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Passport Pouch

I'm looking for something to carry my passport on travel days when I will need my passport. I want something small enough to just carry my passport around my neck.

Something like the passport pouch from Tom Bihn.

Unfortunately, this is no longer in production. (I actually had one but I can't find it.).

There are plenty of "neck pouches" but they are much bigger than I need since they are designed to carry everything including the kitchen sink.

I used to just put my passport in my pocket but this damaged the computer chip inside so I can no longer use the egates outside the USA. I'm getting a new passport just after the first of the year and I I want to prevent the same damage.

Any ideas?

Posted by
16733 posts

CWSocial--the RS neck wallet is thicker than the TB pouch. I'm trying to prevent that thickness as well as pockets and zippers.

Joe32F--I use a Hidden Pocket as my "moneybelt" but the Eagle Creek version.

Posted by
10482 posts

Frank - is it that the Tom Bihn one is simply something where you slip the passport down into it, with no fasteners ?

If so (or if just needs a velcro closure or maybe a flap), I would think any seamstress could easily create what you need.

Posted by
3329 posts

I’m on the Best of Tuscany tour and the Hidden Pocket is great. But I carry only my passport card and stow the book in my hotel room.

Posted by
16733 posts

Kim--you described it exactly. Its just big enough to hold the passport and had a small square of velcro to keep it closed. Unfortunately, I don't know any seamstresses.

I don't need this to carry my passport every day. On most days it sits in my "hidden pocket" underneath a pant leg. I need this for days I have to show my passport. Like international flights. I have found most neck wallets so conspicuous and bulky they look ridiculous. The TB pouch laid flat and was hardly noticeable. (The model I had was smaller than the current one shown on the TB website.

Posted by
8649 posts

Frank, did you sign up to be notified when they go back into production? I know that can take a while though.

Another thought is to use the small organizer pouch - they are very close in size. The PP pouch is 7.1 x 5.5" and the small organizer pouch is 7.1 x 4.9.

Posted by
1258 posts

Unfortunately, I don't know any seamstresses.

Neither do I but I know how to sew; not a ladies-only skill.

You might give Tom Bihn a call. Sometimes the store has a few out of stock items still on display.

The amazon has a dizzying selection. The simplest and smallest appear to be clear ziplocks. You could use a shoelace, no sewing involved. I have an older fabric unit from Pacsafe that is quite simple -- just the one pocket and a zipper, perfectly sized for passports. This newer model has some extra bulk:

REI has several Pacsafe products in stock.

Posted by
33 posts

1) There are 2 TB passport pouches on eBay today, at rather ridiculous prices, but sometimes TB items are reasonably priced if you have the time to keep an eye out.
2) Wear a shirt or jacket with a button/zip pocket on travel days?

Posted by
2267 posts

Prone to overthinking solutions, I try not to with this. I just tuck my passport in the breast pocket of my shirt when I'm say, in the airport, and know I'll need access to it at least a few times. Otherwise, it's tucked in the inner pocket of my backpack.

(I leave the passport in the shirt pocket until the seatbelt sign is off. I have a personal rule about wallet, phone, and passport on my person for takeoff and landing. And real shoes—properly tied!)

Posted by
16733 posts

Thanks for the suggestions.

I have written to TB to see if any are available. I will also check with the TB Facebook group where a lot of buying and selling is done.

I don't wear shirts with a pocket so I can't do that.

If I don't find a pouch, my next choice is a cover for the passport that I will keep in my pocket and prevent it from being folded or twisted.

Posted by
8649 posts

Frank, I was just on the Tom Bihn website, looking for a different travel bag and happened to see that the passport pouches are in stock again.

Posted by
16733 posts

Thanks, Mardee....I saw that. I wrote to TB and the said there were no plans for production on the pouches but they found one in solaris (yellow). I guess they found more in the other color.