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Vests are now "officially" a travel hack

Today's (June 12, 2023) Wall Street Journal has an article about people using cheap fishing vests (not stylish Scottevests) as a way to work around carryon lists. So it's become mainstream😏.fishing vests

If the link doesnt work, try googling "Hate Baggage Fees? Wear a Fishing Vest on the Plane" and the article should come up. Unfortunately, one of the proponents suggests taking your jammed-full vest off on the plane and putting it in the overhead, which, if they also have a carryon bag, kind of ruins it for the rest of us.

Posted by
1977 posts

That is never a concern in ME-cultures, such as ours.

Yeah that's for sure.

I like the Allan's characterization as full body cargo pants. Stylish! And think how long you can hold up other travelers at security when you have to dig all that nonsense out of the 25 big pockets all over your body. "Umm, can I get another bin over here?"

Posted by
9089 posts

Allan, I have owned and used Scottevests for a few years, and yes they are very handy. They even have (or used to have) a contest to see how much you could put in them and travel with only the vest. But many people here on the forum have sneered at the un-fashionability of them, and so now the even uglier fishing vests becoming a trend will be seen as another sign of the downward spiral of civilization.

Hank, the handiest thing about a vest is that you can put all your pocket items - boarding passes, wallet, keys, phone, tissues, pills, inflatable pillow, tablet, laptop, etc. - into the vest pockets. Then whip off the vest as you sail through security, with pristine empty pants and shirt pockets. Vest goes through the x-ray without you, just like a bag. Now cargo pants, maybe not.

Posted by
1977 posts

If I went this route I would pack at least a couple of hand-tied flies, you know, to keep it real.

Posted by
3146 posts

I wonder how the airlines will respond to this? You know they aren't going to just forego the money.

Anyway, I like the idea.

Posted by
2677 posts

I suppose the next logical step is to wear a top hat on board so you have a place to stash your undies and socks.

Posted by
8034 posts

Since the replies are hilariously spiraling downhill….how about buying two pairs of pants - the second one five sizes larger than the first. Then sew zippers around the ankle of each, so they can be zipped together. Put on the first pair of pants that actually fit. Then would you’re ready to head to the airport, attach the bottom hem zippers, and voila! Just fill the space between the two sets of pants with your entire packing list! Suspenders, optional - LOL!

Posted by
4733 posts

But many people here on the forum have sneered at the
un-fashionability of them, and so now the even uglier fishing vests
becoming a trend will be seen as another sign of the downward spiral
of civilization.

I'm already picturing the horror in my wife's eyes as I come home with matching cargo shorts and vest. I wonder if both come in a Hawaiian floral pattern?

Posted by
1145 posts

If you use chaps over your pants you can easily take them off at security. That’s a whole new clothing line. Chaps with pockets.

Posted by
21041 posts

Instead of the vest, I use cargo pants, which does lead to comments when I take them off and put them in the overhead.

Stan, I usually pack legally, but sometiemes come up a tad over on Lufthansa because of the personal item size.

I rarely check a bag so I miss the first opportunity for getting weighed at the ticket counter. But if I do have to go to the ticket counter I have a couple of the zipper pouches that Turkish Air gave me (even in Economy) with slippers, mask, toothpasete, etc... and i stuff one with the electronices, backup battery, chargers, etc and one with my meds and between the two thats an easy kg. They fit nice in my cargo pants. After the ticket counter they go in the carry on until i clear security. On the plane they go in my Personal Item under the seat. So no hassle there.

Yes, I actually put the personal item under the seat, but its been a long time since what was an inconvenience. I always choose a asile seat in the center section, and I choose a seat where the seat where the opposite asile seat is also booked. The seat between the two is always the last to sell and in the last dozen flights or so has only sold maybe once. So I put my things under the seat in front of that seat, not mine.

But I have had to drop my drawers in security on one ocassion at LHR. Fortunately I was wearing Scooby Do cartoon boxer shorts.

Posted by
4698 posts

So if enough of us put our heads together, can we outsmart the airlines? The company executives at a lot of companies don't look very smart these days with the disdain they have for their customers. Planes are so cold that a few layers of clothes can actually be quite comfortable. Just don't put your coat in the overhead bin and forget it like I did. And even though I filed a report within a couple of hours of getting off the plane, I didn't get it back.

And Allan, y'all are the exact opposites of my husband and myself. We can't even get my husband to wear a Hawaiian shirt when he's in Hawaii!

Posted by
1751 posts

I used a travel pillow cover stuffed with a couple of sweaters, a hat, and gloves when I travelled to Europe in November. It worked very well and didn't take any more space than travelling with my usual travel pillow. I don't see a problem with that at all.

I did recently buy a Scottevest jacket on Poshmark (new but less than 1/4 of the cost of retail). It has sleeves that can zip off, as well as all the many pockets. I don't plan to stuff it with as many items as possible in order to thwart carry-on rules. I do like the idea of making it easier to access certain items and to go through security. I also like the idea of being able to walk around for the day without needing to carry a purse. Of course, the weather would need to be cool enough to wear a vest or jacket, also, which isn't always the case. Anyway, I love anything with lots of pockets, compartments, cubbies, etc.

If it's not the height of fashion....shrug. Fortunately, I have little interest in what strangers think of me.

Posted by
1152 posts

Taken to extremes, this trick doesn't always work. Avoiding checked baggage fees

Now that American Airlines is charging to check any bags for economy ticket holders, I suspect the airlines will be on the lookout to stop attempts to evade paying extra.

Posted by
1751 posts

It's not about paying, for me. It's about not having to wait for bags.

Posted by
4733 posts

It's not about paying, for me. It's about not having to wait for bags.

Me too. I've got a credit card for my preferred airline that pays bag fees for me and any travel partners on my ticket purchase. Now that we know we don't need to overpack, I doubt we'll ever go back.

Posted by
1977 posts

Same. Waiting for bags is a drag. Dragging a checked-sized bag is also a drag.

Posted by
2831 posts

Maybe I shoulder order a vest for my brother. I remember one flight this fall when we were visiting mom and he was too cheap to even pay for a carryon on Frontier. So he had his laptop bag, that was it. He had all sorts of stuff shoved into every pocket of his pants and jacket. I couldn't believe what all he had! I didn't realize it until we were flying out. I have TSAPre so sailed right though and waited for him. Next thing I know I see him basically redressing himself after security trying to put all this stuff in his pockets again. I just shook my head and headed to the lounge.

Posted by
1977 posts

We too are fans of Scottevest...

Quick mild warning

Not spam exactly, but I clicked the link in the above quoted post and was somehow auto-subscribed to Scottevest's email list at my primary email. Unsubscribe link was at the bottom of the first email. Hopefully it worked.

Posted by
380 posts

I loved this article. I have a Scottevest vest I bought eons ago and never used! I’m going to start using it. I should’ve sized up though. Once I load up the vest it’s hard to zip. I just read the medium and large size can fit a full size iPad, too.

Posted by
32406 posts

I've been using my venerable Tilley Vest for many years during travels, however I don't often use it during air travel (although I have done that a few times). It's usually my portable daypack for camera lenses, spare batteries, water bottle and other essentials while I'm out day touring.

Unfortunately Tilley no longer makes the model of vest that I'm using but I'm sure there are lots available from other manufacturers.