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Veloce bag for iPad?


I like my Civita bag, and it may go with me either way, to hand carry home possible souvenirs, but I wondered what experiences people have had with the Veloce bag for iPad. The Veloce bag seems like it might be handier for toting my personal stuff on the plane (since my stuff now includes an I pad!), and to use as a purse while touring. I confess to owning an Eagle Creek rolling under seat bag, but it might be more than I want to bring for multiple cities. Anyone have good experiences with the smaller Veloce bag? Thanks!

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187 posts

I do not have a stellar review for the Veloce bag for iPad. I liked the size of and some of the organization features. For me, the bad outweighed the good though. The pad on the shoulder strap did not stay in place, it was constantly sliding towards the back of the bag and the strap dug into my neck a ton. This last thing is hard to explain, but when you open the main pocket, the front part of the bag falls forward, making it impossible to close the zipper with one hand. That might sound like a small thing, but I found it really annoying. All in all, these things were dealbreakers and I ended up having to find a new day bag halfway through my trip. I was bummed because I thought the size was just right for a day bag.

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92 posts

Hi Rosemary,
Ouch! Not fun to buy a new bag mid-trip, or at least not fun HAVING to buy a new bag! Yes, I saw the strap pad, and I did wonder about that, so I'm glad I asked. That would probably be a problem for me also, I think. The neccesity of a two hand close might be just a function of being able to open the bag up a little wider, sort of like a back pack. I might have been able to live with that one. I may look for an alternate, then. Thanks much.

I think I will be happy with the toiletry bag I'm going to order from RS, as I am getting a little tired of desperately trying to squish everything into a qt sized zip lock bag, might be nice to just grab one bag of bath/undies/hairbrush stuff after I'm done w/ security. Trying to stay lightweight still, but there is something to be said for consolidation.

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1025 posts

I know it is expensive, but you may want to consider this café bag from Tom Bihn.

RS has a lot of useful things to say and to purchase, but I believe in purchasing the best quality luggage and bags that I can afford. Tom Bihn products are my go to travel items.

In the alternative, you may want to consider the Baggalini line:

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609 posts

I have this bag and have not taken it overseas but I use it as my everyday "purse". When my Baggalini zipper broke and couldn't be repaired, I turned to this bag. The pad on the strap does move around but that hasn't really bothered me yet. I have an iPad mini but a full size iPad would fit in the padded pocket. I just use that area for my phone and headphones. There are two main zipper pockets. The one on the outside of the flap I use for things I need to access all the time like chapstick, mints, etc. Sometimes I pop my car keys in here if I'm making a quick stop.

The zippered pocket under the flap I use for smaller items that I want to keep secured. You can access that zippered pocket without unclicking the buckle and reaching in through the side. It's where I usually secure my car keys. But to get bigger items out of there, you do have to unclasp the buckle-something I can do with one hand, but it is really stiff.

I don't use the mesh pockets under the lid at all. I do love the sunglasses pocket. It is accessible without unclasping the buckle and it has a secure snap but you can undo the flap with one hand.

The main pocket is large and fits a lot. I use it for my big wallet, eyeglasses, a pouch with assorted stuff and there is still a lot of room. So guidebooks, etc would fit. I have stuffed a long sleeve top in there. It's true that if you open it all the way that you can't re-zip with one hand. I just don't open it all the way and then I can just do the one hand zip. Then there's the back pocket with a snap (I have it unsnapped) where I have a notebook. And I love that it has a loop to hold the bag at the top so if I don't want to use the main strap, I can just carry it by the loop. It really does hold a lot and can get really heavy. It's nice to have the zipper that expands too. I'm not sure that you would consider this bag super secure. The one thing I really do miss is an outside stretchy pocket for a small water bottle. A small water bottle would certainly fit inside but I don't want to take that chance. A stretchy pocket on the outside would lie flat when not in use, but would really come in handy (this is for you RS bag creators!) But maybe that wouldn't work with the expandable zipper. Something for them to work on!

I always take my Civita with me overseas since it packs down really nicely. I have an REI bag that isn't made any longer that I use for my travel purse. But I use the Civita on the plane and then use the travel purse once I'm in Europe. The Veloce bag is on sale right now, so the worse thing would be that you'd have to pay for shipping to return it if it didn't work out for you. Hope this helps a bit.
Happy travels!

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187 posts

I love my RS toiletry bag, I think you will be happy with that one. I would also like to second the suggestion for the Tom Bihn cafe bag. On my never ending search for the perfect day bag I went to the Tom Bihn store here in Seattle. All of their things look incredibly well made. I ended up with the medium cafe bag, and I think it is comparable in size to the Veloce bag, but not expandable. I've been using it around town to get a feel for if it will work for me on my next trip and so far I have been happy.

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92 posts

Thanks, Wbfey1- I have seen the Tom Binh brand mentioned by others, haven't looked at them for this purpose, though. I know I checked out their offerings when looking for a toiletry bag, but decided that the RS bag will suit my needs. Maybe I'll have another look! I have had Bagallini bags before, and liked them quite well. I looked at their website to see if they had something of the right size, didn't think I saw anything midway between Civita and a regular purse.

Hi Barbara-glad to know you enjoy the Veloce bag for iPad, and make good use out of it! That expandable part was one of the reasons I looked at it-room enough to wedge a very lightweight cardigan, I thought. Not sure about that shoulder pad, though. Somehow ( if I were in charge of design!) I think I'd have sturdier cushioned straps instead of a sliding pad. A water bottle holder wouldn't hurt :) I appreciate the suggestions while I whittle down my list!

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92 posts

Hey, that small café bag does look pretty neat (yes, I'm the doofus that replies, and THEN clicks the link, duh ;)

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92 posts

Hi Mnannie- that backpack looks Great!! I'd probably better stick with the purse/ bag purchase for now, though, or I'll be broke before I get anywhere! (Need a pair of shoes, too) I think my Civita bag has a few more miles on it. That purse looks interesting, very cool fabrics, pretty reasonable price, thanks. Giving the Tom Binh bag some thought for durability, although pricey.

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22 posts

I'm going on my first RS tour in May and bought the RS roller bag, the hanging toiletries bag, and the Veloce bag for iPad. I tried them all out on a weekend stay at a hotel in another state a few months ago. Two thumbs up to the roller bag and toiletries bag, but I don't really like the Veloce bag. Like Rosemary said, the padded shoulder strap seemed to not stay in place and was kind of awkward in my opinion. Some may disagree, but I decided it had too many compartments! I use and prefer a purse with one large inner compartment with one or two smaller pockets or zippered areas. When I used the Veloce bag and put my things in the different compartments, I couldn't remember where I put them when I needed those items! I do like the expandable capability. I wish it had a mesh outer pocket for a water bottle.

Although my husband will probably carry a backpack, I'd rather carry my belongings in front of me. The linked Tom Bihn and Baggalini bags look pretty nice. I'm going to keep looking around a little longer.

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1327 posts

I love my Travelon classic bucket bag.
It will hold my IPad mini, all the daily essentials, and I can still squeeze in a light jacket or hat when needed.
It’s worth your consideration, in my opinion. I like it so much that it’s also my daily winter purse when I’m at home.

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92 posts

Thanks for the ideas, SharYn and Frank ll, the Travelon is worth knowing about for the water bottle pocket, and being able to squish a lightweight sweater in. The Eagle creek bag gets bonus points, for me, anyway, for being a decent size, yet able to wear as a cross body bag-that always feels more secure to me, and not easily left behind by accident.

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92 posts

My Tom Binh medium café bag was delivered today :D I think I will be very happy with it. It seems like a good size! I got the medium size because they had the color I wanted (blue w/ green inside) but I'm glad I went slightly larger.

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75 posts

Hello - I just read this thread since I have been searching for the perfect bag for several upcoming sight-seeing trips. I am obsessed and have been for a while with this task. I used to use backpacks, but I am concerned about having to take them off in museums and also I'd prefer not to have all of my belongings behind me - Rather a crossbody tour bag would be better. Most I see are either too small or too large. Just wondering if you like the Tom Bihn bag. I'm sure it would be great on the plane but what about on a walking tour? Would it really fit my small camera, phone, glasses, lightweight jacket, tourbook, etc?

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92 posts

Hi drcynpizzulli,

I'm fairly pleased because it's so sturdy! I think it will fit most of those things you mention. Jacket? Not sure-I'm thinking my merino wool sweater will fit in there, because it sqishes down pretty skinny. I figure a lightweight jacket would be tied around my waist or just carried. Camera? Sure, unless it's a big, complicated one. Wide strap, but seems comfortable, and can be carried cross-body easily. I have an easy spot for my cell phone, and some other similar object. I don't think it would hold so much as to get heavy, so I'm happy there. It's about 12" high, 10" wide, maybe 2" deep. I can picture using it instead of a backpack, the only exception being not storing a jacket. If it were that large, then I feel like it would be too big to wear as a cross body bag, but that's me.

Minuses might be no access to small items unless you undo the buckle ( but you could retrieve keys tethered to the O ring in main compartment. Also, the slash pocket in the back isn't as snug as I would prefer (video shows a kindle being taken out of that pocket, but that seems like folly to me now) so I won't carry my iPad there, I will put it in the main compartment. Haven't travelled with it yet, but might put a wet umbrella in there, or a magazine, or a notebook in the back slash pocket, maybe. It should suit my needs, pretty well, I think.

Good luck with your search!