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Luggage scales (again)

The previous threads on this date back to 2010 and are closed. I don't have bathroom scales. My kitchen scales will let me work out which pair of shoes is heavier. But this will be my first time attempting hand-luggage only so I want to do a trial packing, as my airline limit for the first leg is just 7 kg. I'd like a very light-weight luggage scale that I can take with me and use as I add or discard items during the trip. I've read reviews of the Travlon Micro; some say it's excellent, but a few others posting on Amazon gave it a very low rating, one even saying it got stuck after the first use, others that is was too inaccurate to be trustworthy. Any experience here with this or other brands likely to be distributed in Australia?

Posted by
507 posts

The first link is to hand scales & there are several. There is an AWS brand down the page for under $11 & it is advertised as compact.

Then there is the name brand.

On the 2nd link one needs to scroll down for the picture. If there is a Samsonite Outlet Store near, you may find them in there. It would seem any good luggage store would probably sell a good compact one.

Posted by
2081 posts


i just bought mine at the airport. They arent that expensive and the one i bought has done well. The only issue if you can call it was that the battery died soon after i installed it. chances are it was sitting on the shelf a long time. But i consider batteries consumables and will only live so long.

just so you know, from the one i use and im sure yours will be the same way, it takes some getting use to to operate. on mine, once it detects weight you have to gently pull up on it to measure the weight of the package. If you jerk on it or dont do it right, you will get various readings. you will need to practice on it to become consistent. I will also take several measurements to get a rough average.

also, i use mine as an ESTIMATE thats all. I also use mine to give me an estimate on any package i will send home.

happy trails.

Posted by
432 posts

Thanks, Colette, for those links. And Ray - what brand was the one you bought?

Posted by
2081 posts


"........... And Ray - what brand was the one you bought?"

it was a: Design Go Micro Scale 2007

happy trails.

Posted by
432 posts

Thanks, Ray. I've now ordered the GO Travel Digital Luggage Scale G2008, which I think is probably just an updated version of yours. I've noted what you say about batteries, and may use up the existing ones before I go, and buy replacements for the trip itself.

Somewhere in my reading up on this topic, I saw a report (can't recall where) of a woman who challenged the check-in scales reading of her bag's weight, because it differed so much from her own scales. And it was revealed that an extra weight had been taped onto the back of the check-in scales! Somewhere in South America, I think.

Posted by
2081 posts


you're more than welcome. It took a sec to find the name on the scale. They didnt have it plastered all over the unit.

with regards to the added weight on the scale, it could have been due to airline tying to pull a fast one, but who knows. I would say that the added weight was for "calibration" but i would have to believe that any "calibration" would be done via the scale controller.

i know that some smaller planes will have you weigh your luggage in order to trim the plane correctly.

as i mentioned i use my scale more to weigh packages I'm sending home. My carryon i already know is less than whats allowed since i have my packing list down to the minimum. The only time i can and will add weight is when i bring my riding clothes.

hope you like your scale and happy trails.

Posted by
19373 posts

You didn't give your location. Are you in the United States? If so, how far to the nearest post office?. They have very accurate scales. There's no need to buy a scale if you are near a post office.

When I first started flying to Europe, I carefully measure all of the individual components of my packing list and used a speadsheet to add them up. Long before I left, I trial packed and took the whole bag down and weighed it again, just to make sure I was really under the limit.

Posted by
34689 posts

Lee, "other brands likely to be distributed in Australia?" in the OP gives a hint.

Posted by
48 posts

I ordered the Travelocity Luggage Scale from Amazon before our trip because of our 10kg weight limit. My husband thought I was crazy for bringing something like that when we were already trying to pack so light but by the final flight (of 4 total on our trip) he was a huge fan. Once we were in Europe, my bag always seemed to be slightly over the limit and his slightly under so we were able to repack a bit and know we wouldn't run into trouble at the airport. Definitely a worry-reducer!

Posted by
432 posts

That looks a good one, Sara, except that it takes those harder to find and more expensive batteries. However, it doesn't seem to be available in Australia. Sara's experience is precisely why the local post office is not a solution. I shall be starting in winter and arriving in summer, so no problem to wear my heavier, warmer clothes on the plane initially; it's when I start adding them into my luggage that I may go overweight.

By the way, I was warned that the hook on some scales like the Travelon Micro may be considered to constitute a hazard in hand luggage. Anyway, I've made my pick now: we'll see how it works out in use.

Posted by
16955 posts

Ok laugh but we bought a scale at the sporting good store that's for weighing fish: hold it up and hang bag from hook. It was cheaper than the versions at travel shops, and we figured if it would work for lunkers, it would work well enough for bags. We don't stretch the limit to the last ounce, though, in case it's just a wee bit off.

Posted by
715 posts

Kathy, people who fish would never lie about the weight of their catch. I am sure it is quite accurate. ;)

Posted by
4183 posts

If the fish scale is off, my method is probably way off, but when I have tested my bag on the airport scales, it comes out the same. I weigh myself using a very accurate digital scale. Then I weigh myself holding the packed bag. I never even come close to the "limits".

Posted by
23750 posts

Cannot believe the focus on weight. This has to be marketing hype to sell luggage scales. I guess we have never worried about it since we try to keep everything less than 25 and mostly less than 20. We are headed to Cuba tomorrow followed by a cruise in the Crib. Our total weight for Cuba has to be less than 44 for everything. Even with packing some extra for the cruise, we still hanging in around 30. Just weigh it on the bathroom scale.

Posted by
19373 posts

"This has to be marketing hype to sell luggage scales."

Come on, Frank. It's not marketing hype. The weight limit on Lufthansa is 17.6#, and I have had my bags weighed several times. But there is no need to buy a scale, which might not be that accurate, anyways. Post office scales are accurate. Don't wait until you're packed to weigh your bag. Take it and all the thing you might take to the PO and weigh them individually, then create a spreadsheet with the weights.

Posted by
432 posts

As I said in my original post, Frank, the weight limit for the airline of the first segment of my trip is 7kg - that's under 15 1/2 lbs. I shall be walking in both country and town in hot weather in Georgia and Provence, and also potentially wet weather in the north of England; also walking several hours a day for a few days in the high Caucasus. Away for 5 weeks in all. I have no bathroom scales; the local post office is not near and always has queues, so is not a practical option, certainly not for repacking comparisons.

Posted by
2349 posts

On the wall of the employee lounge in the Post Office in Lakewood, CO is a poster with Lee's face on it. "Caution-this man will ask you to weigh his underwear. Stay calm and do as he says and soon he'll leave with his spreadsheet complete."

Posted by
10559 posts

@Karen . . . . Thank you for that laugh!!!

Also whoever bought the fish scale -- you're brilliant!! I love it!! (as well as the next responder's comment that fishermen/women never lie about their catch!!)

Thanks all for putting a smile on my face this evening.

Posted by
139 posts

Did anyone see the packing video with Sarah Murdoch from the Travel Talks section? I think she said that her clothing tags have the garments' weights written on them. She's quite careful about keeping to 20 lbs. She also said she was an architect, which explains the precision in materials testing. :-)

Posted by
1194 posts

I will agree with Lee that Lufthansa can and will weigh your luggage - even if you are in transit from another airline. I had to leave the secure area, stand in the luggage check line, and receive an "approved hand luggage" tag for my bag. I then had to go through security again. I came in at 6.5 kg for a Sep/Oct trip. At the time I was using the OR Essential Carry On.
One thing to remember - Lufthansa allows you to bring a personal item and they won't weigh your coat. If you must, put any jewelry, electronics, books, and liquids into your personal item and pockets.
I mailed my souvenirs home via La Poste using flat rate shipping so I wasn't worried about weight on the way back.

I think you'll enjoy going lighter.