What is on your “Unpacking List”?
Travel advice is full of packing lists: essentials to take, advice for traveling light, the perfect bag, and multi-use items.
Let’s share our unpacking lists.
What items have you learned to leave at home? Perhaps some item that you carried with you for years that you later learned you can happily do without.
People had fun with this topic. We learned a lot from experienced fellow travelers.
Here is a consolidated list of the items most often taken out of the suitcase.
Anyone want to add to the list? What have your learned to leave at home when you travel?
And a bit of light verse for the light packer at the end.
Personal Care
Hairdryer (biggest vote getter)
Electric razor & charging cord (Use small electric razor running on two AA batteries.)
Norelco electric shaver, pre-shave, and after shave
Shampoo or a bar of soap (hotels provide)
Quick-drying towel (never used)
Curling iron
OTC medicines (but there)
Clothing & Related items
Full-length raincoat for summer travel
Heavy travel pants with the “secret” pockets
Beaten-wool jacket
Second pair of shoes (warm debate over the need for a spare pair)
Sport coat
Travel iron
Laundry soap
Electronics & Devices
Smart phone has replaced: calculator, flashlight, MP3 player, and travel alarm clock.
Travel alarm
Voltage Converter
Immersion coil
Luggage & Travel Gear
Luggage rack
Heavy suitcases
Airline Pillow
Water bottle
Bottle stopper
Travelers checks
Less cash and rely more on credit and debit cards.
Photo Equipment
Digital camera & USB flash drive - use my phone & iCloud
Downsized my binoculars
Downsized my camera
Multiple camera lenses
Digital camera
Paperback books (Use an eReader)
Special Lessons – Leave home:
My budget (spend more – live it up)
My husband
The Poetry of Packing
A traveler was careful to pack
Only tried and true needs in his sack.
Now, light on his feet,
More people he’d meet
More memories he could bring back.