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Spinners and Train Travel

We're on our grand tour of Europe, traveling almost entirely on trains, using my wife's sparkling new Travelpro Platinum® Elite spinner carryon.

Mistake. Just try to keep these things from rolling down the hallway if all the bag space is full, or if you find yourself in the second class carriage. Huge PITA. Had to tie the silly thing onto a doorknob to keep it tethered, using an extra USB cord.

There are a few spinner bags that feature wheel locks. Get one of those if you want a spinner and plan to travel by train.

Posted by
8297 posts

I just flip mine over on a side without the wheels. Wouldn't take anything for my spinner carry on.

My wife is mobility challenged and travels on a folding travel scooter. I handle two spinner carry on's by myself so we need no assistance from anyone else.

Posted by
1618 posts

I once got a scrape on my arm from a gigantic spinner that went careening down the train car. It careened backwards, forwards, side to side, before its owner finally did anything about it.

Posted by
8817 posts

I just flip mine over on a side without the wheels. Wouldn't take anything for my spinner carry on.

This! It's something people on the airport parking lot shuttles just never seem to learn. No matter how often the driver tells them

Posted by
496 posts

Ditto - all my bags have four wheels and I've never had a problem on trains of elsewhere. Just stick them in the luggage area or on their sides. In London taxis I just put them flat to avoid them rolling around. They're so.much easier that two wheel luggage.

Posted by
7556 posts

And here's another ditto. :-) I've never had a problem with mine—just follow the advice of the other spinner owners above.

Posted by
2375 posts

I personally believe that a rolling duffel style bag is better for train travel. Mine has two sturdy wheels, and a good skid plate so that you can just drag it up stairs if needed, and its elongated shape means it fits well in overhead racks on most trains.

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16018 posts

Spinner guy here. Same as others. Place the bag on its side.

And I take lots of trains.

Posted by
954 posts

The luggage racks or seats on trains to place the spinners sideways were not always available with the crowds in Switzerland this past month. Luckily we had a variety of carryons between the six of us and were able to block in the spinners when we ended up standing, which was a lot. Not my favorite carryon especially on the cobblestones. I’m still amazed at the amount of people that travel by train with the huge suitcases which all seem to be spinners. They struggle to get them over the space between the train and the platform, struggle to get them up the grades or stairs between platforms, struggle to get them up the stairs on the trains so they can be on the upper level and then take up the 4 facing seats groups.

Posted by
10019 posts

I usually slip a bungee cord with big hooks on the end for my public transport elements of my travel. Has come in handy more than once, and sounds like it could be really useful for just such a situation.

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19502 posts

Travel for me is much more enjoyable when I take it slow and easy. For trains that means a $3 seat assignment so i never stand, and arriving at the station early. A coffee, a little snack, relax and watch and when I see people beginning to board, I board too which pretty much guarantees a place above my seat for my spinner. Then relax and read till departure.

But a recent survey indicates that 4 out of 5 selfie/Instagram tourists use spinners. So ....

Posted by
7556 posts

But a recent survey indicates that 4 out of 5 selfie/Instagram tourists use spinners. So ....

Hahahahaha!!!! Most of those selfie tourists probably come from Texas. ;-)

Posted by
19502 posts

Naaaa, thats more of a California thing. Okay, then they could be from Austin, Texas (a suburb of California)

Posted by
14758 posts

I use a medium space spinner, packing it light, ride in 2nd class in trains, never had to be concerned with it rolling away. Usually I throw the spinner on the luggage rack above my seat or if need be, over rack space of someone else on the ICE. If that's not available , stash it in the luggage area

Posted by
4574 posts

I am pretty sure there are plenty of people who use all kinds (and all sizes) of luggage - but don’t know how.

My last trip I saw one of the backpack people wipe someone out walking down (and turning around in) the airplane aisle. I don’t think I am going to blame the backpack. LOL!