I am a woman of a certain age and am finding that my temp regulation is not what it used to be and I can get really hot, really fast and then feel mildly panicked. This isn't much of a problem if I can get up and get some air, but in situations where I feel like moving around and getting air is an option, I can feel a little panicky. I am concerned that an 8 hour flight overseas this September mlight be a potentially panic-inducing situation where a little prep ahead of time could make for an easier time for me. Haven't been on a flight since pre-Covid back before I started having these "meno-panic" experiences. My only experience with an RX for relaxation was a Valium prescribed for a medical procedure and it worked like a charm. Any reason not to ask my family doc for a pill for the ride over and one for the ride back. A friend suggested Xanax as well. Wondering about picking up one of those neck fans, too. Any other ideas for how I can make a flight in coach more bearable??? Really appreciate any suggestions - thanks!