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Ryanair Carry-on Luggage

I'm leaving for a month-long Europe vacation in a week, and I have purchased several different bags that I've eventually had to take back because they don't fit the dimensions of Ryanair's carry-on luggage (I will be flying Ryanair three times within the month). The bag I now have, an IT Luggage bag, fits the 55x40x20cm dimensions just fine, provided the metal pull-handle is up. When I push it all the way down, it makes the total height a little over 58cm. I have asked several luggage salespeople, and they assure me it will be fine, but I've also heard that Ryanair is particularly strict. Will the handle height be an issue, given that the actual bag itself, including the wheels and the top-lift handle, all fit their size requirements? I know most airports have their staff do a visual check of the bags, but I don't know how exactly they measure baggage and whether, if it is measured, a few extra centimeters will be an issue on the handle.

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5837 posts

Read below. Ryanair appears to do what most other airlines do. They use a frame or box to check size. Advantage of soft sided without a rigid chassis for wheels is squashing your bag into the sizing frame. The OJ analogy is: If it doesn't fit you must check.

Partial quote follows:

Ryanair's historically stingy cabin baggage policy was relaxed last year. As before, passengers are allowed to carry "one cabin bag per passenger (excluding infants travelling on a parent's lap) weighing up to 10kg with maximum dimensions of 55cm x 40cm x 20cm". These restrictions are stricter than many other airlines, including easyJet and British Airways, which both allow bags up to 56cm x 45cm x 25cm on board.

Ryanair staff often check the dimensions of bags in a rigid frame. If it doesn't fit, and if any part of the bag or wheels protrudes, be aware that Ryanair is still inflexible over hand baggage size and weight, and the cost of getting it wrong remains steep: €50/£50 for putting the oversize bag in the hold (double this if you return with the same bag on the way home).

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34461 posts

Usually the sizing box is on its side, as if the bag is resting on its side. When you put the bag in, with the wheels to one side and the pull up handle to the other, if it doesn't fit it doesn't fit. If the bag is at its limits squeezing the bag will do no good.

The reason they check the bag, in addition to extracting money, is that bags go into the overhead lockers wheels first so the maximum number of bags fit. If it is too long at the handle the bin door won't shut.

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5837 posts

As Nigel notes, Ryanair has passengers load carry-on baggage wheels in. Ryanair operates single aisle 3+3 single class aircraft with a tight 30 inch pitch. Seats don't recline avoiding reclining wars.

Doing the arithmetic, passengers have 30 inches of overhead storage per row or 30 inches less compartment support framing for ever 3 passengers. That computes to 10 inches per passenger. If each bag is 14 inches wide, only two of three passenger can use the 30 inches of overhead per row

Not every passengers bags are going to fit in the cabin, hence Ryanair's 90 bag limit for their 189 seat aircraft. Of course customers can pay for the premium econmy with the first in first out privileges that guarantees the legal carry-on bag a cabin space.

You pay for what you get.

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795 posts

Is there anyway you could switch those flights to British Airways? Better airlines and this would solve the problem. Ryanair is fussy about this sort of stuff and there will be measuring.

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9313 posts

I think it is far cheaper to just buy a cheap, cloth bag than it would be to switch airlines.

All of my 4 flights with Ryan Air, they made us put our bag in the measuring thing. Easy peasy except for those who thought the rules couldn't possibly be meant for them.

Do remember that when Ryan Air says one bag they mean one bag, not your carry on and a camera bag or a big purse. I carried a small, cloth purse and stuffed it in my small, cloth carry-on.

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15799 posts

Ryan Air now lets you take a "personal item" in addition to the carry on.

One cabin bag weighing up to 10 kg with maximum dimensions of 55cm x 40cm x 20cm, plus 1 small bag up to 35 x 20 x 20 cms may be carried per passenger

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8301 posts

Hate to tell you, but here is my take based on a number of Ryan air flights from a number of airports.

First, be aware that carry on is ONE item, note a roller bag plus a purse, daybag, or briefcase, justone item.

Second, weight of that one item needs to be less than 10 kilo (22 lbs) which for a typical european trip just does not happen, even in a carry on.

Finally, yes they will check size sometimes.

For luggage checks, my experience, In the UK and Ireland, they check weight always, size almost always. Germany, agents scan at the gate, if you look suspicious, they call you over for a check. Further South (Spain/Italy) it is hit or miss. Croatia, I could have maybe brought a horse on with me if he did not take up a seat.

My plan is that the ticket is so cheap, if I am traveling with typical luggage, I pay the extra for a checked bag, leaving a carry on only for my critical items in my day pack. Tryng to squeeze by without paying only leads to risk and expensive fines.

An edit...Yes, since I have traveled on Ryan air last, I do believe they have relaxed the "ONE" carry on rule, and allow you a second item, but the size is restricted to about 8"x8"x 12, which is purse size, not a day bag or briefcase size, and may be subject to weight constraints at their discretion.

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93 posts

we make it on ryanair and easy jet with our RS rolling carry on and my RS convertable carry on. no problems.