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opening locked zipper

While this is probably old news to many of you, I only recently saw this video via another post this morning:

However, the bag shown looks like it has plastic/vinyl coil teeth zippers. My feeling is this trick wouldn't work on a bag that uses metal teeth zippers. Any thoughts/experiences?

Posted by
3301 posts

No experience but I agree this will only work with nylon coil zippers. But how many bags have metal zippers? Mine doesn't.

Posted by
23686 posts

I love this old video or it may be a new version. Granted -- any zipper - plastic or metal - can be busted open. All it takes is a sharp force. But a sharp knife, razor blade can open any nylon/canvas bag also. What video shows is that my moving the travelers (the zipper thing) you can close the zipper so supposedly it is undetected. However, simply immobilize the travelers so that the zipper cannot be closed. They still got into you bag but they cannot hide it. All luggage has a pretty low level of security especially since it has to be unlocked for TSA so busting open a zipper is very low on my concern list but I always immobilize the travelers.

Posted by
16647 posts

Videos like this are like political ads--they are more for shock value than telling you the whole truth.

Yes, zippered bags are easy to get into. But no thief is going to try to do this in your presence or in front of other people. (I tried it on an old bag and was in within seconds.)

You are most vulnerable when you check a bag or leave onein your hotel room. The main rule, when checking a bag at least, is to never put anything of real value in there.

As Frank mentioned, some companies are including zipper anchors that will allow you to lock your zipper in one position and prevent the thief from covering her tracks.

Posted by
5306 posts

Locks are really to keep honest folks honest -- or at least make it difficult for them to be dishonest. A professional (or determined amature) will probably get your stuff anyway if it's wanted badly enough. If possible, just don't leave anything valuable in any unattended bag locked or not.

Posted by
518 posts

The part about being able to "re-zip" the bag afterwards so as to make it looks as if no one has broken into it would seem perfect for thieves and dishonest hotel staff looking to steal from those who lock their valuables in their bag/suitcase in their hotel room thinking it is safe.

Posted by
23686 posts

That is the point KC. Immobilize the travelers so they cannot cover their tracks. Knowing that they cannot cover their tracks, maybe they would be less interested in breaking in.

Posted by
19320 posts

I think the principle here is - don't leave anything valuable in your bag. Use a money belt or equivalent. Second, don't check a bag.

Posted by
1221 posts

PacSafe says their zippers for their bags are designed so the pen trick won't get them open.

Posted by
2805 posts

PacSafe has made a fortune off creating fear of things that won't happen if you use common sense.

I have never had anything taken from my luggage. Of course the goodies are in my carryon and I find the airport thiefs don't really want dirty clothing

Posted by
518 posts

PacSafe makes bags with straps that have a wire/cable in them so it can't be cut, but what about the actual bag material/fabric. Is that lined with some sort of special material as well that makes it difficult to cut open?

Yes, common sense goes a long way. The problem for most travelers, especially first timers in awe of everything they're seeing for the first time, common sense goes completely out the window.

Posted by
16647 posts

Pacsafe bags have a wire mesh sewn into the lining of the bag. Usually, however, it is only on the front and bottom. This is supposed to stop anyone cutting open your bag.

Posted by
4535 posts

While it isn't something that happens a lot, there are thieves that cut open bags or cut the shoulder strap to steal it. PacSafe bags are intended, in part, to block that sort of crime. They also come with more secure flaps and buckles to make it much harder for pick-pockets to access. A lot of women use a PacSafe purse in lieu of a waist money belt and find them far more convenient. There are plenty of other options of course, but for those that travel fairly often, it can be a good investment.

Posted by
518 posts

I see. I suppose it's like the old question of whether to carry your passport or leave in hotel, in terms of cost vs. benefit. As perceived as the danger of "bag slashing" type theft might be, I doesn't sound like a PacSafe bag is SO expensive as to make it foolish to spend the money, and granted, if you don't have a bag yet and need to by one anyway, it wouldn't hurt to be safe, plus, it's a one time expensive, it's not like you're buying one for every trip.

Posted by
1221 posts

PacSafe changes its styles every year, and last year's purse designs are typically $40-$60 on the clearance web sites (Sierra Trading Post, The Cylmb, etc.) in the first quarter of the year. Their discontinued luggage can be quite reasonable as well, especially if you can combine the clearance price with additional sale discounts. I think Sierra TP has a 25-35% discount code out there just about every other day.