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Time to replace a wallet

Hi -
I have an old black Eagle Creek tri-fold travel wallet (and, by "old", I mean about 20 years), and decided it may be time for an upgrade. Although this wallet has a zippered pocket for cash, the remainder of it is unsecured, using Velcro as a closure. In trial loading it yesterday, I noticed that credit and debit cards can slip out. Guess the wallet has seen its share of use and has loosened up just enough to make me uneasy.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a lightweight wallet that is zippered all the way around or otherwise secure? And, have you used a style that's large enough to hold a US passport? I'm unsure about that design. Perhaps for going through airport security it's handy to have all ID together? Other than that use case, I think I'd be apt to keep my passport in my money belt.

Thanks in advance for your advice.

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2794 posts

I just used this one for the first time on a recent trip, and found no downside. At first I thought it was a bit too large, but it worked well. I like the inside zip pocket for coins, and the (small) D-ring was great for attaching it to the inside of my handbag.

Also, it is handy to keep my passport in while in transit, and like you, I keep my passport in my moneybelt the rest of the time.

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11854 posts

I love my PacSafe wallet so much I now use it all the time. It closes with Velcro but it never opens, in fact, it is so tight I have really pull it open. Much lighter than my leather wallet. It has a chain you can use to secure it to your pockets or your bag but I removed it for “ back at home” use.

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4183 posts

I've never seen the need for a wallet when traveling. In fact, I think putting all your eggs in that basket is not a good idea because it's a very obvious target and if you lose it, you've lost everything.

I take only the essential (mostly medical) cards for stateside and my destination and put them in my money belt until I get settled into my European lodgings.

Digression: One stateside card that was "essential" for my UK trip was my Costco card. I did a self-guided tour of the Costco in Aberdeen. It was a blast. I loved seeing how that store was stocked and took lots of pictures. They even had hot dogs, only the price was £1,50.

My US cards and cash go into the room safe or get hidden in my luggage. They stay there until time to move along or go home when they go back to my money belt.

Like many here, I take 2 credit cards and 2 debit cards on the trip. The day's activities determine where they are for that day and how much cash I carry. My upcoming trip to Scandinavia will be a new challenge because I'll use my CC more than normal in those nearly cashless countries.

This is the money belt I use. Super comfortable and secure. Of course, it goes under my clothes, unlike the picture.

This is the cross-body bag I wear. It's small enough that it's almost like a wallet. It does not leave my body. When I'm eating in a restaurant, I slip it down to my waist and position it in the least accessible position possible. I use a Baggallini change purse for cash, attached inside with a split key ring.

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3428 posts

They are NOT cheap, but TUMI makes a variety of wallets. They can be leather or silk-like cloth. I recently bought one and am loving it. Tumi stores are in a lot of malls and stores like Macy's, Belk's, Nordstroms and others carry some Tumi items. They also have an excellent website. [][1] I think their 20% off all items sale is still on, also.

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19 posts

Another vote for the PacSun tri-fold wallet with the chain. Mine has worked great for 10 years.

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14 posts

All, thanks for the great variety of recommendations. I'll investigate and look for that sweet spot of size, weight, and general usability. I only carry the daily card and cash needs in the wallet zipped deep within my cross-body bag when out and about. Everything else such as the backup cards know it, the money belt. Happy travels!

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92 posts

I was very happy after a long time of searching, to find the Big Skinny travel wallet with zippered coin pocket. It holds the larger British bills, stays very flat, has plenty of credit card size pockets if needed. I like to carry a wallet in my daily flat travel purse with enough cash for the day and an ATM card on the days I know I need to get cash. The coin pocket was a must for me. I don't like to carry coins in my pockets. It may not work for everyone, but it is exactly what I wanted. It comes in black or brown. Small matter for me. I carry a colorful Big Skinny Taxicat wallet when I'm not traveling.

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111 posts

I have a PacSafe wallet that zips up. It holds paper money without folding and has credit card slots many areas fir receipts and money and holds my iPhone 7+. I use it coming and going when I fly but put the important items in a pouch under my clothes when I’m touring.

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1152 posts

Another vote for Big Skinny wallets. I have never used their travel wallet, but I own and use several of their other styles. Because they are designed to be thin, they are good for carrying a day's worth of foreign cash in a front pants or inside coat pocket.

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102 posts

I decided to try out the Fjallraven Passport wallet. It's reasonably compact, even holding my two passports, yellow fever certificate, credit cards and cash, and I like that it zippers shut. However, I was able to visit a local store and see it for myself; not sure I would have bought it online.

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606 posts

Not wanting to deal with taking one in and out of my purse, I chose not to use a traditional wallet at all. Instead I bought a cheap fabric pencil case. It is lightweight, has 3 compartments (one of which is zipped), a main zipper, and is big enough to hold cash (paper and coins) for the day. My passport will not fit in it but that stays in my money belt (along with credit cards, etc) unless I need it for a hotel or airport security. To secure the case in my purse, I just use three safety pins that hold it in place (on the side of the purse that is up against my body). When I make a purchase I can easily access my money and don't need to be concerned about removing a wallet from my purse. It works for me. I also carry a small change purse in which I keep only small denomination coins (ie, not 1€ or 2€ coins).