6am flight . Seems like airport coffee, besides the price. Has the uncanny ability to get to drinkable temperature about the time I must either go thru security or board the plane

Posted by
10433 posts

On the last day at home, my husband is adding everything to his bag, because he certainly hasn't started packing before that !

Posted by
3624 posts

Kim: 🤣🤣🤣
So funny!

I add some treats for the cabin crew.
Usually chocolates that have been in the fridge till I’m leaving the house.
You’d be amazed how happy they are that someone thought about them as people.

Posted by
2586 posts

I always throw in an extra phone charging cable. Mine ALWAYS seems to die when I’m traveling.

My husband starts doing his laundry the day before we leave, while my bag has been packed for weeks!

Posted by
15021 posts

@Kim - SO funny! lol!!

@Jean - We need to make this a discussion topic sometime at our meet ups!

At the risk of sounding too over-the-top...I'll answer that I like to have my bag zipped and at the front door 2 days before I leave. I reserve the day before travel for packing my personal item which is where I'm more likely to add or take away something. I do add some snacks and yes to "fresh" Peanut M&Ms! And maybe fresh Red Vines, lol. They are so overpriced at the airport counters which is where I sometimes grab them but now I'm making a note on my itinerary to go to RiteAid the day before, hahaha.

I have taken stuff out of my suitcase the day after it's packed and the day before travel. But once I zip it up and weigh it, I usually count that as done and don't add anything. I do pack to a packing list which I've tried to winnow down after every trip. No, I do not need jewelry. No, I am not suddenly going to start doing exercises that require an exercise band. No, no, no, hahaha!!

Last trip I was doing the Timeshifter app and bought a coke at an airport stand in Seattle right before boarding so I didn't have to carry it with me from the Spokane airport. Part of the plan was to have caffeine about 4 hours before landing and I wasn't sure if it would be available onboard. I don't drink airline coffee so this seemed to be the safest choice.

Posted by
8045 posts

”We need to make this a discussion topic sometime at our meet ups!”

Pam, that’s a great one! Remind me to do it for March! And yes to the Red Vines licorice. That used to be the item I would bring when our kids were young because it wouldn’t be messy or sticky on the plane.

Posted by
1751 posts

What is red vine licorice? Is it like Twizzlers?

Posted by
8515 posts

On the last day at home, my husband is adding everything to his bag, because he certainly hasn't started packing before that !


Posted by
470 posts

For a bigger international trip, I usually start packing about a week before departure. Just before leaving, I would probably still be debating between this shirt or that t-shirt, this fleece or that jacket, this sweater or this hoodie. I prefer regular M&Ms myself, but also a bag of mixed nuts, and some assortment of granola bars. Sometimes I throw in a journal, sometimes just a few sheets of blank paper. I always have a travel folder that has all of our trip paperwork in it. Reading material for the plane. A guide book (yes I still take a paper guide book with me--usually a smaller one). I have a terrible habit of checking and re-checking things I already know that I packed, but don't trust myself. I actually am much more minimalist than I used to be--most trips now are one duffel bag and a day pack vs two bags.

You can combine your plain M&Ms with your mixed nuts to create your own special blend. Then, add shelled sunflower seeds for complicated nutrition reasons.

Red Vines is that an autocorrect for red wine gums which I believe are like gummies and bad for the teeth. Whereas, the peanut M&Ms do not harm teeth. (Unless you leave them stuck on your teeth and don’t brush for 24 hours,)

Posted by
15021 posts

"What is red vine licorice? Is it like Twizzlers?"

@BB - yes similar but to me Red Vines are superior, hahaha!

"I have a terrible habit of checking and re-checking things I already know that I packed, but don't trust myself."

@Pete - This is when a printed out and checked off packing list comes in handy. Or sometimes I do Post-it notes on or in packing cubes - such as on my sock and undies cube which I pack well ahead. I'll do a post-it note that says 4 pr socks, 3 undies, need to add PJs and sleep socks.

Posted by
5905 posts

Kim, thanks for your comment!😉

Posted by
1751 posts

Thanks, Pam. I'll have to look for some next time I'm in the US.

Posted by
2640 posts

In my case one thing that I added at the last moment: A roll of duct tape. And I even had use for it already...

Posted by
400 posts

Usually it's a few more bobby pins and another band. I tend to lose those.

Posted by
10433 posts

You all who are buying peanut M&Ms or heck ANY packaged snacks at the airport are FANCY !!! I would never dream of buying snacks or a beverage in the airport. I do let myself buy food for a meal sometimes.

Posted by
10754 posts

Ha! Twizzlers are superior to Red Vines, though I did settle for Red Vines from the vending machine at an office I worked at.

Posted by
8 posts

For me its a swimsuit. I always talk myself out of it during initial packing, and then begin thinking, what if i get the opportunity to swim in the Med, or visit a Roman bath? I sometimes use it and sometimes don't.

Posted by
470 posts

You can combine your plain M&Ms with your mixed nuts to create your own special blend.

Sun-Baked: ha ha that would be trail mix! And yes, I do that as well!

This is when a printed out and checked off packing list comes in handy.

Pam: Yes--I sometimes will use a checklist from RS guidebook just to be sure I've covered my general bases, but I feel like I should know what needs to go in the bag by now! I use the rolled clothing method ha ha

Posted by
15021 posts

Andrea, Andrea, Andrea....and I thought we were friends! Well, you put up with my vegan tendencies so I guess I can make allowances for Twizzlers over Red Vines!

@Kim - hahaha...I've never though of myself as FANCY! Just sometimes have a hankering for peanut M&Ms and if I haven't thought ahead...well, no choice.

@Pete - Through the years I've personalized packing lists for both Europe and my yearly National Park trip. Nope, don't need a female urinal for Europe but yep, I need it for Yellowstone, lol. After last summer's trip to Orkney/Shetland I now have additions for trips there, lol. The RS one is not specific enough for me as I add EVERYthing I am going to take including all electronics, chargers, adapters, etc.

@BB - I don't think there is anything much at Sweet Grass port of might have to drive all the way to Shelby,lolol! I'm sure the Town Pump gas station there has them. Town Pumps are usually well stocked with junk food.

@doric8 - this is a fun and interesting thread! Thank you!

Posted by
8045 posts

I’ve been stuck in this tiny Spokane airport for six hours and counting. I may go fancy and buy a bag of peanut M&M’s! : )

Sometimes you use your swimsuit; sometimes, you don’t. Does that mean you sometimes swim au naturale? 😉. Riviera? Finnish sauna?

Yes Jean! Go fancy! Buy those overpriced peanut M&Ms.

Posted by
24 posts

Reading all your responses has been super- helpful and covers the gamut. Thanks for all the responses shared.Happy travels,could not resist.

Posted by
10433 posts

Oooooh Jean six hours at Spokane airport ?!! You DESERVE those peanut M&Ms.

I like (red) Twizzlers, but I have never tried (nor do I remember seeing) Red Vines.

As for M&Ms, I always pack a reusable silicone snack bag with ....drumroll please...crispy M&Ms ! Always ! One bag of Monoprix's smoked almonds, and one bag of those M&Ms with crispy rice. And my empty water bottle to fill up after security. I just started setting some of these things aside this evening for a flight next Friday.

Posted by
404 posts

My last minute stuff is usually chocolate, nuts, protein bars, pemmican bars, jerky, maybe a change of whatever book I decided to bring for the plane.

I may also stuff in a casual t-shirt last minute just because there is room. I'm trying not to do this since I've been reading the packing light threads.

I'm still practicing. I need to do more practice packing when there is no trip planned.

What goes in the "purse", the "day-pack" the "suitcase".
Then broken down to what goes in the toiletries bag, money belt, first-aid bag, comfort bag, McGyver kit bag, the electronics stuff bag, etc.

I used to want to keep all "like" things in one bag, like toiletries, first-aid and comfort, but I think it "Tetrises" better if split up.

And you don't want the first-aid and comfort type stuff back at the room in your toiletries bag when you need them out and about.

Pemmican bars! Really? I thought pemmican was used by survivalists on shows like ALONE and the British used on ships in the 1800’s. Can you actually buy the stuff or do you make it?

Crispy M&M’s - I will have to try those sometime. Hmmm... 🤔

Posted by
8045 posts

This is the ultimate test! Our rerouted set of flights now has an overnight until 3pm in Minneapolis….very close to the Mall of America. Danger! LOL! My backpack was 13.8 pounds when we left the house this morning. Maybe a new scarf or a pair of earrings!

Posted by
2839 posts

My toothbrush, hairbrush and credit card as those are used here at home before I leave.

Posted by
922 posts

well, i shouldn't need to post a full sentence, but the bot says I do, so my answer is gum!

Posted by
10433 posts

Jean, oh my !!! Did you end up going to the Mall of America today ??!! Was Minneapolis part of your original routing ?!

Hope you are on your way now !!

Posted by
8045 posts

@Kim, you jinxed our flights telling me I didn’t pack for true Winter weather- LOL!

Instead of Spokane, Seattle, CDG, Malaga
NEW route: Spokane - extra hours, Minneapolis- overnight, Amsterdam- all day to freeze outside- LOL!, Malaga.

Yes, we walked all through the Mall of America. My husband bought a shirt. I didn’t do any serious looking.

Posted by
15021 posts

Jean, I hope you stocked up on M&Ms at Mall of America! lolol!!

Posted by
1092 posts

Wonderful thread and such funny answers.... who knew snacks, especially Peanut M&M's were so popular?! I add a few small packages of Trader Joes "Almonds, Chocolate & Cashew Mix'.

I've learned not to add anything NEW the day of travel, unless it's something like charging cables used until the day of travel, or snacks out of the refrigerator. Until I became (somewhat) more disciplined, I would add the 'Gee I have room why not throw in an extra ...." and end up not using it. LOVE those post-it notes! Like @Pam, but I keep them by bedside with a pen, remembering something late at night.

Having said that, my bag is 20% packed and 80% empty the day before travel, because I've laid everything out on the dining table in piles, and as I walk by I remove things. Then I pack, when it's basically all washed & double checked.

Does anyone actually have almost 2x whatever you're taking so you can wash things and throw back into suitcase for the next similar trip?? I'm working on doubling up on things that I always carry traveling, like a longer high powered charging cable, so in honor of this thread I just ordered one.... Does anyone have a suggestion for a mushy, soft feather pillow??

"Instead of Spokane, Seattle, CDG, Malaga, NEW route: Spokane - extra hours, Minneapolis- overnight, Amsterdam- all day to freeze outside- LOL!, Malaga." YIKES what a bummer, but it brings me to the last thing I add on top of my carryon for my December trips, a packable puffer coat because there's always a chance of getting bumped in FRA or CPH without a jacket! I ended up with a SIX hour mid December layover in CPH, was great to get downtown for a walk with a proper coat on. Scarves just don't cut it in December, other times of the year that would work for chilly planes.....

Posted by
15021 posts

"but it brings me to the last thing I add on top of my carryon for my December trips, a packable puffer coat because there's always a chance of getting bumped in FRA or CPH without a jacket!"

Oh yes, I learned this the HARD way a few years ago flying back from Tucson back home to North Idaho. My North Idaho airport was fogged in for days and I was stuck in SLC having packed my coat in the 80 degree AZ temps. Yes, I bought a jacket at the Columbia store in the airport. No, I will never, ever, pack my coat in winter!

North Idaho/Eastern Washington is bad for winter fog as Jean's current adventure shows which ups the chance for delays.

Posted by
404 posts

Posted by Sun-Baked in Florida

Khansen, Pemmican bars! Really? I
thought pemmican was used by survivalists on shows like ALONE and the
British used on ships in the 1800’s. Can you actually buy the stuff or
do you make it?

I buy the Epic brand at Earth Fare. I think it was traditionally a Native American food.

And no, I'm not a "prepper". But I do like to be prepared.

Posted by
3624 posts

Lots of you take peanut candies on board….is that not considered a no-no these days due to peanut allergies?
Just curious….

I take real fruit wine gums to snack on.

Posted by
8515 posts

This is the ultimate test! Our rerouted set of flights now has an overnight until 3pm in Minneapolis….very close to the Mall of America. Danger! LOL! My backpack was 13.8 pounds when we left the house this morning. Maybe a new scarf or a pair of earrings!

Jean, we must have just missed each other! I arrived at MSP around 1:50 pm, and left by shuttle around 20+ minutes later. BTW, it's very easy to get to the MOA from the airport - just one stop away on the light rail!! Hope you made it to your destination okay!

BTW, for all of your who bring snacks with you, whether it's nuts or M&Ms or Red Vines or Twizzlers, I have to admire your self-restraint. I can't bring anything like that because I eat every single bite of it, sometimes before I even get on the plane. So no snacks unless I buy them at the airport, and I'm too stingy to pay airport prices so it's rare that I do that, lol!

I looked up pemmican. Traditionally, it’s dried meat and fat. The “upscale” version has berries added. For long term storage - leave the berries out.

Posted by
15021 posts

"Lots of you take peanut candies on board….is that not considered a no-no these days due to peanut allergies?
Just curious….

Delta tells you immediately if there is someone with a peanut allergy onboard so they'd need to be stowed in that instance. I've only been on one flight ever where there was an announcement. They don't serve peanuts any more but it's OK to eat them as far as I know.

Posted by
404 posts

Posted by Sun-Baked in Florida

I looked up pemmican. Traditionally, it’s dried meat and fat. The
“upscale” version has berries added. For long term storage - leave the
berries out.

Yup. That's it. Easily carried protein and fat. Provides nourishment.

Also easier to chew than jerky. Plus the additional fat satisfies hunger.

Epic has different meats available. So far, I like Bacon the best.

Posted by
1532 posts

I'm with the "I'm usually removing a few items vs. adding them camp.

I want to know where you all find husbands that do laundry and pack for themselves? (wish I knew how to insert a laugh/cry emoji!).

Posted by
10433 posts

Well, mine won't do his laundry, nor does he ever unpack, but since he stays up all night before the trip to do his packing, he is on his own for that.

Jean I am so sorry I cursed you to Minneapolis and Amsterdam !!! Hope you are safely in southern Spain now.

I never have my coat with me, I always stuff it in my checked bag when I get to the airport, because I can't be bothered with it in the all have given me something to think about !

My husband, without any knowledge of this thread, brought home a large bag of peanut M&M’s last night. We must have sent brain waves and triggered him. 🥳

Posted by
1542 posts

Sun, I am very proud of your husband.

Here's how I handle the winter coat thing. Last week I flew from frozen iowa to balmy new orleans. I have a lightweight coat in my spring/fall lineup that I pair w a puffy vest on top. The vest, w lightweight gloves in the pockets gets put in the suitcase, I keep the jacket.

I wear a step in lug soled winter shoe w fuzzy socks on flight day. Upon arrival to the hotel those go in the corner and the sandals come out of the suitcase

Posted by
2839 posts

My husband manages to pack just fine for business trips, but for vacation he is woefully unprepared. It is like asking a 5 yr old to pack. I don't do it for him, but make suggestions of what he may need;) If he needs a suit or dressy clothes, I pack those for him as I am a whiz at packing that stuff without wrinkles.

I was packed yesterday for our trip today, but then this morning moved stuff around, etc and threw in the last of the paperwork. I am old school and like to have paper copies and not just rely on my phone for things. I also changed the pack I am taking as a personal item. My bags are in the garage waiting to go. Out of sight so I don't keep messing with them, lol. The drive will be here shortly, and I will survive if I forgot anything.

Posted by
341 posts

My favorite flight snack is peanut M&Ms. Until this thread I had no idea how many of you like them too. For my trip that is coming up next week, I am watching the weight of the carryon carefully. I decided I didn't need the M&Ms and removed from my packing list. Yesterday I went to Costco and surprise, their 62 oz jar of M&Ms were marked down by $3.40! Naturally I had to buy, thus this time the M&Ms are the added item.

FYI most of the pkg will go into freezer to keep me from snacking and will be one of the first things packed for the next trip at the end of April.

Just wanted to let my fellow M&M people that you might be able to get a good deal at Costco right now. I don't know how long the discount is available.

Frozen M&Ms 🤔 What a great idea. I need to try that, especially during the Summer. No chewing - that could damage teeth. Just hold in mouth and slow melt.

Posted by
1671 posts

I want to add stuff that needs refrigeration, like certain meds.
ALso, an extra electrical adapter never hurts.

Posted by
6614 posts

I want to know where you all find husbands that do laundry and pack for themselves? (wish I knew how to insert a laugh/cry emoji!).

Jill, my husband packs for himself and does laundry while traveling. I don't know where that came from; he doesn't do laundry at home.

But early on in our travels, I told him I didn't want to be responsible for figuring out what he wanted and needed. Since then, he has always packed for himself, and is getting better at it. He's pretty good at packing light, although he does tend to take too many shirts and socks.

And there have been a couple of times, when we were going to family weddings, when we had to stop along the way to buy a tie. Twice for the tie; once for a pair of slacks! He actually needed a suit that time, but I convinced him he could borrow a sports coat from his brother. It didn't fit, but sufficed.

In answer to the OP, nothing, usually. I pretty much take the same clothes every trip, and have them arranged loosely in my backpack. The morning we leave, I'll squoosh them all down for the flight. The problem I'm beginning to have is that my old tried-and-true wardrobe items are wearing out, and I find myself being unsure of what to take. I did, on our last trip, make some last minute substitutions. I guess that counts.

Posted by
3624 posts

So…….we will now be able to ID Forum posters, as they will be the ones with the M and M’s in the middle of the long overnight flights…….☺️

Posted by
548 posts

Sandancisco, regarding 2x of items so you can leave some in the suitcase, some for everyday use..
I have travel underwear and compression socks that I now leave in one of our suitcases. I stocked up on Costco merino wool tops (some on sale for $8 in Dec) so I will leave some of those in the suitcase. I hope to do likewise with other items.

Posted by
5914 posts

While I was connecting in SFO the other day, I was drawn to the peanut M&Ms based on this thread. I resisted and only bought an overpriced bottle of water in an aluminum bottle.

Posted by
5905 posts

Lynn, peanut m&m's can go into pockets to reduce your carry-on weight......just saying.......😉

M&Ms: “Resistance is Futile.” (Quote from Star Trek Voyager)
Do not deny yourself, unless you have medical issues. Packing weight doesn’t count. Or, leave out something else.

I have to try the crispy ones and dark chocolate/peanut combo. now.
(I ate some peanut M&Ms at home about 15 minutes ago.)

Posted by
815 posts

Just curious, why all of you with your peanut M&Ms do if you have the peanut allergy on your flight. My last flight was domestic and they did announce the beginning of the flight- no peanuts

Posted by
15021 posts

Carol, I just leave mine stowed. I can get by without eating them on a plane.

Posted by
341 posts

Pat: Great idea with pockets. So obvious but I hadn't thought of it.

I just carry peanuts/nuts (M&Ms or otherwise) wherever I wish. I eat them anywhere I choose. Never had a problem anywhere. If someone sitting next to me tells me about an allergy - I will just respectfully put the item away. I even hand snacks out to other passengers if I have extra. I enjoy socializing on planes.
If a passenger somehow ends up with an allergy - I will ask for the medical kit and administer Benadryl or epinephrine. (I’m a doctor.)

Posted by
1542 posts

Sun, thorough consideration on your part. If I'm on a flight when the attendants are distributing stroop waffles and my seat mate refuses based on diabetes, I bravely offer to eat it for them!!

Oh Doric,
Looking out for others and “sacrifices” have their own rewards. It’s tough eating 2 plates of waffles - but, great that you are willing and able to prevent a medical emergency on an airplane. (Unless, you ended-up with your own kind of emergency.) 🧇🥞

Posted by
2805 posts

There’s a big difference between volunteering to eat your neighbors dessert and exposing a person to a potentially deadly allergen

And yes, I was on a plane that had to fall out of the sky and land suddenly because a kid was exposed to nuts. They were sitting a row in front of someone who just ate the peanut because that announcement did not mean me. The passenger who exposed the child was also asked to leave the plane for failure to an abide by flight attendant instructions. And the two doctors on the plane were fighting to save that child’s life the entire time we were falling out of the sky. He was not responding to his EpiPen. I doubt the airline would’ve been overly impressed with an announcement that I’m a doctor so it’s OK if I expose you to something that could’ve killed you.😂


Wow, I would not have considered that an exposure. Inhale peanut oil? Peanut dust particles in air?Perhaps, the announcement was made specifically for this child. I have never heard food allergy announcements on an airplane before.
I have been on a plane that was grounded for a different type of emergency.

Posted by
10433 posts

Oh my goodness, what a nightmare. I hope the child ended up recovering. Shame on that person. I mean how hard is it to do without peanuts for a few hours -- especially when you have been specifically asked ??!!! Sheesh.

To whoever's husband independently bought peanut M&Ms - I salute you.

So…….we will now be able to ID Forum posters, as they will be the ones with the M and M’s in the middle of the long overnight flights…….☺️

It's so true, there definitely is a moment when I just have to have them. But on the long daytime flight too !!!

Posted by
1542 posts

Unpacking at home, something else I added in that last pass before I left home.... a couple more plastic grocery bags, perfect for shoes and dirty laundry ( I did end up getting some dry oyster shells from the restaurant, glad I had a couple of bags to wrap around them) and one of Rick's little mesh bags. Not sure why, did use on the way home to segregate the last couple of bits of CLEAN underwear. Has anyone else found a use for those blessed things?

Posted by
404 posts

Posted by doric8 OP Unpacking at home, something else I added in that
last pass before I left home.... a couple more plastic grocery bags,

I always have at least one in my suitcase. I also keep a couple in my vehicle at home.

Makes a good small trash bag.

Also a good way to separate the dirty clothes I won't wear again without washing (like underwear) from the clothes I've worn and would wear again.

And if I want to "rain-proof" my sun hat, I could cover it with a plastic grocery bag. I haven't tried this yet. Not fashionable, but utilitarian.

And like you said, a good collection bag for things like seashells. Maybe more from beach-combing than a restaurant though.

I have a friend who used them to put the used diapers when she was out and about with diapered kiddos and no receptacle available.

Posted by
631 posts

I carry them in the bottom of travel purse to put over my purse if it rains to keep it dry. My shopping fold up tote bag is left for shopping.

Posted by
3624 posts

No more plastic grocery bags in stores now where we live…they are now banned.
You have to bring your own reusable ones, or pay for paper ones.
Yay! Finally.

Apparently dog-poo bags are a good substitute for travel use.

Posted by
8045 posts

I always bring two gallon Ziploc bags and two freezer Ziploc quart bags. If I have a clothing item that isn’t 100% dry when I am changing hotels, I place the folded item in a gallon bag and hang it up at the next location to finish. The quart bags are for carrying veggies or storing them in a refrigerator.

For grocery bags, beach towel & suntan lotion bags, etc. I bought two bright color Flip & Tumble bags that are made out of ripstop nylon. I bought one at the SeaTac airport and liked it so much that I bought a second one for us. They’ve gone on Hawaii trips, many European trips, etc. and still look almost new. They scrunch up into their own little ball - I could hide one in my two palms together. We just used them again at the grocery store in Spain Saturday.

The 24/7 Reusable Shopping Bag at this site:

Posted by
8045 posts

I have been on flights where they announced that no one could open a package that contained any peanuts in it. I also had a former coworker who also was highly sensitive to that allergy.

Our RS Adriatic tour last year had a teenager who could not be around anything with peanuts, so our bus was peanut-free.

Thanks for that info.. I will need to pay more attention to flight announcements. Peanut allergies sound extreme with regard to such a small “exposure.” Seems like the mere presence is enough to trigger an allergic attack.

Posted by
15021 posts

A few trips ago, I started obsessing about having some sort of plastic bag for sitting on park benches in Paris. Sometimes they are wet, sometimes they are covered in bird poo. So now I travel either with a reusable plastic bag from TJ Maxx that was a gift from Jean (has a Paris design, lol!!) or a Trader Joes plastic bag that is slightly smaller.

I usually also always have a Chico bag clipped inside my purse but wound up having to buy a bag at M&S in Aberdeen last summer. It worked out well because we were out and about all day in fields with mud, wet grass and occasional sheep poo so I just put the bag on the floor by the hotel room door to park my shoes on and keep the carpet clean. That actually lives in the slim front compartment of my suitcase so I don't need to think about it at the last minute.

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1542 posts

Excellent, Pam, we have quite a list now of things to do w plastic bags. But what about Rick's mesh bag that I drug to new orleans and back. What do wr really do w those?

The quest continues …
My local store does not sell crispy M&Ms or the dark chocolate peanut version. Now, I have a new frivolous mission.

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1542 posts

That's what the mesh rick bag could be used for
... bags of M&Ms

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5905 posts

Add a clean large trash bag, to cover your suitcase in the event of a downpour on the way to/ from the train station. Also, think about your backpack in the rain. Is it waterproof, will it be protected by a poncho, or do you need an additional plastic bag for your backpack???
Gotta' keep those M&M's dry.........

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420 posts

I always take a dozen or so disposal rain ponchos. They don’t take up any space and I can slip one over my suitcase if I have to walk in the rain.

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10433 posts

Sun Baked, I am sorry to hear of the lack of crispy M&Ms thereabouts. I am coming to the States tomorrow -- shall I bring you some from Paris ??!!

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6614 posts

Well, I don't eat M&Ms but I always make sure to have plenty of aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen... These are ridiculously expensive in Europe, and generally must be purchased at pharmacies. Being of an age where joint pain is common, I want to have supplies on hand.

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1542 posts

Jane, the day in the summer of 1984 (july 1?) when ibuprofen became an over the counter med (no longer a prescription) my best friend and I made an event of it. We had been walking by a walgreens plastered w posters sharing the date all summer. We went into the store, bought our first over the counter bottles of 200 tablets and then went out for a nice lunch. Good times!!!

👍🥳 Yeah! Better yet, I have never visited France. Good excuse for me to travel and acquire my own.

Doric, making an event of obtaining ibuprofen sounds like an activity in my small town. Hey, I believe we need a national holiday for antibiotics and toilet paper! Anything for a party.