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Packing Cubes

Four weeks until our first trip to Italy. I'm trying to heed the advice from everyone on these forums and going with a 21" or 22" carry-on and packing cubes. I've never used them before and These came today.

I should have paid attention to the dimensions, as they are very large (14x11x3), And think they will be too big for my carry-on. Any advice on which size packing cubes I should use?

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5697 posts

I have used Eagle Creek half-cube sizes (10x7x3) for rolled t-shirts, quarter-cube for underwear/socks. Bought at REI when on sale. Two half cubes and a quarter cube fit in my 22" roller bag. Husband uses a quarter cube for electronics cords/chargers. We like them for organizing, ease of unpacking by just pulling out cubes. Yes, two half- cubes take the same space as one full cube but I feel I can pack around other items (shoes) easier with two smaller cubes.

Packing cubes are a weird little obsession I have. Knowing the interior dimensions of your bag helps. As a woman, I find that the medium sized, classic cubes (Ebags brand) combined with slimline cubes (ebags brand) works well with carry on luggage. I also use eagle creek full tube cubes. Check out classic cubes and eagle creek value set with the medium sized folder. The ebags medium cubes are great for shirts and pants that can be rolled. The slimline is good for socks, undies, bathing suit, travel brochures and knick-knacks. I like bright colors, easy to see and harder to leave behind.

Posted by
15156 posts

I use the Eagle Creek Specter compression cubes which are very light. Do you have an REI in your area? They usually have them in stock. I also see them at my AAA store. I recently purchased a 2nd set at a Sierra Trading Post store but I don't see the particular ones I got at their online site.

Here is a link to the ones I have found very helpful in 3 trips to Europe ranging from 5.5-8 weeks.

editing to add: You will want to experiment on how to pack with these. I used to roll my clothes in the cubes that were not the compression cubes but the compression ones have a better shape if I flat fold my shirts/sweaters. Rolling vs folding undies/socks in the small compression cubes doesn't much matter.

Posted by
1832 posts

Any advise how to best utilize these?
I have read about how useful they are so I bought a set, came with 4 bags and a laundry bag.
Bought off Amazon but was shipped directly from China it appears.
Quality and price were good, but now that I have them I am not sure what I am supposed to do with them, I excitedly showed my wife and mentioned we should test them and if we like them by a second set before our trip.
She seemed very unimpressed and does not think they will be a benefit at all.
Packing is not a skill of mine and hoping using these can help with 2 things:
1.) help us pack lighter or have more room in our cases for bringing home things like Wine, Olive Oil, etc..
2.) make it easier to check in / check out multiple times, we are staying in different hotels and that is always a challenge.

Posted by
4731 posts

Packing cubes are amazing for corralling the chaos in your luggage. I have been using the Eagle Creek half cube and quarter cubes, but am experimenting with others, such as compression. Wondering if the lightweight Ebags ones really help that much with the weight of a backpack?

Posted by
12 posts

I travel 3-4 months a year, usually not staying in one place for more than a week.

I have both cubes and Rick Steves cubes. I like them both. I use the smaller cubes, mostly 8.5x 11 or smaller. If you open my carryon bag, you'll just see the cubes, no loose clothing. Similar things in all go in the same bag.
Underwear in the smallest bags, tops in a medium (8.5x11), pants/skirts in a medium, same with sweaters and jackets; and electronics in the smallest bag I can get them into. Shoes fit in another one or in between the bags. I use the RS toiletry bag for toiletries, makeup & medicines. I use quart and gallon-size freezer zip-lock bags, especially for anything that might leak. Somehow I've collected a bunch of small fabric zippered bags that I use for jewelry, currency, a small camera, miscellaneous paper, notes, sticky labels, cards, etc. I like the ones that have a see-through panel of plastic or mesh so I know what's in them without opening them.

Advantages of packing cubes:

1, It's like having a small dresser in your suitcase! you know what you are looking for, and you can go right to the right place without rummaging through everything. My bag stays neat.

2, The bags compress the clothes so you can pack more efficiently. I do NOT like the vacuum bags, they take way too much work & time.

3, If your luggage gets searched, TSA or another country's agent will have a very easy time and your "delicates" won't be seen by whoever is rubbernecking next to you. Also the agents won't repack your bag, so you won't take so much time putting it back together.

4, Because of # 1-3, you'll have a lot less stress. You'll take less time to pack each day, and your things will stay organized in your hotel room.

Posted by
12 posts


REI is a chain of outdoor equipment stores, see

Posted by
15156 posts

mreynolds, do a test run on packing with them and to see how they work. Get out your empty suitcase and see how 2 or 3 of them fit. The packing cubes do have a finite space so it does help you limit what you take and the compression ones I use also give me a little extra space. We don't know what was in your set but if you have a small one use it for underwear and socks and use the next size up for all your shirts. I pack my pants flat in the bottom of my suitcase.

Be sure to pack the cubes tight and use as few cubes as possible.

Posted by
15156 posts

As to REI, it looks like the only one in FL is in Jax in case you are near there. If not, do try your local AAA. You don't have to be a member to buy things in their stores.

Posted by
2551 posts

What Pam does, but tossing in laundry supplies with socks and underwear, and misc. items (e.g. adapters) in another small packing cube.

Posted by
1285 posts

my most common size is about 10"x8" and maybe 2" deep. I find an organization naturally develops as I travel, rearranging contents a bit as I go. One will hold electronics (chargers, cords, adapters, etc). Another holds sundry cleaning supplies (stretch clothesline, sink stopper, clothespins, laundry soap, etc). A larger size will hold my trip papers (tickets, notes, itinerary, etc). One is for guidebook chapters and similar material. I roll up my shirts into a larger one. I use a compression sack to hold things that can wrinkle (underwear and socks).

The convenience of the cubes is twofold. You can pack quickly. Even though I put things into drawers in hotels, I often leave them in their cubes and if I use something put it back. Then when its time to check out it is an easy job to put things back in the carry-on (you'll develop a way of putting them in and doing about it the same way each time saves on having to rearrange until it all fits). Second, its easy to find things instead of having to rummage thru all you brought, esp if you have different colored or type of cubes. The open mesh one I have, electronics. The green zip, those are my travel docs.

Posted by
1172 posts

We just used cubes for the first time on our 2 week Ireland trip. They were great! we are a family of 4 travelling with kids aged 8 and 11. usually,after the first night,our luggage is complete chaos. This keep everyone organized for the full 2 weeks. Made it so much easier to move between hotels. Game changer for us for sure :)

Posted by
4183 posts

I've been using packing cubes ever since I "discovered" them. I started with some black Eagle Creek ones like this that I bought on sale at our local REI. It wasn't a set like this. They were on sale individually. After that first purchase of black, I switched to bright colors. So far, I've never left anything behind and I don't want to in the future.

So I added a few in this color and in different sizes that I bought on sale at a local outdoors store called Summit Hut. You might have an outdoors store close to you of a different name. And of course, there's always Amazon or any number of other online vendors.

The last trip I decided to try compression cubes. I bought and used these in purple and these in red. I love these compression cubes, BUT, pressing out the air doesn't reduce the weight of the clothes. And a possible disadvantage is that there is a great temptation to pack more than you need.

Finally, I've used a cube like this for years. I put all my paperwork in it. As I ditch that paper along the way, it gets thinner and lighter.

As others have mentioned, the key is to combine different sizes to fill in the nooks and crannies of your bag. Depending on which bag I take, I can use 1-2 large 14x10x3 cubes, compression or not, but the rest are a variety of smaller sizes.

I don't know what your bag is like, but both of my roller bags have a zipper down the middle of the back liner. I presume that's so the extension handle mechanism is easy to get to for repair. I like to use the 3 spaces available there (one on each side of the handle mechanism and one between the two handle rods) for mostly flat things that will fill it up to make a flat surface for the packing cubes. What I put in there could be stuff I want in deep storage or things like maps or guidebook parts that I don't need right away.

BTW, my husband has not gone over to a roller bag yet. He still uses the RS convertible backpack he got back in 2009. He also hasn't gone to packing cubes and he has a great tendency to over pack, especially T-shirts. Maybe someday I'll convince him to use some regular cubes, which might keep the volume down. After all, we do laundry weekly on our trips, just like at home, and he never wears all the T-shirts he packs.

Posted by
1832 posts

Good advices everyone. I can definitely visualize the benefits now. Mainly organization mid trip I think will be my personal gain as my bags would normally look like a bomb went off inside after a 3rd hotel change on 1 trip.
I like the idea of leaving the underwear bag or sock bag inside a hotel drawer, never actually emptying it, makes sense.

Posted by
61 posts

I adore the ebags slim packing cubes and use them exclusively although I have several larger sizes. The are well made and compress rolled clothes well. I do use gallon sized zip lock bags for papers and chapters torn from guide books, with smaller zip lock bags for undies. If I take an extra pair of shoes, they're wrapped in a plastic grocery store bag: cheap, light , effective, and ubiquitous.

Posted by
489 posts

Thanks for all the input! I've used packing cubes on the last couple of trips, but our upcoming trip involves many moves. The packing cubes work good even if you are just going to one location, because you are organized and I keep the clothes in the cube in the closet. I'm a first timer to a RS tour and pairing down to just a carry on while also watching the weight issue. I've just received the rolling carry on and I'm starting to look at the clothes selection. I actually wasn't going to use cubes this time, because the case is so small, but I think I shall just to keep organized. I do not see ever unpacking, which is find with me. But keeping somethings in a cube could help with general organization.

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23727 posts

Of course, I think you experiment with different approaches. I know people sing the praises of packing cubes but I personally have a couple and never found them particular useful. Both of us using one medium size packing envelope/folder.

Never sure exactly what to call it. We use the medium. It easily fits 20" bags. Pants and shirts go in the folder. After that everything goes into plastic, zip lock bags - gal and 2 gal are most common. Underwear, t-shirts, etc., anything that can be rolled and folded into the plastic bags, compress a little to drive out air and seal it up. Also use a magic marker to write on the bags what does into the bags. Helps to keep tracks of things. Like the plastic bags because you can always see what is in them and you can buy a lot of bags for the price of a packing cube.

Posted by
985 posts

Yep, the slim packing cubes are fantastic. I bought a set that had a large, medium, small, and two slim packing cubes. I can fit my pants and sweaters in the large, shirts in the medium, socks, bras, panties in one of the slims, and use the second slim to corral hosiery, scarves, belts, etc. All fit into my RS convertible bag with room to squeeze in a pair of shoes.

Laura - Even if the cubes are too big for your carry on they should fit and still keep your belongings organized if you don't stuff the cubes to the max. Have you tried them to see? You can always use the large 1 and 2 gallon ziploc bags as packing cubes too.

Posted by
15156 posts

I'll just add that I never take the cubes out of my suitcase. I can slide out a clean shirt and clean underwear and socks with the cubes still in my suitcase. I keep a ziplock in the underwear cube to stick the used ones in until I wash them. It does not bother me to put a shirt that needs to be washed back in with the clean ones.

Posted by
8373 posts

I use packing cubes a lot on long trips. I'll put them in the center of my clothes (wrapped in plastic bags) and wrap the clothes around the cubes. In combo, they minimize wrinkles.

I also use zip lock bags often inside the packing cubes to compress the air out of underwear and socks.

Posted by
531 posts

I do a combination of the packing cubes and the packing folders. I, at one time, only used the packing folders. I would pack pants in one and shirts in another. Now, I pack pants in the folder and use multiple cubes for shirts, under clothes and socks. It makes packing and repacking so much simpler. Once, my husbands suitcase was selected for further inspection, the security agent remarked how much simpler the search was made due to our system of packing.

Posted by
143 posts

a quick and easy way to pack shoes, even dusty or muddy ones: put each shoe in one of the plastic sleeves newspaper carriers use on rainy days

Posted by
524 posts

I bought my husband a packing folder for Italy and was amazed at the number of shirts it held. I bought cubes, but couldn't get as much into my 20" with them, so did without. I just used ziploc baggies for some things. I would like to try the cubes again when using a larger suitcase.

Posted by
809 posts

I have become a big fan of packing cubes. I keep an assortment of cubes from eBags, Osprey and Eagle Creek, and pick what I need for each trip. The largest I ever use is the e-Bags Medium, about 13.75 x 9.75 x 3, which holds pants and most of my bigger items. I use one Eagle Creek Specter quarter cube (7.5x4.5x2.5”) for underwear and socks and another for scarves. Then, there's usually another cube for electronics chargers and cables. My current favorite is the Osprey Ultralight Padded Organizer -- expensive but worth it. The rest of it I just play by ear, often adding another E-bags small cube or larger Eagle Creek cube (around 11 x 6.75 x 3) for lighter shirts and such.

Posted by
15156 posts

Oooo...(she says sucking in her breath)...Marie, what do you like about the Osprey ultralight padded organizer? I wish there was an interior picture but I don't see one on either the Osprey website or the ebags site!

Apparently, like many here, I have a "problem" with collecting cubes/organizers. ALWAYS ready to look at someone's suggestions!

editing to add...did find the youtube video. Looks nice!

Posted by
2169 posts

Hi Laura, I use the Rick Steves packing cubes ( with my Roll Aboard Carry On. Packing cubes are great. I use one for pants, one for tops and one for underwear. I roll my clothes, pack for 7 days, and plan to do laundry.

I also found these mini packing cubes that are good for electronics and cords: Accessories&previousPage=GNAV&tab=gear&color=139

Hope you have a great trip!

Posted by
3382 posts

I love to think about packing... My most recent bag is the RS 20". I place a pair of slacks (or 2) in the bottom of the suitcase with socks in the crevices between the handle casing. There is nothing loose in my suitcase above my slacks. I use a medium RS cube for all shirts, scarves, PJ's and fleece if I bring one. I use the small cube for the rest of the socks and underwear. I roll everything in the cubes ( I roll my clothes in my bureau, too, but that is another story). I roll the clothes particularly because you can see what you have and not have to dig. Other small things; i.e., not wet toiletries, electronics, etc. go in topic bags. Dirty laundry goes in a large baggie, so the rolls do loosen a bit. I often will hand wash all but my slacks until I know an upcoming hotel will do laundry. I splurge on hotel laundry. Recently, I've brought 3 modal tees, often identical, and one airplane top, and a tank. However, as I am going on an RS tour I'm thinking I should vary or pack more so other's eyes don't get bored. I usual alter my look by a scarf, vest or something if I feel the need. So yes, I'm feeling the need to pack heavier to go on an RS tour than I do with my husband or traveling solo... I never unpack except for my toiletry bag, which goes into the bathroom. I have a container for my bedside to keep my earrings, iPod, glasses in so I don't accidentally knock something off of the bedstead and forget it. My self imposed weight is 20 lbs. I will say, that when I stay overnight at Heathrow between my day flight from Boston and my morning flight from Heathrow within Europe, I keep my PJ's, top and underwear in an outside pocket so I don't even have to open the bag during that fairly quick, but luxurious treat at the Sofitel (part of my own first class flight plan)...

Posted by
15156 posts

--->Wray...don't worry about packing heavier for an RS tour. No one will notice, trust me on this. The only thing I ever noticed on others was on the Ireland tour one woman had a gorgeous raincoat (red)! People do tend to notice if you buy a new scarf!

Posted by
3382 posts

@Pam: OK...but if you hear gossip about the woman that wore the same thing for an entire tour, you can explain me (yes, she washed them, yes, she has multiples of the same...) :)

Posted by
15156 posts

Well, the opinion comes from someone who in the past has the traveled with 2 pr of the same LLBean pants, so I guess perhaps you should consider the source (as Mom used to say), hahaha!

Posted by
345 posts

I like the REI brand packing cubes. Available in various sizes. They are very lightweight, soft and expandable (or pack it expanded, then close the expansion zipper for a semi-compression pack.)

For those that haven't purchased any cubes yet, a caution on some of the types....they can be heavier and many are stiffer. The REI brand and Eagle Creek Specter line are very lightweight, soft, flexible and fit in corners of luggage readily especially when not crammed full. Because of the those features, I also use the Eagle Creek Specter for cosmetic bag. It holds a lot, but if not full, takes up less space in my luggage (on the way home when I've used up some of the contents).

Posted by
809 posts

Pam, the Osprey Organizer has a bit of padding and structure, even though it weighs almost nothing. It provides just a bit more protection than a regular packing cube. Also, the sides stay up when it's open, and so it's easy to put it on a desk and rifle through it without the contents spilling all over the place. And, it has tiny compression straps that enable to bag to expand or contract as necessary.

It's probably overpriced, but it's really well designed.

Posted by
381 posts

We have had great success just using ziplock bags in different sizes for toileteries, undies, chargers, socks etc. I tend to pack lighter than my husband but I have to give him credit for this trick! We both use a 21 inch wheeled bag and a backpack. It is every man for himself so we only travel with the luggage we each can handle comfortable. That means on and off trains, stairs on subways and hotels without lifts!!

Posted by
158 posts

I am trying to get the hang of packing cubes. One tip I've read online that I like is packing my pajamas in a single cube, so it's very easy the first night to change and get settled.

Posted by
5697 posts

My husband swears by Ziploc bags, while I prefer packing cubes because the plastic bags seem to slide around. They're excellent for compressing down jackets, though, or holding papers, or transporting wet or dirty items, or ... We always carry an ample supply of bags of all sizes.
Can even be used as a pajama bag.

Posted by
74 posts

Thank you all for your comments. They are very helpful! :)

Posted by
16757 posts

FYI---REI's branded packing cubes and the Featherlight packing cubes from Lewis N Clark are the exact same thing. L 'N C manufactures both of them.

Your head is probably spinning now with all these good posts. There is no perfect packing method unless repetitively making the same trip - as for business. You don't need to put everything into a cube. I recommend one 3-pack of Ebags Classic medium cubes in a bright color and one 3-pack of ebags slim cubes (in varying sizes small/med./large) in a different color. You can use 2 medium cubes and stack them one on top of the other and cinch down with straps in your suitcase. The slim cube can slide vertically down in the gap between the medium cube and the wall of the suitcase. Then, use the other slim cubes for whatever else you need to pack like charger cords, etc.. You can always just pack a few things outside of the cubes. You really don't need to worry about packing cube weight unless you are backpacking long distances on a trail or road. Bright colors are less likely to get left behind. You don't need to spend a lot on cubes. A few basic ones will do the job. Size does matter depending on suitcase size. Have fun! Happy travels!

Posted by
84 posts

You will love the cubes once you use them! For yours, very slightly underfill so that you can turn them crosswise in your bag. Non cubed jeans in first, then the big cubes, then smaller cubes or gallon baggies. DO roll stuff in the cubes. You could do a prepack by filling the cubes with balled newspapers to fill and then you'd have 3D puzzle pieces to arrange in your suitcases. Then put everything that you plan to take on the bed, load your cubes and then the suitcases. See what happens! I admit that I perceive this to be fun ;) The Container Store also sells cubes AND they have demos that if you take your suitcase into the store, they will both let you and help you with choices. Don't ditch what you've bought. You may wish to just augment with some other shapes. The concept is definitely an improvement, regardless of how you execute it. PS-You will LOVE Italy!

Posted by
1266 posts

Laura, The dimensions of the packing cubes you've mentioned (14x11x3) are about the size of a the medium Ebag packing cube. I think they will work fine.

Have you expirmented with packing your suitcase using the packing cubes?

Posted by
74 posts

Thanks everyone for your suggestions. It has helped! The packing cubes that I first received were Dot&Dot brand and they were their large size. Practically the size of my carry-on! I returned them for their medium size packing cubes and also purchased their slim packing cubes. I ended up using 3 medium and two slim. They all fit perfectly in to my carry-on with all of my clothing rolled. I love that they are each a different color and I can categorize my clothing in the cubes! Perfect for a detail oriented, visual, everything has to be in it's place type of person like myself! :)

My extra medium cube and my two extra slim cubes I gave to my husband to use. He should get a few more but he thinks he'll be fine with what I gave him and does not want any more cubes. He usually travels with a duffle bag and clothing thrown in randomly. We are so opposite in that area. We shall see how he feels about packing cubes and not having enough after our trip. Lol.

I did not know that the Container store has them and will help you pick them out & fit your suitcase. That's fantastic. Great info to pass along and to use in the future.

Posted by
142 posts

So I have joined the ranks of cubers!! For the life of me, I did not understand the benefit of packing cubes, especially since we want to pack lightly to begin with. I took my carryon bag on a long weekend trip as a trial run-and by day 2, it was a mess! I did some retail foraging and found a set of 3 cubes at TJMaxx. Oh. My. Goodness. What a difference!!! My tops were all rolled and visible in one cube, my capris in the largest cube, and all of my odds and ends were in the smallest cube. I am like a kid at Christmas! My husband keeps eyeing my cubes, but says he doesn't want his own.....the travel fairy may order him a set-he is a neat-freak, and I know he will love them. I also found a Bagallini wallet at TJ max-it is very lightweight and flat. Has lots of zippers so I can seperate my cash, cards, etc, and has a loop so I can pin it inside my daybag.
20 days until wheels up..............

Posted by
40 posts

Hi Laura-

I had not been to Europe since 1995--Last fall I spent 2 weeks in Scotland/Ireland on a solo journey to celebrate my birthday. As I was traveling by train within Scotland, I was determined to only take a carry on. I followed all the advise on the site, bought a Rick Steves carry on bag, as well as the packing cubes.

I typically over pack--A LOT. It took several dry runs, but I was able to do it. I roll my clothes and then put them in the packing cubes. I also washed my delicates, socks and shirts in my hotel room sink/shower. That I DO NOT recommend. A royal Pain. Find a laundrymat! It can be done. Best of luck!

PS--I am going back next month. Another solo trip! : )

Posted by
79 posts

I take an empty one with me to Europe, it was great to store the little items I collected along the way.

Posted by
798 posts

I've been thinking about compression cubes. I packed modestly and even left a cardigan out (that I later wished I had! as well as my silk long johns), but it just seemed like my clothes took up the entire 21" spinner suitcase. Do compression cubes really work? Last time I just borrowed regular ones my mom got on the shopping network or somewhere. Plus I have an Eagle Creek quarter cube.

Posted by
28806 posts

I have the ZIP-style of compression cube (as opposed to the squeeze-out-air style) and like it a lot for smushing underwear and nightwear into the smallest possible space. I don't think I'd be happy with the way slacks and tops would look after being put in a compression cube, but I confess that I haven't tried that out; I think there are others who compress all their clothing.

Posted by
198 posts

I know this is an old tip, but I still use the plastic bags with zippers that bedding comes in. I had been saving them for years, thinking (like a hoarder, I guess) that they were "too good" to throw away. Finally I hit on using them for packing. They are great. They come in different shapes and sizes, have nice zippers, and if you have soft-sided luggage that is left out in the rain on the tarmac, they have the added benefit of keeping your clothes dry. I have used them for years, now. Plus, it's a good way to reuse them.

I also take many zip-lock bags for other random uses.

I also like the "pillow case" size, clear vinyl bag. I also think these vinyl zipper bags are "too good" to toss out. I made a nice emergency car kit for my husband out of a small one and stuck it in his glove compartment box. These bags are good for DIY emergency kits.

Posted by
489 posts

Saw this hack on a youtube video and used it on this last trip. Use large rubber bands around your shoes to minimize size and put in plastic bag. I also then used the large rubber bands to get one of those hotel hangers to hang in the bath so my top would dry faster over night.