Oh my gosh, I'm laughing out loud at all of this thread. I'm somewhere on the continum, if mardee is a 10 and sun is a one, ima 2.5. This is precisely why I read every one of the packing posts except perhaps ones that have merino wool or pants for men in the title, tho i might skim those to see who is responding.
I have NOT purchased any new luggage since the covid era, ( I've thrifted a couple of tote bags as Daily Carry for a dollar) tho I do look at stuff.l you people recommend.
I'm currently visiting a friend in oklahoma, i drove the first day, left my car in suburban kansas city, and rode greyhound down. I brought a few items along for her, and coffee pods because she inhabits a tea only household, oh the humanity.
However, I have now shopped (clearance Christmas crafts kits that will be gifts for neices) and she gave me a desk top humidifier she was no longer using, and the plan was to buy a new laptop while I was here and have her help me sync the old one to it.....
I have now far exceeded the two medium sized bags I brought with me and I'm wondering why I did not bring a "don't tell rick" bag w me... . But I did bring along the big "electronic cords etc" bag that rick sells. So there is representation