I’ve been in the market for a lightweight two wheel roller bag - actually two- one for myself and one for my son. I have done more research on finding a possible bag than I should have! This type bag has proven very hard to find. Some options I saw were too pricey, some too heavy.
I decided on the RS Rolling Carry on in plum for me on sale. It should be here in a few days. But today, I happened to be in Marshall’s and saw a Britbag Eco- Hike Carryon Convertible backpack and I think will be acceptable for international flights. I had my tape measure in my purse. It measures- 21 x 14.5 x 8. Weighs 6.1 pounds. It looks like a great little bag. It was $59.99. I don’t know how durable it will prove to be, but for a young guy, it looks like a great deal.
It came in a set, bigger sizes, too. I’m going to try and find a link to share. Just thought I’d pass this onto other folks looking for this type of bag.
Here is the bag on Amazon. The one in Marshall’s is a pretty navy blue with lime green accents.