There will be no problem checking it as "luggage". Check the terms of your ticket, it may already allow a second checked bag, or you can find the price to check it and any size limits, usually if you can stay under 50 pounds, you are fine, however weight limits vary by airline.. There are shipping and office stores there, that will sell boxes and bubble/ foam wrap. We have also purchased hard plastic "trunks", but the size may be a problem.
Having them ship, or using a carrier like UPS or DHL is also an option, but the cost will be more, customs an extra step, and shipping may take several weeks.
An edit: My wife has also checked a cheap duffle type bag having clothes and other things, then carefully packs her breakable items in her carry-on bag. That way she can take the care to get them home in one piece. Sounds like you have a bit more things, but another thought.