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Posted by
1258 posts

T-bars are a matter of taste; hard to steer for some folks in certain situations, other folks have no problems. If you’re at all concerned, forget it. there are hundreds of other durable suitcases. Plus, four pounds is a lot of mass.

Posted by
16770 posts

If you plan to piggyback a "personal item" onto your carry on, the T-bar will not make it easy.

four pounds is a lot of mass.

The TB Aeronaut only weighs one pound less.

Posted by
8680 posts

I have no experience with this bag but I do not like T-bars. As Frank said, it's difficult to put another bag with a trolley sleeve on it and keep it securely in place, and I've found that it irritating to hold as I'm dragging it along. I've never really seen the benefit of it, although I suppose it lessens the weight just a bit.

Posted by
914 posts

My underseat roller bag has a Tbar and it's a pain. I love the bag otherwise and normally anything else I'm bringing I can carry on my shoulder but if I do try to slip the trolley sleeve over the bar it slips around. Would definitely not want a full sized bag with a Tbar.