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Rolling Backpack rattling handle

I recently received a Rolling Backpack and have a question for those that have this bag.

The telescoping handle works fine but seems to be very loose when elevated. At the same time, the button releasing the handle seems loose and makes a loud rattling sound when the bag is moved.

Does anyone else experience this?

Posted by
7 posts

We bought two of these during the Holiday sale. One in brown and one burgundy. When we received them, we noticed that they are not the same. There are differences in the telescoping handles and the handles on the bottom, the wheels are different and the buttons that release the handles are the different. Also we have noticed the same thing you have with the rather loose handles when extended. It little disappointing from a product that cost over $100. I have cheaper heavier rolling bags that have better fit and finish than these. The more we looked over the bags the more differences we found. Strange because the only difference should have been the color. I hope these things hold up during our GAS tour in June. If I didn't have a bad back, I would have purchased the Convertible Carry-On. I'm also interested to see if anyone else replies to this issue.

Posted by
10344 posts

You bought these at the Rick Steves online store?
If so, I suggest you talk to them about it.

Posted by
16556 posts

I did send the store a note about it but I also wanted to hear if anyone else was experiencing the same thing.

I'm wondering if a different company is now making the bags. Kiva made all of Rick Steves' bags but the company was bought by Baggalini last year and no one has any idea what the plans are for the company. Their website has disappeared and no mention of it on Baggallini's site.

Posted by
16895 posts

Our bag manufacturer has changed and the timing of switching from older to newer stock depends on the colors. Several colors of the Kiva variations are sold out. The new manufacturer is Ricardo of Beverly Hills.

Posted by
19300 posts

I think rattling handles might be a characteristic of rolling bags. My girlfriend had one of another make and it's handle rattled.

Just one more concern you don't have with a convertible backpack.

Posted by
16556 posts

I sent an email to RS customer service asking whether what I'm experiencing is normal.

The response....they're sending me a new bag even though I didn't ask for one. They said the the loose fitting handles make it easier to maneuver. The rattling, however, shouldn't be there.

I have a black bag so it would be interesting to find out which manufacturer made it.

Posted by
1068 posts

I like my Rolling Backpack and can't really see going back to anything else very soon (what a joy when I switched from a bag with no wheels!). I have several rolling bags and the handles do not rattle. If it did, I'm not sure it would bother me much (but that's just me.) My Rolling Backpack has been used on my last 5 or so international trips and several local ones. I'm packing it now for an upcoming trip.

Posted by
1194 posts

I have the Kiva bag. When unloaded (not pulled) the handle flexes slightly and make a clicking noise. But ONLY when I twist the handle back and forth. When I pull it the bag makes no noise.
In short, there is some play in the handle but nothing that I as an engineer worry about. I suspect this was done for weight savings. A heavier feeling handle would weigh more. The big question is... do you need the extra beefiness for the bag to perform? So far, no. Beefy is not necessarily strong, and we only need bags to be "good enough", not bomb proof.
I've found Ricardo bags to be very heavy. I hope Rick Steves keeps tabs on the new bag components to make sure there is no weight creep.

Posted by
16556 posts

Mine is made by Ricardo (according to the tag I recently found) and the problem is mostly with the button on the telescoping handle. It rattles whenever moved and the handle doesn't always lock into place (one side is slightly lower than the other.)

So my guess: the problem is with the handle release button.

We'll see if the replacement one is any better. My fingers are crossed.

The weight and dimensions are the same as on the product page on this website.

Posted by
2262 posts

I have a 2-year old rolling backpack. Have not had the issue you describe, but have had a few times when the handle doesn't lock into place on the first pull-no biggie to me. In my experience, a looser fit for metal parts is usually more durable than a tighter fit.
What I dislike is the sound the wheels make on hard surfaces, I'm always the noisy one. Great bag otherwise.