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Ravenna or Rolling Carry On? Which one?

I'm in the market for a new carry on and would like to have just one bag for domestic and international travel (just to Europe most likely, and London especially). I want a two wheel bag that can expand and be checked coming home if needed. My trips are most likely 4-10 days and I plan to only carry on while traveling.

I'm trying to decide between the Ravenna and the Rolling Carry On. They look pretty similar in many areas, but it looks like the Ravenna expansion is all the way around with the front feet also moving out with the lid. But it's a tad heavier.

Anyone have experience with both that can weigh in? My current bag is a Briggs and Riley 22 inch that measures a bit taller and weights about 10 lbs, so that sucker has to go! I was lucky this trip, but I'm not going to bet on carrying that on in the future, especially traveling alone!

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8373 posts

We only travel with one carry on bag, and we never check a bag under any circumstances.
Our last new bags were Travel Pro 21 inchers, and I was surprised how much easier handling an under 7 pound suitcase was vs. our old carry on's.
And with a 21" bag and a large purse, my wife can travel indefinitely.
After being weighed on my last trip, I limit myself to 22 lbs. total--10 kg. My budget airline tried to charge me $50 to check the bag, so I offloaded 2 pounds into my wife's bag.

Posted by
16783 posts

There are quite a few bags in this category. For an idea, go to

Two brands I have traveled with are Eagle Creek and Lipault. You may have to go to their websites to see the full line. Eagle Creek is coming out with two new carry-on's that will measure 21.7 x 13.8 x 8 including wheels and handles. One is the new Tarmac International Carry on (not to be confused with the old Tarmac International Carry On that is 20") and another new bag that will be announced and available next month (It will be part of the Eagle Creek Expanse line of bags but don't tell anyone I told you.) The new Tarmac is available in some locations but will be back soon if you can't find it. Information about it is on the Eagle Creek website. It also expands. I have it and will be taking it to Europe next month for an extended trip.

Posted by
139 posts

Two years ago we took a trip to Europe with the old style Rick Steve's 21" rolling carry on and the current RS rolling carry on. The older bag weighs almost a pound more, and I noticed it! The newer bag seemed much lighter...especially when we walked a half mile or more to the train station.

The newer Rolling Carryon is a terrific bag, and an excellent value on sale. It works best for me if I pack well into the corners to utilize the bag efficiently. Also, I must guard against overstuffing the exterior pockets so that the front bulges out (and then doesn't want to fit in a sizer.) The Ravenna weighs more, but doesn't allow for the bulge. I admit I've eyed the Ravenna, but think I prefer the lighter-weight bag.

If you choose a 6-pound bag, you may be amazed at how much lighter it seems than your B&R.

Posted by
15 posts

Thanks for the quick replies! I've been on eBags, Eagle Creek, and Amazon (among others). I want to try to maximize my space to be as close to, but not over, 21x14x9 as I can and it seems like everything is either a 22 domestic size carry on, or a few inches smaller than I can get away with and still 8lbs, or super light but I'd be afraid to check it (like the EC Lync). And that's when I can see the actual overall dimensions, which is a whole other issue!

It seems like the two RS bags might be my best options since I am traveling later this month and want to try it out. I just can't decide...I like the full length expansion and space in the top half of the bag in the Ravenna, but the outer pockets and lighter weight of the Rolling Carry On are tempting...

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4183 posts

On my trip last year, I used this 22" Eagle Creek Load Warrior Rolling Duffel. I did expand it and check it on the trip home. The newer ones have a T-shaped handle and weigh less, 4 lbs, 13 oz vs. 5 lbs, 13 oz.

It is very easy to maneuver and lift, so long as it is not overloaded. It will not fit in the airline carry-on sizer expanded or if it is too stuffed even without being expanded.

Posted by
15 posts

I did seriously look at that duffle! It's too big for international size though, and I think a two bar handle is easier to put a personal item on for transport. It's a good option for domestic if you use something like a backpack as a personal item though!

Posted by
470 posts

I don't have information on the RS Ravenna but can give you feedback on the RS Rolling Carry on. The Briggs and Riley 22 inch was our previous carry on also. (I have a closet full of that excellent luggage which is now just too heavy to use for anything but car trips.)
Here are my observations:
1. The RS rolling bag is overall the best carry on I have ever used. Even though it has inside rails (unlike all our Briggs luggage with the unique outside rails) the space between the rails and the depth of that space is very useful. I can fit in hair tools, shoes or a "cube tube" packing cube. That then leaves a flat space for my other packing cubes. I am currently using the Eagle Creek compression cubes (which I love by the way). I can fit the small ones in between the rails and two of the larger cubes in side by side.
2. Despite its deceptively small profile (good for flying under the radar with gate agents surmising your load) it holds an enormous amount of stuff. On a recent return portion of a domestic trip I had liquid souvenirs so I had to check my bag. I didn't want to lug anything around the airport and I was actually able to stuff in all my clothes, shoes, souvenirs and even the Euro Flight bag folded up. And I didn't even have to expand it to fit that all in! I did once check it expanded coming home from Europe with heavy, bulky textile souvenirs. The suitcase still looked tiny on the outside, but was actually a behemoth of weight and substance. Even so, because of its small size it was easy to handle.
3. The wheels and handle seem fairly sturdy. Not heavy-duty like a Briggs product but the price of the RS bag is not heavy-duty either. I do like that it is a "double" handle rather than just the single T-shaped kind. I always use an additional small carry-on with a sleeve that stacks on the handle. Can't do that with the single handle style bags. The wheels worked well on everything from cobblestones to heavy carpet.
4. The rolling carry on is very, very lightweight. That is also its biggest drawback. The thing that makes it so light is that except for the hard plastic back, it has no outside frame for firmness. It is almost like a duffle bag in that regard. As a previous poster mentioned, you have to cram bulkier things into the corners of the suitcase or it sags. That is problematic if you want to stack a smaller bag on top. My current strategy is to wedge shoes in the top "bottoms up"so that they provide a sort of pseudo hard frame for the top of the bag. On my last overseas trip I used the RS rolling bag with the Euro Flight bag. That just doesn't work. The top of the RS bag sagged and the Euro Flight bag (which has NO frame at all for support) sagged as well. I will be using a hardbottomed stack bag next time.
5. The price is good. We used our $100 tour store credit and bought it on sale for about $40. Even at regular price it is an excellent value. I doubt it will last as long as a Briggs bag of course, but we can replace it with three more for the same price as one Briggs bag.
6. The design is thoughful and practical. One of my favorite features is the outside zipper pocket for a coat or jacket. You always want that immediately accessible once you arrive, but it is a pain to wear a coat/jacket on the plane. This solves the problem perfectly. It also has a side handle so you can grab it easily from a train or shuttle bus shelf. The main compartment zippers do have holes that align so you can use one of the TSA-approved locks.
Overall, I am very happy with this bag. It holds more than my old Briggs, but looks so much smaller, is SO much lighter and is easier to handle because of those things.

Posted by
2393 posts

Thanks Travelingmom! I have been contemplating the same two bags - your details on the RCO have helped me decide. For me the additional weight of the Ravenna bag is worth the frame, I plan on using the Euro Flight bag as well.

Posted by
1082 posts

I recently bought my wife a Pacsafe "Toursafe AT21" and we used in in Italy and Spain last year and she loves it. It holds 42L, is 21.5x14x9, weighs 6lbs 14 0z, extremely heavy duty wheels, and has multiple anti-theft features. I have used the Rick Steves bags in the past and liked them, it is important to find one that is "just right" for you because when "packing light", the bag is one of the most important travel tools we purchase.

Posted by
11613 posts

I looked at both RS bags and went with the new rolling carryon, which has a molded back. I bought a Ravenna daypack to slip over the handles. Work perfectly together, although the daybag is heavier than the Civita.

Posted by
3201 posts

Thanks Travelingmom. I bought the RCO but haven't used it yet. You confirmed that my decision was the right one. Thanks for the packing hints, too.

Posted by
15 posts

Wow, that's an amazing review of the Rolling Carry On, thank you! I will most likely be traveling alone and am female, so I really can't afford to look like I'm in need of help with unruly bags or have them tipping over while trying to navigate a city. I really need the double bar handle for stability of a stacked bag (though that AT21 would be great otherwise) so at the moment I'm leaning toward the Ravenna for the frame. Either one is at least a kg lighter then my current bag so the security might well be worth the slightly higher weight. Will have to take another good look tonight.

Posted by
15 posts

Omg those compression cubes...if I can get two small ones between the handle and two larger ones side by side on top of that, I'd still have a bunch of space! That might be dangerous, lol!

Posted by
208 posts

Great review!

I would add that with my RS Rolling Carry-on, I've taken to adding an external compression strap around the outside of it. I do that so that it will LOOK thinner when being "surmised" by the airlines.


Posted by
470 posts

"I've taken to adding an external compression strap around the outside of it. I do that so that it will LOOK thinner when being "surmised" by the airlines."

LOL Vivian. It that works it might persuade ME to start wearing a belt. :)

OP, those Eagle Creek compression cubes are just wonderful. You unzip them completely to load, and you can really cram stuff in there. The double zipper mechanism works just like an expandable suitcase does. Once I arrive I unzip the second compression zipper which makes getting things in and out very easy. I use a hard plastic gadget (We call it The Sheldon because we first saw it on "Big Bang Theory".)
That renders folded clothes that fit perfectly into the larger cube. Here is their website but you can also get it online from Amazon or in person in the Container Store. We love this device!
Last thing. Don't be too deterred by the lack of a frame on the RCO. I also looked in person at the Ravenna, and decided that the clever front zipper pocket for coats on the RCO was more important than the extra support of a plastic frame. (You have to really zoom in on the picture of the RCO on the website to detect where it is and how it works. They should add a picture that makes it more obvious.)
One other thing I forgot to mention was that the "lid" of the ROC has a zippered pocket that is perfect for packing "dress clothes" or pants and keeping them flat and unwrinkled. I have used it for blazers, dress jackets etc. Finally, the real trick to packing the RCO is realizing that it will will pack better and tighter if you actually pack in things that come above the level of the bottom half of the suitcase. Since the top is completely unstructured that "overage" will fill out the top completely and make it firmer.

Posted by
9436 posts

Yes, TravelingMom, very helpful info. Thanks!

I was researching a new 20/21 in bag last night. Looked at everything on Ebags, then looked at RS two carryons. I think I'm going to get the Ravenna for two reasons: it doesnt appear to sag like the RCO and it has 210 cubic inches more space than the RCO. Their weight is so similar it's almost a draw.
I'm hoping to wait until they go on sale...

My old RS 22 in rolling carryon weighed appx 7 lbs which is about the same as the Ravenna and RCO. I'm disappointed these newer versions don't weigh in the 5 lb range.

Posted by
470 posts

Susan, having looked at both suitcases in person I think the RCO has greater capacity just because of the lack of structure. (If that makes any sense.) We looked at both suitcases when we were in Edmunds for the reunion weekend. They both looked so small to me, but with the tour store credit and sale it was too good to pass up. Once I started packing the RCO I was stunned at how much it holds even without being expanded. I always load it just like I do my compression cubes. I fill it up expanded and then zip that expander shut. On the way home it is sometimes "tight", but leaves the suitcase very firm.
There is a travel weekend in Edmunds coming during the St. Patrick's weekend. That is often a time for discounts, so we are hoping that will be be true for us online shoppers as well.

Posted by
9436 posts

TravelingMom, thank you again! Hmm, the decision just got harder ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

I understand what you're saying in that the RCO seems to hold more (because it's so saggy) but don't know how it actually could if the Ravenna has 210 more cubic inches of space.

Posted by
3384 posts

Do you really want the one that holds more? If you have the tendency to use all your space, go with the 20" RS wheelie rather than the Ravenna (I don't know which one is the RCO you guys are talking about). I found it perfect for traveling solo, on and off trains, buses, planes along with my purse. If I filled up my 20" wheelie, I wouldn't enjoy lifting it. I have mine trial packed now. It is almost full in height and width, but plenty of room on depth. It weighs 20 lbs, my weight limit for the wheelie. Unfortunately, my purse/camera bag is 8 lbs, and I don't see getting it any lower, although 2 lbs of it are euro/pound coins, which will disappear throughout the trip. So keep in mind, bigger is not really better if your weight increases.

PS: I check mine outbound whenever I can depending on the flights/trip. I always check it on the way home no matter what. It has held up well.

Posted by
15 posts

Does the RCO expansion unzip all the way around like the Ravenna? And if so, are the stabilizer feet attached in front of the expansion so they get pushed out to prevent tipping? I can't tell from the pics and video.

Posted by
9436 posts

Wray, RS has two 20" carryon wheelies (as you call it), the Ravenna and the Rolling Carry On (RCO), which is what we're talking about. Both of these two bags are listed as 21" because RS includes the wheels in their measurement (unlike most companies who do not include the wheels in their measurement). So really, they're 20" bags.

I just got back from a trip using my son's 20" bag. For me, fitting everything in, and I do not take a lot, was a challenge (winter clothes), so kudos to you having extra space left over! More room for your cashmere sweaters ๐Ÿ˜Š

I'm looking for a 20" bag that provides the most amount of interior space. Not all 20" bags have the same amount of interior space, it depends on how thick the "casing" (don't know what else to call it) is.
My son's 20" bag is a Tumi, a high end bag, whose casing is thick, therefore less interior space than others with a thinner casing.

If I had either the Ravenna or the Rolling Carry On, I think I could be at 20 lbs easily.

Wray, I'm wondering which of the two RS carry ons you have? And you like it right?

Posted by
812 posts

I'll second almost everything travelingmom said about the RS carry-on, EXCEPT that the Euro Flight Bag has worked very well for me attached over the handle of the roller. I've only used the combination on domestic trips so far, but will be using those bags on our Italy trip in May. I think they work very well together. In the Euro bag, I'll have my CPAP, camera (wrapped inside the Civita day bag), Kindle and things I might need on the plane. I'll be trying to limit my carry-on to 20 pounds or less total, but it is extremely easy to just keep cramming stuff into it, and that's without expanding it.

Posted by
9436 posts

stoutfella, if you "keep cramming stuff into it" will it still fit in the 20" sizer at check-in?

Posted by
470 posts

The RS Rolling Carry On (aka the RCO) wheels are set in the back where the hard plastic frame is. The expansion feature is in the "top" or "lid" part of the suitcase. I haven't had any problem with tipping, but of course I always pack my suitcase with the heaviest things on the bottom to avoid the chance of tipping.
The RCO carries a LOT of stuff. I fit in two sweatshirts, two sweaters, a fleece vest, four pairs of pants, two pairs of shoes, five tee shirts, two sets of pajamas with sweatpants, a week's worth of underwear, hair tools, raincoat, my folded up Euro Flight Bag, and ...a partridge in a pear tree. Actually, it was a 16 ounce bottle of my favorite Philosophy lotion. ;) I had to check it of course, and it weighed in at 27 pounds! If I had expanded it and filled it to the brim I could not have lifted it. :)
I packed the folded pants in the inside zippered compartment on the lid. Raincoat was in the front zipper compartment. I put one sweatshirt, both sweaters and tees in the Eagle Creek compression bags. (I am not gonna lie. Those two compression bags were like purple stuffed sausages. ) The pajamas were stuffed into the smaller compression bags and sort of jammed in between the rails. Hair tools were in the sides between the rail and the outside edge. The rest of the clothing I rolled and stuffed into the sides. One pair of shoes clung on either side of the suitcase while the other pair was wedged into the top. As stoutfella noted, you can just keep stuffing stuff inside this suitcase. And yes, it keeps the same basic footprint and is infinitely "smooshable" to fit into a sizer if necessary.

Posted by
9436 posts

Wow TravelingMom, that's at least 3x as much as I was able to pack in the Tumi 20".
I sure appreciate all this detail. It's really, really helpful

Posted by
139 posts

Love that long outer pocket in the Rolling Carryon! Like others, I use it to store my coat. We had to put bags in a United sizer on the trip home from Paris. The Rolling Carryon was a bit chubby with souvenirs (scarves, books). I pulled my jacket out of the outer pocket and voila! The bag fit. (I returned the coat to its spot after we got through security.)

I really like the interior layout of the Ravenna, especially the two integrated mesh pockets. But I'm not sure if the exterior front pocket would hold my coat, which is a raincoat with liner? I like to pack my coat in an exterior pocket--one less thing to lose in the airport.

I use a Tom Bihn S19 backpack with my Rolling Carryon (rigged a nifty way to attach it to the roller handle) for long trips / tours--works great. I use a Tom Bihn Pilot for shorter trips, and it has a sleeve for the roller handle. Haven't had trouble with either one atop the roller. My roller is usually full, because I pack a small d-core pillow in a compression bag, and 2 pairs of shoes. (Bad neck, big fussy feet.)

Posted by
9436 posts

More helpful info tavapeak, thank you.

I think I'll buy both, then send one back after figuring out which one is best for me. But the RCO is sounding better and better.

Posted by
15 posts

Hahaha I was just going to post exactly what Susan said!

Still not positive about the RCO expansion...does the whole top unzip to expand like the Ravenna (so the zipper goes all the way around) or does it only unzip part way so that only part of the bag expands (so a wedge shaped increase in space). I've seen both types of expansions used and definitely want a bag with an all the way around uniform increase in depth type expansion.

Posted by
1548 posts

II have the ravena, have only been able to use it domestically so far...
Tavaspeak, the outer pocket might hold yr coat.....because of the molded nature, it would definately decrease how much you could pack into the interior "lid " portion. i can get a spare spare of slacks and about 5 shirts into the "lid". I roll undies & socks in around the rails, and then the flat space is for my pjs, book, toiletries , etc. I have used it w ravenna back pack. I recently bought the flight bag on sale

Posted by
7 posts

Wow,I LOVE all of these responses! It has become apparent to me that I asked a very open ended question,being an obvious rookie at this.
I should elaborate that we are flying on Turkish airlines,have checked the carryon requirements and it appears that I should get a bag that is no bigger than 20". We will be traveling for 8 days.I can't see lugging a backpack,so need wheels that can deal with cobblestones for sure.
Was thinking about the Civita bag as well....does anyone have experience with that one as an allowed additional bag?

Posted by
3384 posts

@Susan, Yes, I have the RCO, which I referred to as the RS 20". Mine is just a tiche over 5 lbs empty. I like that it can be expanded, but never have...just in case I decide to buy some things (which isn't in my DNA). I love the zippered top pocket for the 3 1 1 bag, the next small pocket for what goes on me after security; i.e., earrings, watch, Bhudda bracelet, etc., and the lower pocket for things to grab if they decided to gate check my bag on outbound flights on which I didn't want to check...easy to pull out. My jacket and gloves go into that 4th long pocket which zips on the side of the bag.

I also like that it has the harder backside for support when checking the bag. I love buying suitcases, but I can't seem to get away from RS's design. I find the outside pockets to be perfect! I loved that when men offered to lift the bag into overhead on trains, I could just say "no, thank you" in what ever language and then easily lift it up into its spot. I feel I am always in control with this small bag and a cross body. I always have one hand free.

Posted by
11613 posts

The Civita bag is very lightweight and great for hiking, but I found it did not balance well on top of my RS20". So I bought the Ravenna daybag, but I love my Civita! It has held up perfectly for over 600 nights in Europe and countless uses in the US. Makes a great shopping bag, too.

Posted by
9436 posts

It's confusing for me when people say "RS 20" bag" because there are two RS 20" bags... the Ravenna and the Rolling Carry On... I'm trying to decide which of the two to get. So far, the RCO is winning ๐Ÿ˜Š

Posted by
2393 posts

I too have been going back & forth between the two. I really like the pocket behind the mesh pocket in the lid on the Ravenna bag - the additional space is nice too as our next trip is 90 days. On the other hand I like the lighter weight of the RCO, but, will I really notice 1/2 lb?

I like the way the big pocket on the front of the Ravenna opens but it looks like the big pocket on the front of the RCO is larger.

Now I am wondering about the Euro Flight Bag riding on top of each bag - two contradictory reports of how it rides on RCO...
perhaps it was packed very full TravelingMom?

Head is spinning...

Also hoping for sale...

Posted by
9436 posts

Christi, I don't know if this is helpful or not...
The photo and the video of the Euro Flight bag for sale now looks identical to the one I have and last used in '08. I only used it that one trip and never again b/c it was a total pain.
I used the '08 Euro Flight bag in '08 and it was awful. It never stayed on top of my RS 22" wheeled carry on. It constantly moved over and fell over the side making it hard to pull the carry on. I kept having to stop to put the Euro Flight bag back on top but it would only stay for appx 10 sec before it fell over again.
It was packed full but not overly full.
I have another, smaller one from a different company that always stays on top and never falls over. It's strap, which goes over the wheeled bag handle, is much wider preventing it from moving.

Posted by
2393 posts

@Susan - we have two and have used them with our current carry on bags with no problems. Our current bags do have a frame - thinking that must make a difference.

Posted by
4183 posts

I prefer baggallini totes with zip pockets that go over double roller bag handles. They can be bought from a variety of online vendors as well as at TJ Maxx sometimes.

I have 4 different styles in different shapes, sizes, colors. None has ever slipped around on the handle. All have zippers at the bottom. Some have zippers at both bottom and top.

This Hobo Tote is my favorite style and size. I have it in 2 colors. It comes in many more.

Posted by
470 posts

I was very disappointed (had very high expectations) that the Euro Flight bag just doesn't work for me. It has no firm bottom and no frame on the sides to hold its shape. Instead of a sleeve on the back that slips over the handle of the rolling suitcase it just has a strap/band with a snap. If it sat on a framed suitcase it would work better but on a soft bag it sags/droops down. Because it is not held firmly with a sleeve it does turn around and slip out of place. It was not overpacked. The Euro bag holds a LOT. If I packed both of those bags to the max it would be a serious problem.:) One other thing to mention is that the Euro Flight bag has no internal sleeve that accommodates a laptop/IPad. Instead there are two small pockets on the inside back which have no use to me. I didn't want to lay my IPad flat on the bottom so I had to awkwardly wedge it in between my toiletry bag and my Civita shoulder bag filled with my onboard travel supplies. Sorry to digress. I know this thread isn't about the Euro Flight Bag.
Last trip I used a different hard framed small cabin bag with a sleeve stacked on the RS rolling carry on and it worked just fine. The best part is that the small bag also has wheels so that if I end up checking my suitcase coming home I can still pull instead of carry through the airport.

Posted by
812 posts

I think travelingmom and I have just had different expectations and experiences with the Euro Flight Bag. I got it to solve the problem of juggling three bags. I started using a CPAP several years ago. You can carry on a medical device as a third item, in addition to your carry-on bag and a personal item. The first couple of times I flew with the CPAP, I tried carrying the machine in the bag it came in, attempting, VERY unsuccessfully, to secure it to the handle of the RS rolling carry-on. Plus, I had the Civita bag over my shoulder. It was an ungainly arrangement to begin with, made much worse as the CPAP bag constantly flopped around atop the carry-on.

My current arrangement is to use the Euro bag to carry the CPAP, my camera wrapped in the otherwise empty Civita bag, my Kindle and stuff I want access to on the plane. So, two bags instead of three, and in my case, the Euro bag sits quite securely on the carry-on handle. Maybe I've packed the carry-on full enough to give the top some structure, but I've had good luck. And I like that the Euro bag is unstructured, as it will squish down easily in case anyone at the gate thinks it looks too big for a personal item. It slides under the seat on the plane with no problem. Also, those inside pockets that travelingmom has no use for are perfect for stowing the power supply, cords and mask for the CPAP.

Like the RS carry-on, the Euro bag has unexpected capacity. I've used it several times as on overnight bag with plenty of room to spare. My wife and I even shared the bag for a weekend trip once. I have carried my smallish laptop sometimes, but I don't want to lug it to Europe. I did a practice pack the other day with the CPAP, camera, etc., also adding my packable rain jacket and the Don't Tell Rick Bag, with those items wrapped in a pillowcase to serve as a makeshift travel pillow. All told the bag came in at about 10 lbs., which I hope to reduce with a travel-size CPAP before our trip in May.

My one knock on the Euro bag is that I don't find the shoulder strap terribly comfortable, especially if the bag is fairly heavy. Otherwise, I've been well-pleased and will put it to the overseas test on our May trip to Italy.

So, I think there's no right or wrong answer. You just have to figure out what's going to work for you. In any case, I now own the RS 20" rolling carry-on, the Euro Flight Bag and the Civita day bag. I find all of them to be functional, versatile and durable. No regrets on giving Rick the business.


Posted by
9436 posts

"So, I think there's no right or wrong answer."

I agree. My experience was the same as TravelingMom, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work well for others.
That's why I really appreciate everyone that took the time to go into detail about the Ravenna and the RCO... it's been very helpful.

Posted by
16783 posts

If you are not happy with the RS shoulder strap on the Euro Flight Bag, why not change it out for a better one? On my last trip I used the Tom Bihn Simple Strap instead of the included RS one and it was much better. I'm now thinking of using the Tom Bihn Absolut Strap on my next trip.

Posted by
470 posts

Great details and review from stoutfella about the Euro Flight Bag. You are absolutely correct.
Luggage is very specific to individual needs. What I really need is a Luggage Support Group or maybe just access to a "Let's Swap Group". Bette yet, how about a Luggage Rental Company. Just like with cars, sometimes you are okay with the compact model but sometimes you need the minivan. :)
I have a lot of stuff which seemed perfect at the time, but as my needs change so does my definition of perfect.

Posted by
9436 posts

Big thumbs up TravelingMom! ๐Ÿ‘

Posted by
812 posts

travelingmom: I like the Luggage Support Group!

Frank II: thanks for shoulder strap suggestion. I'll definitely look at that.

Posted by
1326 posts

Stoutfella -- I really appreciate what you wrote about the Eurobag for use with the c-pap. I was hoping the bag would work for my upcoming trip (the first time needing to lug this new machine!) and you have eased my mind. (I didn't want to bring the heavy square case it come with.) Putting the c-pap in the bottom will give it the structure it needs and my RS 20 inch rolling carry-on has the frame all around the perimeter so it should balance okay. (It's soft in the front where all the pockets are.) And the snap on the back strap will help keep it in place.
Frank II -- thanks for the tip on replacing the strap. I have an old Travel Pro strap which I think will work much better. (And it's almost the same spruce green color!)

Posted by
2393 posts

Big Bag Sale...20% off!!!!

YAY - pulling the trigger on the Ravenna!

Posted by
9436 posts

Well, not exactly a "big" sale... they say 20% although it wasn't quite that much for the Rolling Carry On... I was hoping for 50% off - lol - but I'll take any savings since I was planning on buying it anyway. Now I'm ready for my next trip! Just need to start a GoFundMe page for that part... ๐Ÿ™„

Posted by
1548 posts

But at 20% off you can add a matching piece of hand luggage for "free" laughs an enabling sort of laugh

Posted by
3201 posts

Dang, I bought my RCO last month. Thought I'd plan ahead. Oh well, life goes on as the excitement builds about our Trail of the Lippizaners tour.

Posted by
9436 posts

horsewoofie, only a $32 savings... not huge. Have a great trip!

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470 posts

Just thought I would follow up on this thread while the Spring Sale at the RS store is still going on. We already have the RS Rolling bag, and used our tour credit to order a Ravenna bag. It arrived today, and sadly we are going to have to exchange it for the Rolling Bag. No matter how we pack the Ravenna, once we stack a smaller carry-on bag on top the whole shebang tips over. No matter what type of small cabin bag we use the same thing happens. We ordered the Ravenna believing that the extra "hard" structure on the outside would be less problematic than the unstructured top frame of the rolling bag. Not so. Additionally, the Ravenna has NO grab handle on the bottom. There is just a small piece of plastic that has no recessed area or "hook" to grab onto. So it is useless. As we all know, there are many times grabbing a suitcase off a train rack or airport shuttle bus requires you to have something at the bottom to grab onto since you may not have instant access to the top or side of the bag. The rolling bag doesn't have a handle, but the plastic piece on the bottom has an indentation that you can cup your fingers into
Hope this helps any of you taking advantage of the sale this week.
Just made another domestic trip with my RS Rolling Bag, and I love it even more. I used my Euro Flight bag stacked on top, and by tweaking my packing I was able to make it work much better. I still wish the Euro Flight back had a "sleeve" to fit over the suitcase handle instead of just a strap, but it did not slide around as much as on previous trips.

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16783 posts

My Ravenna arrived today as well and I like it. I packed it up and put my personal item on top. No toppling. I kept adding weight to the personal item and when it reached about 15 lbs, the bag did topple. Since I never carry that much I'm not worried.

I like the bag quite a bit. So much so I think I may take it on my next trip rather than my new Eagle Creek one. I like the Ravenna much more than the rolling carry on because it doesn't bulge.

It's all subjective.

BTW, with the Euro Flight are aware that if you use the little snap on the strap it will secure the bag onto the handles and it shouldn't flop at all.

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9436 posts

My new RCO arrived today. I like it, but I won't really know until I use it. It falls over when standing up empty, hope not when it's packed. I like all the pockets. And based on what many of you said in posts above, I like that the top part is unstructured so it may fit more stuff. I got it on sale for $128 but it does seem over-priced to me, even at the sale price. It looks cheaply made... especially the handle and the rods that extend. But I'm hoping to enjoy it and get good use out of it nonetheless.

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11613 posts

Just a note on luggage rental: there are places that rent suitcases etc., but they are not bargain-priced. Better to invest in your very own luggage (especially if it's on sale).

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812 posts

Travelingmom: So sorry to hear your Ravenna bag was unsuitable after all that. I hope your RCO and Euro combo ends up working as well for you as it has for me. And you're dead right about that handle on the bottom. Don't always need it, but it's awfully handy sometimes, especially if you're in a hurry to grab an edge and hoist it overhead or into a shuttle van. I'll be using those bags for a four-day trip to D.C. in April, then for our Italy trip in May, so I also hope I continue to be happy. ;-)

Susan: As for the bag being overpriced, I wouldn't disagree. As for it being cheaply made, I had the same reaction to some degree initially. But after using it for multiple trips over the course of 2 1/2 years or so, I'm impressed. The fabric is extremely durable and still looks brand new. The handle does at first seem a bit flimsy, but again, I've had zero problems so far. And the zippers, which I wasn't too sure of at first, have been totally trouble-free. It's an extremely versatile bag which seems to swallow anything you can stuff into its pockets and nooks and crannies and somehow never grow much larger (just heavier!). I hope you are ultimately as satisfied as I have been.

Edit: FWIW, I've never had any problem with the bag tipping over in any situation, full or empty. Maybe I'm just lucky.

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9436 posts

stoutfella, thanks so much. Everything you said is very helpful and I appreciate it.

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15 posts

Thanks so much for all the replies, I really learned a lot! I ended up ordering one of each, but the Ravenna is going back. I just got back from a 4 day trip with the RCO and really loved it. Once I had both here and took a look, it was obvious the Ravenna wouldn't fit with how I wanted to travel. I needed my 311 bag to fit in an outside or quick access pocket, which the RCO had and the Ravenna was too shallow for my needs. I also felt the Ravenna had too much space in the lid compartment since I would need to pack it full (the bottom part is shallower, just a different division of space) and I didn't want all the weight I'd have in there being held in by the divider. I also really liked having the coat pocket on the outside, which held my mid weight winter jacket if folded carefully and stuffed in. Handy since I was traveling from the northeast to the south and could pack my coat once through security and not worry about it until I landed back home.

I loved the compression cubes mentioned above too! I was able to pack 2 pairs of jeans, a pair of lounging pants, a thin hoodie, two scarves, 7 t-shirts/shirts, shorts and thin shirt to sleep in, 5 pairs of socks/underwear (in the space around the handles in the bottom), a very thin underarmour jacket, my flat pack toiletry bag from ebags, 2 bras, and 2 pairs of slim sneakers coming home without expanding! Plus my 311 bag in one putter pocket, my rx meds in the other with my luggage scale, and my coat in the outside sleeve. A lot for a short trip, but it was also my test run to see if I could pack for a week in London coming up and that list included a jacket and pair of shoes I bought on the trip. It was about 11kg with all that, so minus the extra shoes and winter coat I should be fine.

It was very slightly prone to tipping, but only if I let go before it was fully resting on the feet or knocked in to it the wrong way. Stood fine on its own and with a full/expanded day pack (can't recall the name, but it's the one here that has backpack straps you can tuck in, unzips to expand, and has the water bottle spot on the front).

Overall delighted with this bag and I think it will be a good bag for my travels.

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338 posts

I'm glad to hear that you are happy with your decision. I have been travelling with Rick's convertible carry on for the past 11 years. I will be using the RCO for the first time this June on our trip to Italy. I'm thinking my old Rick Steve's packing cubes (which are still in perfect condition after 11 years) may not fit as neatly in the RCO as they do in the convertible carry on. Which packing cubes did you end up using? How did they fit?

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15 posts

I used the Eagle Creek Spector compression cubes mentioned above. Two of the larger size fit snugly side by side on the bottom. You could also fit two of the smaller cubes side by side accross the bag as they are half the size. One of the large ones can hold (3 pairs of pants and a hoodie) or (7 shirts, 2 bras, and short/shirt to sleep in) or (2 pairs of jeans, a hoodie, and two scarves) based on what I actually packed in mine between going/returning...just for a rough idea. I did not roll the pants/hoodie/scarves I stacked them, but I did roll the shirts. They were size L shirts and ladies L/14 pants. Zipping the compression part was a bit tricky, but I found if you went in small increments and made sure to pull the sides of the zipper together/push stuff out of the way and pulled the zipper from the front with your fingers to keep the extra fabric out of the zipper it went pretty well. It wasn't a huge gain in space, but probably about a third smaller or so? Enough to easily allow for a second layer of packing on top of the two I used as a base. Without the compression two layers would have been tight, and I think the built in straps of the case would have to do that work instead.

Coming back I also rearranged and put the dirty clothes in the zip compartment inside the lid. Lucky for me I stayed with family so I had all clean stuff to pack except for the lounging pants and sleepwear. That is about all I think the lid could hold unless you had some smaller items with it. That and the shopping accounts for the different lists of items in my compression cubes.

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470 posts

Thanks for the specific packing information ewilliams! I am so glad you you like the EC Specter Compression bags. I had used the RS packing cubes for years, but once I tried those EC bags there was no looking back. I "stuff those sausages" just like you did, and you can fit in an amazing amount.
I like the tip about the using the lid for dirty clothes. On my next trip I am going to purchase another set of the EC bags in a different color. I will then compress my dirty clothes into that cube to await sink washing on our extended trip. On trips where we need dress clothes I fold those and pack them into the lid.