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Norwegian Air baggage limits -how strict?

We’ve booked tickets from Los Angeles-Paris on Norwegian for November. After doing so, I did a little research on the baggage restrictions, which seem pretty cut and dried, and with a few reviews attesting to an above average strictness of enforcement.

Luggage isn’t a problem; we have an abundance of bags, most of which will fit within Norwegian’s size and weight guidelines. The question for those who have flown this airline, and hopefully this route, is just how strict are they about luggage limits? Are the carryon bags measured at check in or at the gate? We’ve already paid for one large checked bag, and that should be fine. But I’m a tad more concerned about our carryons.

For example, I have a few small backpacks that easily fit under the seat in front, but are slightly larger than Norwegian’s “personal bag” limit (which seems to be about the size of a small purse or maybe a small computer or tablet sleeve). Just wondering if this is likely to be an issue. My RS rolling carryon for the overhead will fit fine if intelligently packed, but I’d like to be able to utilize a small bag for during the flight as well.

Any feedback appreciated!

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12253 posts

I think logic would dictate that a 'low cost' airline has LOTS of incentive to impose every fee possible to improve their bottom line. I suspect they are less likely to have a "oh, that's close enough" attitude.

I have not flown Norwegian. Just looking at from a logic standpoint.

Posted by
61 posts

We flew Norwegian both ways our last trip. My bag was the RS bag with backpack straps, wife got something very similar to your roll bag. We both had book bags. We had no problem.

We flew in 787's. Not sure if that matters. (Nice jet, by the way)

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9436 posts

Not strict at all in my experience. I just flew Norwegian Air r/t Oakland-Paris and loved them.
They did not weigh my carry-on or checked bag going. They weighed my checked bag coming back, but not my carry-on.
I followed their website rules exactly but saw almost everyone boarding (going over and coming back) with 3 bags each and bags from airport stores and no one at Norwegian Air said a word to anyone.
I flew Norwegian Air based on three friends recommendation, they have flown Norwegian Air 2-4 times each, and none of them have ever had their carry-on bag(s) weighed.
I follow the rules (just in case) but based on my experience, and my friends combined experience, I do not think NA is strict about it.
My plane was a Dreamliner and it was very nice.

My experience last year on WOW was the same. They never weighed anything and most people brought way more than one bag on the plane. So, “budget” airlines are not as joe surmised in my experience of flying them.

Posted by
302 posts

I flew from JFK to Oslo last month on NA. I bought the cheapest fare + seat selection, carry on only. There was a limit of 10kg/22 lbs for BOTH items and they were both weighed at check in. In your case, with a checked bag purchased, is any weight limit listed with the requirements, as it was with mine? Are you saying you want to take a carryon roller bag along with the small backpack and your checked bag? There was one of those metal sizer things that I had to fit my carry and little backpack in.
My hard- sided Away wheeled bag exactly matched their allowance for the size, but already weighed about 5 lbs empty. And my usual trusty "personal item" bag exceeded the dimensions. I ended up having to use a soft duffel, to get within the weight limit- totally new for me, because usually weight isn't a factor.

Posted by
257 posts

I have flown Norwegian several times out of Oakland now. They seem to be more concerned with the weight of your larger carry on bag than the lighter one that must fit under the seat. I have had them weight my larger bag but also gotten on without them doing that, though I did adhere to their 10KG limit. Have never had my backpack checked (and it's Rick backpack). And it fits neatly under my seat. And the overheads are larger on their 787's so never seemed to be filled up that much.

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2715 posts

I flew them twice recently and they did not weigh my bags. I had a Premium Economy ticket, though. They were looking more closely at the bags at the Coach check in counter to my right but I didn't see them weigh anything. Nonetheless, I never pack over the weight listed with the airline - it's not worth the stress. I've been size-checked on Turkish, American, Alaska, Delta, Air China, Egypt Air and more.

Posted by
6113 posts

As has already been stated, they try to make their money by charging for “extras”. I have been size and weight checked numerous times with Norwegian (and other low cost carriers).

Posted by
9436 posts

I’ve had my bag weighed on legacy airlines every time. Not on WOW or Norwegian Air. So saying budget airlines do it to charge more money is not true in my, or my friends’, experience.

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1326 posts

I've flown Norwegian out of Oakland on 2 round trips so far and have had my carry-on bag weighed a couple of times, but never my personal item. On one of those trips I had my pockets filled in order to make the 22.6 lb weight limit.
I always pay to check a bag coming back because I will have purchased things ... and don't want to stress about it.
I try to err on the side of caution so I'm always under the 22 1/2 lb limit, although not by much.
My carry-on is the RS 20/21 inch roller and my personal bag is a Travelon crossbody large purse.
Norwegian is a good airline with comfortable seats and enough leg room for most people and better fresh air. The food is airline mediocre at best but convenient if you can't manage to carry any more on board.
I've got a flight for Paris booked for October and can't wait!

Posted by
108 posts

I flew Norwegian roundtrip from Seattle to Gatwick and back, returning June 29th. On the Seattle - Gatwick leg they weighed my checked bag but not my carry on bag. On the Gatwick - Seattle leg however they weighed both my checked bag AND my carry on bag. They then tagged my carry on with a yellow Norwegian "APPROVED CABIN BAGGAGE" baggage tag. I should note that my carry on was obviously way under their size and weight restrictions and would easily fit under the seat. During check in on both legs they didn't bother with measurements however it was easy to see that they were both within limits. Oh, and I was flying Premium Class, seat 2A.

Posted by
160 posts

I should probably clarify that we’ve already paid for and are sharing one checked bag, which if I recall correctly has a 70 kg weight limit. That won’t be a problem, except for possible packing issues between the two of us. I’d rather not go into that on a public forum...😉

As my carryon, Im thinking of the RS rolling bag, which is lightweight enough and well within Norwegian’s limits for a couple of days clothes and toiletries, and “risking” my Veloce convertible bag as the personal item for my tablet, charger, and lightweight blanket. While the dimensions are slightly larger than allowed, that bag fits easily under the seat of every plane I’ve taken it on, and this trip will be on a Dreamliner. Plus, I intend to seriously layer before boarding.

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4183 posts

I hope that 70 kg is a typo. 70 kg = about 154 pounds! I pasted some info below, but you need to go to the link to verify exactly what you have.

Take another look at Norwegian's Baggage info. Here's the link to it for both checked and carry-on. And below is a quote from the Checked Baggage section. Perhaps you were confusing the max for 2 checked bags. Or more likely you meant 70 pounds instead of kilos.

But I think you are confusing the actual free limits with the maximum you can take and pay a fee.

"International long haul flights

No bags included

1 x 20 kg

Flex, Premium and PremiumFlex
2 x 20 kg"

"Excess baggage
Excess baggage charges apply to any items over the 2 baggage limit, and to items over 20 kg – 11€ per kilo, per leg.

"Size and weight limits
Pay careful attention to the size and weight of your bags when preparing for your trip.

Each bag must not be heavier than 32 kg or lighter than 2 kg.

Your total amount of checked bags cannot weigh more than 64 kg. Each bag must not exceed 250 x 79 x 112 cm (L x H x W) with max. circumference 300 cm.

Now for the Hand Baggage.

"One carry-on bag included
You can always bring one carry-on bag in the cabin free of charge. You can also bring one small personal item on board. This could be a little handbag or a slim laptop case that fits comfortably under the seat in front of you. Your ticket type will determine how heavy your hand baggage can be.

Size and weight limits

LowFare, Lowfare+, Premium

1 carry-on bag: max. 55x40x23 cm

1 small personal item: max. 25x33x20 cm

Max. combined weight: 10 kg (about 22 pounds)

Flex, PremiumFlex

1 carry-on bag: max. 55x40x23 cm (about 21.5x15.5x9 inches. That's including wheels and handles.)

1 small personal item: max. 25x33x20 cm (about 9.8x 13x7.8 inches.)

Max. combined weight: 15 kg (about 33 pounds)"

As for the sizing and weight, I'd assume they will check. I flew British Airways a couple of years ago and downsized my personal item because of that, but their size was more generous (40x30x15 cm) than Norwegian's appears to be.

The Norwegian sizes are the same regardless of ticket type, but the combined weight is not, and yes, BA did have me put both my carry-on and my personal item on the scale at the same time. I'd expect Norwegian to do the same. The numbers in parenthesis are mine.

Posted by
23 posts

I was worried about this too. I usually travel with a suitcase that fits into the overhead bin, and then a backpack with items I want access to for the flight. I ended up taking a purse that fit the guidelines, but then they never checked. They did wear our carry-ons, but did not make us weigh our personal items.

That being said, I think everything can vary by airport and probably whoever is working that day.

Posted by
47 posts

Our trip to Europe started and ended with flights on Norwegian (NY to Dublin) both directions our carry-on bags were weighed and tagged that they could go on the plane, in NY no one checked the tags during boarding, but in Dublin they did check each bag as passengers boarded to be sure it was tagged.

Posted by
160 posts

Lo, yes, the 70 kg was a typo. My bad. The limit is 70.5 lb. We have a Low Fare, and the carryon limit, checked today, hasn't changed either. I did a practice pack of my carryons and was well under the total limit (carryon and personal item). So as long as Spousal Unit and I can pack the shared check bag without divorcing in the process :)) we should be fine. Thanks for the correction.