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Posted by
2716 posts

Interesting. I fret a lot over bag size before I go. I've got a lot of small bags with slightly varying dimensions to match the slightly varying dimensions of the airlines. Alaska is 24x17x10. American is 22x14x9. Ryan Air is 21.6x 15.7 x 7.8. On my next trip I am flying all 3 of these airlines and it's tough to keep everyone happy. I've been size-checked by American, Alaska and Turkish in the last year so I try to stay within the guidelines.

Your article points out one of the real issues, I think, which is lumps in sizing that pop up randomly. I can certainly pack a 7.8 inch wide bag, but it often bulges a little once I get it packed tight.

I've taken to bringing my tiniest little Kmart $20 suitcase. I can't stomach the $300 bag purchase and my Kmart bag is so cheap that it weighs almost nothing, which helps meet some of the stingier weight limits.

Posted by
4977 posts

I posted this a few months back but it's a good reminder. Also remember it's like the TSA, you may have a trip with 4 flight segments and on 3 of those no one questions the bag. And then ......

Posted by
8136 posts

When I needed to purchase a smaller carry-on to replace my old RS bag a few years ago, I checked dimensions of several on-line and then took a tape measure to the stores. I also found that several posted dimensions weren't accurate. I ended up with the Eddie Bauer Expedition Medium, and it holds a lot (just returned from another 2-week business trip) with a couple of packing cubes. It's stated as 22 X 14 X 10, but the 10" can easily drop to 9" or less depending on how much it's filled.

Posted by
15806 posts

Last time I went shopping for a carry on piece, I took a tape measure AND a luggage scale. There's no point in getting a bag that's within the measurements, but so heavy that by the time you pack it half full, you're over the weight limit.

Posted by
1446 posts

I narrowed down my choice to two, ordered from eBags, and crossed my fingers that they measured true. I ordered the two, intending to send one back, once I made my final choice - or it would be made for me (inaccurate dimensions & weight).

Sure enough... one was bigger than stated and sent back.

There really is no consistency - especially when taking the wheels into account.

This last carry-on went through the KLM, Alitalia and Vueling sizers. It'll go through Ryan Air in 3 weeks - that should be interesting.

Posted by
19351 posts

So, you can just about count on that any bag that advertises it is the max regulation carryon size will actually be over-sized. Get one that is under by a little, particularly for the length.

Better yet, since rolling suitcases have rigid sides and can't be made to fit in a smaller sizer, get a soft, non-rolling bag and don't fill it to bulging, and it will deform to fit any sizer.

Posted by
16895 posts

Other commenters in this forum recently measured Rick's 21" Rolling Carry-On as "just barely" over 21", including wheels and handle. (Marketing info previously called it 20" but has been adjusted to say 21".) The is bag is hard-sided on the back but soft on the front, so it can be squished in the narrowest direction. At the same time, it will bulge if you stuff the outside pocket.

With some attention to that pocket, we don't have any complaints about the bag not fitting most overhead spaces, including on European airlines, for which it was designed. But for example, I've recently been on domestic Alaska Airlines flights where the "standard" sized bins were on the outer sides of the plane and the bins on the insides of the aisles were considerably smaller. The weight of the total packed bag is also restricted by some carriers.

Posted by
1548 posts

I just made my first trip with the 21"" rolling carryon and matching back pack for 6 nights domestically, (February. Iowa to sunny California, if that gives you an idea of the temperature change) in the Arizona stop over I was able to smush my long jeans, step in Lands end boots and winter coat into the bag. .......where they did join my clothes for 5 more days in California. so, you can get quite a bit in the bag, but the handle and wheels protrude into the bag much more so than they did with my larger softer wheeled bag of an ahem different brand.