I’ve used Olay’s Daily Facials cloths for travel for 20+ years. I usually cut them in half and they’re plenty big enough. They work great and replace a liquid face wash.
I just saw these Olay Cleansing Melts. They look like an even better option. Teeny tiny and no waste. https://www.olay.com/cleansing-melts?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Branded&keyword=olay%20melts&matchtype=e&campaign=14745792717&adgroup=170427276628&network=g&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsaqzBhDdARIsAK2gqndfccZ2j8gpxEC089BPDO6Mcz7D-lweODswsTjmMjxKIN4iVIzmh_AaAm6TEALw_wcB