I ask because I have terrible eyesight and I'm a slave to the lens. I would LASIK yesterday but way too much astigmatism for that to be safe, and not old enough yet for an eye surgeon to slip in a lens without having to come back and redo it.
I used to carry my glasses, my backup glasses, some contact lenses, regular sunglasses.
But I didn't use the contacts much, so evolved to traveling with my regular prescription progressives and non-progressive prescription Transitions as my sunglasses.
But now I am going to pivot away from this arrangement. Reason being that while I like my Transitions, indoors they never get absolutely truly as clear as my regular glasses, and when I have to wear them indoors, I feel like I am gradually going insane because everything is just a hair dimmer than it should be. If I lost or broke my primary glasses I would be well bummed out to have to do a month with just the Transitions.
So my plan for this next trip:
I have two identical pairs of my prescription progressives. And right now I'm searching for reasonably good looking clip on sunglasses to fit them. Ideally I'd like one pair of clip-ons in a lighter brown amber, the other in it darker gray polarized lens.
My clip-on hunt has been mildly complicated by the fact that I will ride a bike for weeks with the clip-ons, and so I need the four point attachment, not the ones that just clip above the bridge. Wind etc ... My retailer, Warby Parker, actually does make spring clip-ons custom to my particular frame, but they are $65, so I'm going to ferret about on Amazon for a while before I give in to bespoke clip ons.
I think it will work well my new setup, but then again, that's what I always think. So we shall see 🙂
How about you, travelers whose eyes and the world are not necessarily on the same page? What do you bring in the eyewear department, and how has that been working for you?
As long as I don't lose both pairs of my glasses, I will be able to read your responses