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6739 posts

My husband swears by gore tex. My only comment is that there have been a few times in Europe and have gotten absolutely soaked from my seat down. They used to make raincoats that covered the seat but I can't find the length anymore. I don't want mid thigh because that is just to bulky to travel with. To me it would seem to make sense to have a longer length but they are impossible to find. I have found umbrellas to be a major pain for sightseeing.

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5837 posts

RE: ...absolutely soaked from my seat down.

Solution to wet legs is waterproof rainpants. Sidezip pants are good for putting rainpants on without taking your boots off, but the side zips are entry points for water. I wear fast drying pants (synthetic fiber) on don't bother with the rainpants in light passing drizzles with late spring/summer temperatures (above 10C).

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6739 posts

When we camp, I wear rain pants. Where I ran into the heavy rain was Paris and Amsterdam.

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4744 posts

jules m-I have an old(probably 15 years old) ll bean goretex jacket that kept my bottom dry during a steady rain at St. Fagan's two years ago. I just looked and they don't offer that length anymore. There is a big difference between taking a jacket with you for the day and taking/wearing waterproof pants that you may not need. Why won't manufacturers make the clothes that we want? I just spent a significant amount of time trying to find a black travel dress with pockets in the seam-very few exist and I doubt that I'm the only one who wants this!

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9172 posts

Note that some of the Osprey packs are included in the sale.

jules, I am not certain, but I think Orivs makes some long-tail jackets like that.

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1194 posts

For hiking and camping I always bring rain pants.

I use the Montbell Versalite rain pants. They are a mere 3.2 oz and they pack down to the size of my fist (really!). I’ve used them trekking across several mountain ranges. The pants legs are wide enough to pull over a hiking boot.

I would suggest searching for a trench coat if you want a longer coat. My REI Kyoto jacket weighs under 15 oz. I sweat more in it than Gore-Tex, but it’s a great solution for day hikes.

If you want a truly light rain jacket I suggest the Montbell Versalite rain jacket. It is 6.4 oz.

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17604 posts

Black travel dress with pockets for Cala:

This one has three, two on-seam and one hidden.

This one has elbow-length sleeves:

Title 9 has at least ten more in black, but some are sporty and not all have pockets.

And here is the Waters dress with long sleeves, on sale:

Here is one from Ex Officio:

Two side-seam pockets and a hidden zip security pocket..