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Packing Report for Guys

We have seen many packing reports on the forum but most have been geared towards women. So, I thought I would do one for guys.

I will split it into what I think are necessary items and extras.

Necessary items:


Phone (with Google Pay/Apple Pay),

Credit card if you don't have Google Pay or Apple Pay on your phone.

Prescription medication if you take this.


Everything else. Easily replaceable. Dont sweat it.

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3203 posts

Make certain you take a physical credit card. Not all places take Apple or Google Pay.

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6000 posts

And all the "community" property goes in the female companion's luggage. First aid items and meds, paper guides, itineraries, charging cords and back up batteries, outlet adapters, snacks ;) And then ask, "why is your bag always so stuffed?"