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“Regular” Backpack

Is there any reason I cannot just use my current “regular” backpack as my day bag? I’d like for my wife and me to just bring and share one day bag. Will that alert everyone I am a tourist and make me more of a crime target? My backpack has zippered everything and we’ll both have money belts. I’m not opposed to buying a smaller backpack I don’t think, but I’m not sure if what already have won’t work. Any tips are appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Posted by
1194 posts

Certain brands say “US tourist” more than others. Then you become a pickpocket target because US tourists are known for carrying tablets, expensive cameras, and other expensive gear. Just like Chinese tourists are targeted because they are known for carrying large sums of cash.

North Face, REI, are known as US brands.

Posted by
15021 posts

Will you actually be needing that much stuff during the day that you'll need a backpack?

If yes, I'd probably just use what you've got.

Where are you headed? Usually the locals can pick you out as a tourist anyway based on your clothes and the fact that you are out and around in touristy areas during the day when the locals are working, lol!!

Posted by
7 posts

The backpack is a Targus. I will not be carrying an iPad in it except when I’m on the plane or the RS bus. We’re doing the 14 day BoE. I was planning on carrying sunscreen (I’m like a beluga), an umbrella, two water bottles, a very light jacket for my wife, extra long sleeve shirt for me, glasses, tiny journal, pen, two sets of headphones, and I’m sure some other small stuff I’ll think of as soon as I hit “add reply”... I was thinking it might be convenient to have a slightly bigger bag for the bus rides and since I’ll be packing/carrying for two.

Nothing wrong with using what you have. Anyone can spot a tourist anyway. At WalMart, for about $1 in the key section, you can get a screw type cable loop. You can loop this through the zipper pulls to secure your backpack if you have anything worth protecting. You can also use a small luggage combo. lock -same way. Large safety pins, etc..

Posted by
3374 posts

Use your regular backpack. You will be fine. You will likely look like a tourist anyway, and who cares? Crime is not rampant, inspite of the myriad of posts about it on the forums. Just use common sense. Lots of time you'll leave it on the bus anyway. There might be an occasion or two to leave it behind if entering a particular museum, but otherwise, don't worry.

No one will want to steal any of the items that you list anyway.

Posted by
15021 posts

Oh, that will work perfectly for a "bus bag"!

You'll have some time in Italy so if you are a beluga, I'd add a hat and sunglasses as well.

The RS tour bus driver will generally also have water to purchase on the bus but you'll make comfort stops along the highway for snacks, a meal (sometimes) and comfort. You may find stuff to buy at those locations, lol!!

Posted by
23684 posts

When you say, backpack, really have no idea as to size. We simply use one of our sons' old book bags - decent size - but not huge. Kind of a worn look. When someone says backpack I start seeing internal frames, waist belts, chest straps, padded shoulder straps, etc., That to me is excessive -- but ----

Posted by
15178 posts

no problems using that, be it Northface, REI, etc

Posted by
1194 posts

I was thinking it might be convenient to have a slightly bigger bag for the bus rides and since I’ll be packing/carrying for two.

I usually take a bus bag and a much smaller out and about bag. That keeps my shoulders from getting tired during the day.

Any large bag (especially backpacks) will need to be checked for museums etc so that’s a factor too.

Posted by
8371 posts

I sometimes carry a backpack that's about the same size as those the larger school kids use. And Walmart's sporting goods department is carrying good enough backpacks to fully suit my needs.

Posted by
400 posts

I think you'll look like a tourist no matter what, and that's ok. A backpack is nice because it hold every thing, and it sounds like you'll need it. Plus, you will buy stuff. Yes, you will. And it's handy for snacks and such. If you have the means, you might want to look at Pacsafe back packs. The zippers lock and they have slash proof straps/bottom. The Venture Safe line has a 15 L that's a bit smaller than other day packs. It would make a great airplane carry on as well.

Posted by
1343 posts

I’ve never thought wearing a backpack made you look like a tourist, I think it makes you look like an urbanite. Have no hesitation, in my opinion.

Posted by
5837 posts

If you are North American try a MEC branded backpack with a maple leaf flag patch.