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Ugh..last minute wardrobe changes due to hot weather.

I leave in 2.5 weeks, so getting pretty excited. Most of what I'm taking will be okay for the never ending heatwave in Italy...but I'm going to have to buy (oh gee! haha) another dress in lieu of one I had already purchased. The one purchased is just going to be too warm to walk around in when it's 90 degrees, vs 80 degrees, which should be normal Rome temp in the middle of September I believe. I bought this one instead.

It has not only a built in bra, but cups so I don't need a bra...which I like. I wanted the multi colored turquoise, but it was out in my size, so got this blue-purple instead. I believe it it will be more comfy and lightweight.

I know I'm taking more than "packing light" requirements, but still fairly light. So, anybody else had to go out and buy stuff at the last minute to accomodate any weather changes?

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15030 posts

I just had to laugh at the title of your I sit here reading on Trip Advisor about the weather in London and comparing that to the and other online forecasting sites. Should I take the cashmere cardie or will I be OK in the cotton/poly one? Should I take the thigh length waterproof jacket (which does not roll up small enough to stash in my purse) or should I just take my faithful Marmot Precip which is shorter?? Someone on TA said this week felt like October or November, but is their idea of October or November the same as this gal from Idaho where we sometimes have snow by then?

What I AM doing is washing the cashmere sweater today as it's been sitting around since last winter. It'll be ready and I can make a final decision the end of next week right before I leave. I am thinking I will take the longer jacket and the cotton/poly sweater, so a split decision.

Won't have to buy anything but will eval everything before it goes in the suitcase!

Altho, I was planning to take micro crew Smartwool socks, but maybe I actually need the mini crews which are ankle height instead of the ones that are no-show. I would have to buy those....lolol!!

I think it is some kind of plot....

Posted by
524 posts

OK, you are cracking me up Pam, and at least I know I'm not crazy checking the different weather sites online each day..hoping for a miracle. I feel by buying this dress (hopefully it looks good on me, and I will know tomorrow since I ordered from Zappos), that i have options. I think it's good you are getting your stuff cleaned and ready. I feel like normally I dress stylish. I've tried my best in what I'm taking to mix/match for 50% of what I'll wear and I think it's OK...not like having one's closet, that's for sure....add in the flat comfy/cute sandal (yeah, right...haha) for the last touch! For instance..I never wear this type of dress. I also bought a Patagonia skirt from a sporting good shop. They actually look cuter than my normal go-to shorts in the summer, and I might have found a different way to dress!

I've also bought two things that I've saved for this trip...I probably should have worn them, but I didn't. This is one of them..will be wearing in Vatican since it covers my knees. (the picture it doesn't look like it, but it does). I'm going to wear it with my clunky Clark Morse Tours during the day, but bought some flat lightweight sandals for the evening so it will look sleeker.

Since i'm 3 weeks until Rome, I'm hoping it will cool down some...but who knows. Next week I will start laying everything out to get a good sense of what I'm taking. All the packing light websites say to put back part of it, but we'll see.

Posted by
5678 posts

Oh, Pam! My friends in the UK all claim that there was NO summer this year. As we head into our 50th day of above 80 degree weather in NYC I kept hoping that we could send it their way. There is a "Bermuda High" that has kept us roasting. I wonder if it sends wet cold to the UK on the back end of it!

Posted by
15 posts

This is so funny, I love it. My thoughts are the same, like longer not so sm rain jacket, warm, not so warm, etc, though I'm not going for 3 more weeks. My main dilemma will be shoes as I have to have good ol lady sports shoes, doesn't look so great with nice things.

Posted by
17603 posts

I too had to chuckle as we are in Alaska right now, hunkered down in a waterfront cabin watching the waves through rain-lashed windows. Can't see beyond 100 feet into the gloom, so the gorgeous views we hoped for here are not there. Fortunately we arrived in sunshine yesterday so did see the mountains and glaciers then.

So with some "indoor time" while we wait for the rain to abate, I decided to start my packing list for London and Rome---we leave in 4 weeks. I just reviewed the list and realized I have included enough cold weather stuff to keep me warm right now in Alaska---not necessary in Rome in early October!

Posted by
10787 posts

Lulu, Pack for warm weather but put sweaters and leggings in the suitcase so you can get warm if the weather is cooler than you thought. That's the beauty of a dress, especially one with the bra built in. I've run into cold days and hot days in the same months in Europe.

Posted by
34 posts


I know how you feel. Traditional weather for the areas of Italy (Roma, Firenze, Cinque Terre and Vinezia) and Sicily for 12/9 to 27/9 should be 70's during the day and low 60's at night with rain on and off. Doesn't look like that's gonna be the case this year. So, last night I put in an order at Travelsmith for some warmer weather clothing just to be safe. I'll be deciding what to take the week before based on the current forecasts out then, but if the weather holds as is I won't be in panic mode now. If the weather does change to a cooler forecast I'll use the new stuff in Maui over Christmas break with my family. I know I have to get it down to carry-on and my one other item because the two couples we are meeting in Roma on 16/9 and doing the rest of the trip with only do carry-on and we have two Regional flights they don't want to check baggage on. I am packing challenged with this one. My beautiful 29" and 26" pieces will be left behind to wait for Maui. I am using a 21" and a beauty case only, I am packing a Baggillini (sp?) travel purse to use on land and repack on flight lol. This going to be an experience.


Posted by
524 posts

So glad I'm not alone. I think 50% of my wardrobe has changed since I starting thinking of what to take 6 months ago. Today, I ordered the dress. Mother I went home and tried on this Kuhl skirt I had purchased in the winter. Well, I've lost some weight and it really doesn't feel that well, and it's the only piece of dark grey in my wardrobe. I bought a Royal Robbins Jammer skirt in beige about a month ago...expensive, but it's fantastic. So I decided to buy it in a different color and send back the Kuhls Kararina. I wil get this figured out!

DH just went clothes shopping and he will look so nice, I just felt frumpy so I'm fixing that.

I am taking The 20 inch RS carryon and the veloce bag. I have a Travelon purse and will also take that out on the plane and reorganize.

I did a trial run a few months ago and rolled all my clothes. It is amazing what I fit in that suitcase...I was shocked. I will never pack my clothes any other way again.

Also, I had to go out of town last month for a week. I rolled my clothes and left them in the suitcase until I needed them, most were not wrinkled at all. I had one cotton t that had 2 wrinkles, but not deep. Don't forget to pack your shoes and heavy items at the wheel side of the suitcase.

Posted by
15030 posts

Well, I am glad Lulu started this support group for those of us who can admit they make last minute purchases! I did buy a lighter weight pair of jeans yesterday that I am considering taking.

Pam, I had seen references to NO summer and yes, here in Idaho it's been hot/hot/hot and dry/dry/dry. Now is it just smoky. In fact it is so smoky it looks like a heavy fog or snowstorm! So England, Wales and France (Heart of France tour, so out to Normandy) from Sept 5 thru Oct 13...the lightweight Land's end cashmere (watch for them to go on sale and they are reasonably priced!) or the cotton/poly blend along with a waterproof jacket?? I weighed both and the cashmere is just a fraction of an ounce lighter.

Lulu, that skirt is very cute and I like Bet's idea about taking leggings. You are a more stylish dresser than I am! I go for foot comfort first and foremost, then old-lady-squatty-body comfort next, lol! I can't believe you don't have everything out yet! I've had my shirts/cardies/pants/scarves out and hanging on an over the door hanger for more than a month. I've got my travel unders packed so I am rotating between slightly ratty and completely ratty depending on whether I have to leave the house on any given day. That's what has thrown me about the very cool weather is that I thought I had everything planned out!

Spratt...go for comfort and support. Your feet need to hold up.

Lola, sorry your vaca is starting out rainy but they really need it up there! Bring some back to your Cascades.

Kathi, good plan to pack the Baggallini. Make sure your airline will allow the suitcase and the beauty case as some airlines only allow one carry on and they mean one! You may enjoy light packing so much those big suitcases will be headed to the Charity shop!

Posted by
3952 posts

Your dress from Zappos is adorable! And the skirt from Athleta is great! Two wise purchases for your trip. I think you will get a lot of use out of both of these items!

And Pam is cracking me up also! I have changed my mind about 5 times about what will go into my suitcase for my trip in one month! And yes, I did make another purchase for my trip, a very lightweight rain jacket.

Lola, I am sorry to hear that you are stuck in a cabin with rain pouring down! I hope you have a better day tomorrow, with sunshine!

Me, I'm busy packing and unpacking my suitcase, like a madwoman, changing my mind every two days about the set of clothes I want to take to England. I have checked the weather sites for late September and early October, and it looks okay. Now if there's not a tube strike while I'm there...But nothing can spoil my mood, because I have a new book that a wonderful friend from the Rick Steves Forum sent me to take to England with me!

Pam, I am now thinking I will buy a cashmere sweater from Lands End to take with me.

Posted by
15030 posts

Rebecca, literally burst out laughing at the thought of the mad woman furiously packing and unpacking her suitcase....

Posted by
3952 posts

That's me! It's like a Three Stooges episode around here.

Also can't find my Rick Steves money belt. Looks like I will need to buy a new RS moneybelt for the trip. Might buy some new socks from Lands End for the trip also.

Posted by
15030 posts

Which socks? Merino wool or otherwise? Inquiring minds and all that....

Posted by
34 posts

LuLu - I have a 21" Rimowa spinner so I have to balance both sides. Over the last 8 months my youngest daughter has gotten a ton of shoes lol... I have bought more styles of various shoes testing them only to figure they stink or are a blister looking to happen and she has been happy to take them. I did return a few she just would never wear. I finally a few months ago settled on a ugly looking pair of black SAS walking shoes that I have been breaking in and a few pairs of sandals I have to pick between and an evening flat. My Fluffy Hubby was getting upset with all the shoes boxes coming to the house. "Another pair?" "Really, your out of control!" were some of his comments when UPS kept bringing shoe boxes, but I have hard to fit feet and needed comfortable shoes. Men they just don't get it....,

Pam - I am traveling on AA's first class both there and back, so I get one carry-on and one personal. PLUS 3 checked bags I will not be using :) On the regional airlines we are also going Combo plus and Excellent fare which cost more, but gives us the personal item and carry-on bag, plus one one checked bag which mine will be alright (bought one of those luggage scales to make sure), but Fluffy Hubby is having real issues with weight. Why does that not surprise me LOL seems to be on ongoing issue with him that extra 15-20 pounds. "Their out of there minds!!!" "This is never gonna work!" "I'm not doing laundry on a vacation, they better have laundry service." He actually is rebelling more then me "Mrs." packs the closet. So last weekend he asks me how am going to pack his stuff? I just stared at him with mouth open. I have never packed him before, but I ordered him the same bag I have in black and the notebook case. He can decide between that or his Filson messenger bag. His Carpa Crapa whatever, it is not an item as it's medical. This is just so much fun...


Posted by
15030 posts

Kathi...stand your ground, girl! He has to pack his own bag! I only mentioned the restriction as some folks are not aware and are pretty surprised when they turn up at the airport. It sounds like you have done your due diligence! AND your shopping homework!

Rebecca, great socks! Wonder how they compare to the Costco merino wool ones?

Posted by
3952 posts

Pam, I will get the Costco socks and order the Lands End socks, and compare. Will do a sink wash/hang dry test to simulate my normal in-hotel trip routine. I'll let you all know how the socks all rate.

My guess is that the Costco socks will be the best. Everyone who has posted on the Forum who has had the Costco socks likes them a lot.

Posted by
15030 posts

So glad you are willing to take a hit for the team, Rebecca. The Costco ones are cheaper for sure. Last year they were $12-15 for 4 pair.

Posted by
34 posts

I broke down today and ordered him some packing cubes and compression bags also. He just told me a few minutes ago that he arranged for us to go out to dinner with one of the couples on Thursday to discuss packing. My response again was to stare at him with mouth open before I told him that "I know how to pack!!! YOU have the problem!" I have weighed every ounce I am packing. I have bought all new camera equipment to fit into the beauty case and am going without my Gitzmo travel tripod. I usually carry on my camera rolling bag with 3 bodies (1 full frame, 1 crop and 1 film), various lenses and extras. I am now taking ONLY (which I had to buy all new. My stuff is Sony/Minolta-film A-Frame these are E-Frame) an A6000 mirror-less crop senor with an 18-200 mm, a ZE 16-70 mm f/2.8 and a ZE 35 mm f/1.4 for low light needs to get weight down and still satisfy the professional photographer that I am. I gave up a lot, and I do mean a lot (even though this is the lightest weight I could get for close to Pro equipment it's still takes up a few pounds ). I could have brought a lot more clothes, things, etc.. He's packing his own dang bag :) They are his friends lol....


Posted by
2178 posts

Okay the socks. ??????

I just looked on the Costco site, and are you all talking about the wool trail socks? If so, bummer again (had to say bummer to the leggings at Costco that were suggested on the RS forum last week because they didn't come in talls). But, the Costco socks are a one size 4-10. I'm an 11. Too small....bummer.

But, Rebecca, the LandsEnd socks you posted come in XL (cheers). And, they look like they might be a bit longer, too. I prefer something closer to a knee sock, and those appear they might be? So you like them and they hold up well? I might have to add some to my Santa list.

Lulu, I also like the dress you posted :) Very cute.

What's so weird is that I normally never buy anything new for a trip or specific for a trip. I just shop the ole closet (which, trust me, is not large) and pull out some long-sleeve t-shirts, scarves/shawls, two black skirts (one long/one short), fake pearls, ballet flats, and skinny jeans, and off I go. If cool/cold weather, turtlenecks and my trusty $15Target fleece zip jacket and maybe a sweater/gloves. The Merrells or Acropedico flats get tossed in, if it will be an active (most are) trip. But, I will admit that I did some panic on-line shopping for a swim suit for a beach trip. And, amazingly, it fit beautifully, even though it was covered 99.9% of the time with the swim shirt :) for sun protection.

But do love whatever you buy for travel, as you should enjoy wearing it at home just as much. And, when one travels, they should wear clothes that are comfortable favorites for life in his/her hometown. And, maybe that advice comes from a woman whose closet is so tiny, I just can't keep two different wardrobes....LOL!! :)

Posted by
2178 posts

Oh, and P.S. I ALWAYS pack my husband's suitcase, too. Just easier, and it means we can get out the door knowing he will have what he needs. I'm a list-maker, and he's not.

But, before everyone disses me for "spoiling" him, he will normally pick up by luggage and carry it when getting on trains/buses or going up stairs, etc.

This method just works for us.

Posted by
2178 posts

Before you buy a new money belt, be sure to open your suitcase. I'd venture to bet that you tossed it IN there, so you'd have it handy for the next trip????? Maybe.

Posted by
17603 posts

Margaret, I may have to adopt your style (packing for husband). He always forgets something ( even tho we use a checklist) and it has led to some great shopping opportunities. Such as the time he forgot all his underwear, try shopping for mens' boxer shorts at El Corte Ingles in Barcelona. Very interesting sights there, such as (ahem) strategically padded briefs. The good news is he found some great boxer shorts that we cannot find here, so whenever family members go to Spain we ask them to pick up a 3-pack of Dustin boxer shorts. They think we are crazy at first but end up enjoying the experience.

Posted by
4183 posts

This support group is very entertaining as well as helpful. I love hearing all the stories.

Being terminally anal, I have a spreadsheet that I've developed over the years. I lay things out on our guest bed and play with the garments like I'm dressing paper dolls, including accessories. I even take pictures.

For a person whose goal is to maximize the number of combinations and minimize the number of garments, it's embarrassing how many items or combos that I thought would work simply do not. Trying the "winners" on usually removes a few more, as in "looks good on the spreadsheet, looks good flat on the bed, looks lousy in 3 dimensions on me."

Over the years I have developed color schemes that are the most attractive for me and that are almost bulletproof for travel. I've also "collected" garments that cover the seasons and accessories that work with everything.

You'd think I could just grab things out of my closet and be packed in an hour. But noooo. I still start the selection (shopping in my closet) process about 2 weeks ahead of departure and make lots of changes along the way.

It seems like a lot of effort for a total of 2 pairs of shoes, 3 pairs of pants, 8 tops (divided among tees and shirts with different sleeve lengths, tanks, vests, and cardigans as needed) and a rain jacket. But it is good mental preparation for the trip as well as fun.

Posted by
15030 posts

Kathi, going out on a limb here but I am guessing you have spreadsheeted your clothing weights and have a packing list so I would take that with you for your Thursday night dinner! Packing cubes and compression bags are essential for me! I am not a photographer but I am guessing you cut out a lot of weight. I am sure you will have great results because you will have amazing subject matter.

Margaret, the socks in the Costco store are the same as the ones on the website, but they fit my size 11 foot! I actually did not notice that there was a size on them. I also have a very wide forefoot now and wear them with Correct Toes toe spacers with no problem. I am pretty sensitive to tight socks or shoes and these are not tight for me. They are not, however, knee sock length. They are the standard crew height. I machine wash in cold and dry on low with no shrinkage.

My word Lola. I will have to ask my 20-something nephew if he saw any of those um..enhanced unders during his study abroad program in Barcelona!

Lo, you are channeling the Vivienne Files aren't you! I know you are a reader of her blog and one of my favorite things there is how she creates outfits. I love playing with outfits as well. And yes, I know I need to try them all on since they don't look the same on the bed or hanger as they do as you aptly put it, in 3D!

Posted by
34402 posts

It works well for my wife to pack everything for both of us, so that at least one of us knows what we have; then I drive and carry. It seems to work well...

By the way - I wish I had anything like good weather so I had to choose warm if not hot weather clothing. How wonderful that would be.

We got so much rain yesterday that it stopped the trains.

Posted by
985 posts

Bahahaha - I ended up going out and buying another whole set of shirts and stuff for Europe after finding stuff I liked better and should perform better for me. I still have both sets and will pack two days before our flight according to weather reports. Tags are still on everything right now so I can take back what I don't use. LuLu - so excited for you! And Pam - heading out on a trip also. You girls have a great time!

Posted by
985 posts

@ Pamela - I never discount a Bermuda high. That's what keeps tropical storms from making landfall here. Better to roast than drown lol. Seriously, one never realizes HOW MUCH STUFF is out in the yard until you have to put it up to keep it from flying into your windows during a storm.

Posted by
985 posts

LuLu - I saw mention of undergarments on another thread but can't find the thread. I bought Hanes "comfort flex cotton stretch smoothing briefs" from Walmart. They are 14% spandex/86% cotton. I hand washed at 10:00 pm, wrung them out (but did not roll in towel), and hung to dry in air conditioned room. They were very slightly damp at 8:00 a.m. (more cool to the touch) but I would have been comfortable wearing or packing them. Also they came out soft, not cardboard stiff like my cotton ones. They come in a 3 pk of white, black, and taupe.

Posted by
524 posts

Nancy...funny you should mention that. I went looking for the same thread this morning to see if anyone had recommended anything and couldn't find it either!

I like my underwear that I normally use...but I probably wouldn't wash it. I was thinking about taking some cheaper light weight ones (that actually fit me, unlike the ex oficio) and just throwing them away as I go.

Posted by
2707 posts

Just saw the undie post--I love the microfiber ones by Jockey, they dry easily overnight in the hotel room and seem to stay put under jeans, very comfy. I only bring 5 pair for a 2 week trip, washing nightly until I have enough to get me home.

I used to have last minute wardrobe panics, but have a well-rounded wardrobe and now know which items are true workhorses on a trip--yes, wearing them 4 times in 2 weeks can get a tad boring but I'd rather have room in my suitcase to bring home a few more goodies.

My trip to Krakow, Warsaw, Gdansk and Prague this May had a big variance in weather but I was prepared! Wore tank tops and short sleeves in Krakow; tanks, short and long sleeves, light sweater, rain jacket, scarf and gloves in the other 3 cities. Layering really came into use this trip more than any other.

Posted by
3952 posts

Margaret, not finding the money belt in my suitcases. Not finding it anywhere. But thanks for the suggestion!

Posted by
155 posts

My people! So glad to have found this thread since we leave one week from tonight! Hilarious, but much common sense here. I, too, have been flailing around like a mad woman for a month, trying things on, laying outfits out, peering at myself in the mirror. I found a few things that worked, but went out and bought some new gems (thank you, Eileen Fisher for Garnet Hill) and now I feel prepared. More importantly, I feel good about myself and feel comfortable in these clothes.
I couldn't find the undies thread, but agree that Jockey rules - I have been wearing their Elance French Cut Super-Soft undies for years and won't wear anything else. Microfiber, and they dry overnight.
And now, watching the weather reports in Amsterdam and Bayeux, where will spend the first four nights of our trip before we join our RS Tour in Paris on 9/21, it doesn't look good. I had intended on taking my London Fog trench coat but, even though it will be wet, it looks like it will not be cold. Therefore, I will go look for a lighter weight waterproof jacket. AND I still need a cross body bag - have several but not quite big enough. Thanks, Lulu, for starting this thread. I hope you have a wonderful trip!

Posted by
524 posts

Thanks Liz...we leave in 2 days! I've been planning this trip for a year, and it still doesn't seem possible it's here. I also feel much better about my wardrobe after altering it the past few weeks, I feel good about what I'm taking, even if it's more than a minimalist.

It all fits in my RS 20" carry on and Veloce bag. The suitcase ended up weighing 20 lbs...which I think is pretty good...I have 19 pieces of clothing, bathing suit, hat, curling iron, scarf, sarong, peep toe wedges, 2 flat sandals, 1 walking sandal, water shoes, underwear, pjs, and bras....can you believe that? My veloce bag contains my 3-1-1 bag, meds, purse, maps, other toiletries, rubber curlers, and isn't full. 5 lbs.

I like to have a variety to wear and will be wearing everything at least twice. I'm not a huge mix and matcher I've decided....and that's OK, we don't all have to do that. Now, if I was traveling with heavier clothing, then I'd have to rethink that...but this summer weight stuff rolls up to nothing.

Have a great time on your trip!

Posted by
2178 posts


Have a safe trip, and I hope you have an absolutely wonderful time on your trip.

It's been fun following along as you did your planning. You sound well prepared, and based on the weight of your suitcase, you have done a great job packing light :)

When you get back, let us all know how you enjoyed your trip, especially what was your most WOW moment (or two, or three, or four).

Be sure to get a really good night's rest the night before you depart. You are all ready, so you should be able to sleep soundly :)


Posted by
311 posts

LULU, I am leaving in 2 days also for an RS My Way trip. I keep wondering if we are on the same one . I checked names but didn't see a "Lulu"! We start in Paris on Monday. I have been planning this trip for a year also. It's nice to know others are as "crazy" as me!! Part of the fun was getting things ready but now,I'm exhausted and just want to GO!!! What will be will be! Happy and safe travels to all who will be leaving soon!!

Posted by
524 posts

Hi, we are not on a tour. I have had just a blast these past 12 months researching and planning for this trip. It really made it go faster and I just loved this forum the most. Trip Advisors is also just a wealth of info, but several regulars there can be a bit off putting. Much more warm and friendly here. It's just amazing all I've learned about international traveling, and like you, can't wait to see how it all turns out. I have everything purchased and ready to pack tomorrow night...just a few things Friday morning.

Margaret, I will definitely be doing my trip report when I get back!

Posted by
34 posts


I packed yesterday and leave at noon on Saturday. I have a 21.5" and when I was finished I ended up at 25 lbs even. If I get gate checked on the two regional's to and from Sicily Fluffy Hubby will shoot me LOL, but I stood my ground, I can not remove anything else. My beauty case which holds all my camera stuff, Suface and adapters along with my smaller sized purse filled fit into a carry on tote that is under the personal size item rule, but it was close.

Hope we both have good weather. I'll be gone for 16 days. We can compare tales when we get back...


Posted by
3376 posts

Lulu, Chris and Kathi, Have great trips! I'll live vicariously through your trip reports when you return. My next big adventure is autumn 2016, I think, unless I can't stand to wait that long. Have loads of fun! Wray

Posted by
524 posts

Kathi, I just finished packing...I really wish it was a little larger. It's packed to the Gills without room to spare. It's not expanded but puffs up to 11 inches wide...however it can be squished easily to 9 inches, so I guess that is all that matters. I will be expanding and checking it on the way back, as I will need it to bring back stuff. I bought the "Don't tell Rick" tote to use as my carryon when we return.

My Veloce bag is full off all my toiletries and a few other seems like I have a lot. But I will use it all. I plan on using it as a foot stool after take off. It weighed 7 lb. There are a few items I will as DH if he can take for me as he has more room. Sometimes I wish I would have just bought a bigger bag and checked it, but I'm sure I will be glad when I get there.

Have a great time!!

Posted by
34 posts


Be careful with that Hide Away Tote it is 22" x 8" x 16", so be sure to pack it with enough empty space so it can be pushed to fit in a sizer. I am bringing one too. I read it can be checked, but I am not sure if that's really true. I have hard sided Rimowa luggage (38.0 L), so I don't have that overstuffed option. Although the case is 7.9" it does have a soft front pouch about goes out about 1.5" in front and I could over stuff that a little and still be under 10". Hmmm.... Maybe a scarf or two or three more LOL? Have a great trip.


Posted by
1625 posts

Great thread...I thought I was really over doing it with my checklist and clothes configuration obsession. We leave in 28 days and I think I am finally going to stop looking on amazon for yet another tunic that might work! I have 4 packages on my dining room table that need to be returned and I think I have finally ended my journey on my color scheme and travel look. We are doing expected warmth in Italy and cold and rain in France. I have decided to bring my old (15+ years) black trench style rain jacket, because I love it and it keeps me dry. I am also investing in a pair of ankle boots (Orthaheel brand due to horrible feet). This will be our first time doing carry on only. I did a dry run of packing and I appear to have enough room. Purchased an expandable case so we can carry on and check in on the way back. We are also thinking of possibly purchasing a soft tote style bag while in Europe to check in with just clothes and use our carry-ons for gifts, and special purchases. We did this last minute in London and landed up checking in all our dirty clothes! Even though I have laid everything out...I know I will do it probably a couple more times to "just make sure".

Shoes question: How many? I must have my orthotic (Orthaheel) flip flops to wear constantly when in the apartment (Planters Factitious, must wear arch support shoes!) , two Sandals with a backing (to support my feet and switch up the arch support), a pair of ankle boots (Rain only), and a pair of sketchers (my only closed toe non-rain shoe- with an orthotic I put in). I am thinking of only taking one of the sandals and using the flip-flops as my alternate sandal but heard flip flops are not recommended in Europe.

Posted by
524 posts

Leticia, what does are you wearing on the plane? If you. An fit them all in your bag, take them...I am!

Posted by
34 posts

If you're doing carry-on with all those shoes WHAT are you gonna wear? ;) Just kidding... I am wearing my SAS walking shoes they are the biggest and bulkiest. I packed 2 pairs of sandals (1 dress & 1 causal walking) that can be squashed down and one pair of thin Volcom flip flops for pool, beach and hotel. I wanted my ballet flats, but they would have had me giving up a skirt or pair of pants. I opted for the much smaller bulk wise sandals.

Posted by
1625 posts

I will probably wear the boots on the plane (take off and put on socks). With foot problems I can't easily buy a pair there and I need to ensure that the PF does not flare up again or I will be grounded mid-way into the trip.

Posted by
524 posts

I also suffer from PF, and worry about it. I felt some twitching in that area a week ago...oh have not been walking barefoot around the house and also stopped walking for exercise. So far so good...I think I've babied them enough to get me through vacation...the flare ups are terrible.

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1625 posts

LuLu- stretch those calves!! Like 6x a day and do the stretch on the stairs. Mine came on strong in March, just when I was about to join a Boot camp to shed some pounds for my big trip. I stopped all exercise (I was walking and doing Zumba). I am just now feeling like it is 95% gone, if I walk all day it starts to hurt and I do the stretches, ice, massage. My Orthaheel Vionic flip flop and orthaheel sandals are my all day physical therapy as they have high arches and a deep heel bed, I feel they have truly helped me heal in a short 6 months, instead of the year plus last time. The trick is to make sure you arches are supported at all times. That is why I MUST take my Orthaheel Flip flops with me, I even slip them on in the middle of the night when I go potty, I wear them everywhere except in the shower but they are the first things I put on directly out of the shower. I still do the stretches daily (1-2 x) to ensure it does not come back and I plan on doing some major calf stretches each morning of my trip to try to avoid a flare up. Unfortunately since I have not been able to perform my "vacation walking training schedule" I don't feel as physically fit for the trip. I MIGHT try to do the treadmill, i just dread another flare up.

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524 posts

Thanks Letizia, I will do those calf muscle exercises each morning. My flare ups usually last about a month. I stop all exercising (walking and jazzercise...I know, I know, I get a lot of flak from my friends about that). I only due the stationary bike and lift weights. My thighs are nice when the Flare up is gone.

I will try those vionic flip flops. For winter I was thinking of getting the slippers with support.

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985 posts

Letizia - I wouldn't worry too much about walking before the trip if you are used to being able to walk around all day shopping or looking at things with a lunch break and potty breaks thrown in there. Personally I think it is better to let your foot heal rather than chance aggravating it. I had been walking a few miles/day when I went to Philly. I easily walked 7+ miles and could have walked farther with no issues. Stairs are what gave me a pain because I live in a one story house and almost all buildings around here are one story - except for the hospital. I have been going there every day and walking the five floors a couple of times. A huff-puff time to be sure. I even had a tech pop into the stairwell yesterday and say, "We have elevators." Nope - not an option. Maybe she though I have claustrophobia lol.
I too have problem feet and am definitely taking: 1] wearing low boots over, 2] flip-flops, 3] Keen presidio shoes. I don't even count flip-flops as shoes and I may throw out a jacket and throw in my black shoes as well. Weight will be the factor as in Can I carry it and will it be a pain?

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1625 posts

Nance-Yea I totally use my flip flops like someone else would use slippers. I am also leaning towards taking care of the foot over the walking training. My endurance is good, when I do walk (up hills, stairs etc) I do not get too winded and can do it with ease.

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985 posts

I wear flip-flops all the time now that I am retired, in fact I have them on right now. I too wear them for slippers. I don't try to go walking in them though.

Letizia - I missed what tour you are going on.

LuLu - are you ready to roll? Are you going to start a thread here on the forum for keeping in touch or are you just gonna blast your way through Europe and tell us about it when you get home? Wait - I think you are already gone! Sending good vibes and wishes for a fantastic tour!

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1625 posts

Nance- No organized tour...just doing some walking tours in the different cities.

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15030 posts

Since we Are on to feet ( and maybe Lulu left yesterday??)....i had awful PF. I managed it last year with orthotics and a system called MELT. Last fall, after vaca I got correct toes and have been wearing them since Nov. No orthotics. Wearing the natural foot shaped shoes. My feet have strengthened so much i can now walk barefoot on wood floors without even a twinge. I'm in UK right now and according to my Fitbit the least amount I've walked since i arrived Sunday was 6+ miles. The most was yesterday with 10+ and a million stairs. The other days were 8 or 9 or 10 miles. I did bring the MELT balls with me and have used them once on my 1st 10 mile day. I would not try the Correct Toes right before vaca but check in to them when you get back so your feet are in good shape for next time. The MELT balls ARE worth getting and using right away.

BTW. I have no interest in either company other than being a satisfied customer who is now PF pain free.

Heading out to walk another 10 miles in Bath today!!