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My source for teeny toiletry containers

I might be a bit obsessive about finding the smallest, lightest things to travel with. 😀

I found this company, Midwest Bottles, a few years ago, and have been really happy with the items I bought there.

The website is a bit difficult, their market isn't really small orders (but they don't have a minimum), they don't take returns, and their shipping seems high (but the items themselves are really cheap).

That said, I use these 2 items a lot, and think they are just about perfect:
Teeny Jar

1/2oz. Liquid Dispenser
and lid

Posted by
2778 posts

3oz., 2oz., and even 1oz. containers/bottles are available from a number of sources, but they are bigger than I need for some things. I haven't seen the extra tiny bottles anywhere else.

Posted by
28772 posts

Thanks, Liz. I, too, an obsessed by containers.

The Container Store carries Nalgene bottles as well as GoToobs (I haven't used those) and GoTubbs. The Nalgene bottles are very nearly indestructible as well as leak-proof. They are high-quality plastic and not lightweight, so there's a trade-off to be made. I always find 1-oz. Nalgenes at TCS, but the 1/2-oz. bottles cannot be relied upon to appear. Sometimes they just aren't there, and most recently the 1/2-oz. bottles had eye-droppers--certainly useful if you need that particular feature.

The only leaks I've had when traveling--other than ballpoint pens, which don't seem to like the pressurization on airplanes--occurred when I failed to fully close a container with a screw-on lid. The best product in the world won't solve a problem rooted in human error.

Posted by
2778 posts

Interesting about the pens leaking.
I always have a few Pilot gel pens in my checked and carryon luggage and I have never had them leak. Which is good, because if you get gel ink on fabric it's not coming out.

As I mentioned on your thread, I don't care for GoToobs.

Posted by
17 posts

I can't recall where I got this tip - likely on this board! - but my favorite teeeeeny tiny containers are contact lens cases. There is space in each side for makeup, blush cream, etc. A few of these can save a lot of room over tubes/bottles of things you only need a little of!

Posted by
17 posts

Oh - just read the thread about new-ish products - a thorough discussion of contact lens cases ensues there!

Posted by
1194 posts

The problem with many brick and mortar store bottles is that they seem to be limited to 1 oz or larger. That’s a lot of liquid.
I have found that you need to order anything smaller from the internet.
Or ... use eyedrop bottles. Many times these come in 0.5 or 0.25 oz sizes.

Posted by
139 posts

When I buy face soap from the Origens shop, I ask for some empty sample jars or tubes. Some have screw-top lids like the Midwest clear jar.

Posted by
345 posts

As others mentioned, I also do not like Gotoobs, but do like the small Gotubbs (for lotions, pills etc, but not liquids). Unlike Gotoobs, the Gotubbs are lightweight, easy to use and easy to clean. I wish they had a size between small and medium.

Posted by
3653 posts

I don't like GoToobs either, as I find you can't get the last bit of lotion out, and the lids come off too easily.
I found a similar looking product, and smaller, at my local Dollar store.
Also, you can use tiny containers from the crafting areas of dollar stores and the like.
I've found tiny screwtop jars there that work fine.
I'm also always on the lookout for tiny travel items!

I like pharmacies for small containers. You can buy tiny zip-locks in the pill organizer section. Also, small empty pill bottles with the "child proof" screw-on lids. You can buy these for pocket change - just ask at the pharmacy counter.

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16733 posts

If you want to prevent leakage, put a small piece of cling film/Saran wrap over the opening of the jar/ bottle before putting the cap on. This works well for bottles that may not have the best seal.

I'll also mention for travel size products.

Posted by
95 posts

Have been recently looking for something sturdier than a ziplock baggie for my daily pills so that the pills won’t crumble and they can still fit my purse. Eureka! My emptied dental floss box is perfect for this, especially since I have a few huge pills that normally won’t fit. I use REACH dental floss, which can be bought for under $1 at Walmart. Once the floss is used, pull out the plastic insides, wash/ clean insides, relabel outside and insert daily pills. This will fit easily inside your purse or pocket.

I guess one could also use these tiny containers for other uses, like extra stamps.

Posted by
28772 posts

Brilliant! I keep any small plastic container I come across for uses like that, but I hadn't thought of using the dental-floss container for anything other than dental floss.

Posted by
4657 posts

Floss containers also make great sewing kits. No need for scissors with the built in floss cutter.
I reuse small makeup sample bottles or tubs, Dollar Store finds in craft, makeup or travel section.

Posted by
95 posts

I wrote previously about Reusing REACH brand dental floss boxes for pill boxes, as I like to use that brand of floss. I looked at other floss brand boxes and they don’t seem to work because of the way they are made. However I guess you could use the small floss sample boxes dental hygienists give out, as thread and needle( depository) holders and use their floss cutter as a thread cutter, all in one place. Use one for white thread and another for black thread. Glide floss boxes don’t have covers and are all one piece, so it’s unusable.

Posted by
420 posts

I found some very small containers at the Clinique counter. These are about the size of a quarter and about 1/2 inch deep. I use them for hair and face products and they work well because they have a screw-on lid. Whenever I buy some products I usually ask for some of the small containers. They usually give me 4 or 5.

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28772 posts

Friends were singing the praises of Muji over Christmas vacation. Alas, the US stores are mostly if not exclusively in California and New York. I get the sense that they are in expansion mode, though, so perhaps in a year or two more of us will be able to browse the stores in person. On my next trip to Europe I'll keep my eyes open for Muji. I know I've seen a few of their stores, just didn't go inside. (Mistake!)

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2 posts

For some reason I love tiny containers! The small(ish) nalgeen bottles from REI (and probably Amazon) are great for things you need a bit more of like shampoo. I use them anytime I’m spending the night anywhere and they have NEVER leaked! I second the contact lense cases when only smaller amounts of things are needed (night wrinkle eye cream ;-), baby powder/dry shampoo). Another resource for super lightweight items is It’s geared more toward backpackers but has some great items that would would work just as well for travel. I just ordered some of the mini jars and tiny spray bottles. Quality seems good but I haven’t actually traveled with them yet. They have some very small sizes. Also, some of their other small containers look suspiciously like the small nalgene ones but a brand name isn’t listed..... I think a Muji store opened near me here in LA. I will have to go check it out. Thanks for the tip!

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676 posts

The tape to prevent leaks works well. When I fly I also put liquids in a Ziploc bag for extra security. And if I need one for something else and there was no leakage I can use it.

Posted by
1305 posts

I have a nice collection of L'Occitaine empty tiny jars. They cost so much in the US, but you can find them as freebies with some British magazines at Heathrow - love to buy myself presents for the plane.

The tiny Vaseline Lip Therapy plastic "jars" are also useful - .25 oz.

I find myself hoarding tiny containers. When I travel, I go full hoarder: the little packet of sugar I didn't use on the plane - um, I may experience a life change and suddenly need sugar when I land. Tiny utensils - ditto. The roll I didn't eat for breakfast, the extra handwipe. Yikes. I need them all.

Posted by
47 posts

I'm laughing here - I too love little bottles, containers and anything I can use to pack it lighter!

I just got my package with little tubes I can fill myself from bagdent.....they're super tiny, so something like foundation works great in them since I don't wear it daily, but want some with me for a night or two out while we're I don't need much with me!

You can get them on Amazon.

Posted by
85 posts

I get Clinique tiny jars, mentioned above, at Nordstrom. One jar holds enough liquid makeup for a 5-weeks trip. Check Sephora for sample sizes, I love my Caudalie serum tiny bottle with an eyedropper dispenser. I'm another person who doesn't like the GoToobs, the odd shape and thick construction means they take up too much room in a 3-1-1 bag.

Posted by
171 posts

If you have one near you, Daiso has small containers that are great. For those not in the know, Daiso is a Japanese “Dollar” Store. I know there are stores across CA and one in Dallas.